Reviews from

in the past

Ain't gonna lie, I was afraid of this game. As someone who sucks at these, getting to the notoriously and intentionally hardest one of the series scared me from ever trying to 1cc all of these games. But after beating it, what I got was one of the best Touhou games ever!

LoLK is insanely fun. I mean it. It's not coping from how hard it is. Its difficulty is actually what I found the best about it, there were a lot of patterns that definitively need practice. Oh boy will you ever practice in this game. But to practice the attacks and then (somewhat) perfectly beat them feels so rewarding in this game. Yeah, that can apply to any game in this series, but trust me, the high you get on this game is really good for some reason.

LoLK has 2 ways of playing it: Pointdevice and Legacy. Legacy is traditional Touhou, while Pointdevice is Touhou... with checkpoints instead of lives! I would highly suggest playing Pointdevice on your first run of the game to understand what you're gonna go through should you ever 1cc this game. Trust me, if you suck at these games like me, play Reisen. She is literally the cheat character

Plot is one of the craziest in this series, and the OST has no misses at all. Hell, I stayed on the title screen to listen to the main menu theme in full before playing, the first game to ever make me consider doing that!

Cock and Ball Torture: The Game

did you know clownpiece is harder on normal than on lunatic. peak

pointdevice devia existir em todo bullet hell

junko is literally me. we share the same journey. there are no differences between us. she is completely and utterly me.



also Hecatia and Junko are dating and Clownpiece's moms


Pointdevice is fun! Legacy isn't!

This ended up being the first Touhou game I ever actually cleared. While this game is extraordinarily difficult, it also had point device mode. Does this make the gameplay itself easier? No. But it does give you the ability to try over and over again, so you can still beat it with enough time and determination.

While at times it can feel a bit like banging your head into a wall, I found this game to be an extremely valuable resource as a beginner. The ability to focus on one spellcard until you do it right helps you learn in a much less roundabout way than having to restart the whole game to get back to the card that killed you [unless you use practice mode, of course!]

I haven't tried legacy mode, so I can't comment on that, but despite the difficulty this game is easy to recommend. I would never do so as a first game, but I did find it helped me improve drastically when I was stuck in the very starting stages of learning how to play touhou. After beating this game, other games suddenly felt much, much more doable!

its pretty fun! its also obnoxiously brutal! i dont feel like i can properly review this game because its just too hard without spamming reisen bomb.

the best stage 6 boss out of any touhou game

what they doin on the moon dawg 😂

I need to learn how to manually create lucid dreams so that I can pretend I have met the real Doremy Sweet.

great game but for sure the hardest touhou game to date

Junko's theme IS SO GOOOOOOOOD

Visuals and themes of this are great, gameplay is very very hard but rewarding, after finnaly 1cc lunatic which took me days of trying, the amount of pleasure I got from it was immense. Also fuck you clownpiece and Hecatia.

After peeping some Touhou side material (Bougetsushou) y'know maybe Junko had a point.

quem não gosta é porque nunca sentiu o poder

hard as balls but PEAK AS FUCK

Amazing music, gameplay is hit or miss. Point-device mode was def perfect for this game.
Stages are shit tough and the scoring sucks.
Lunatic on Point-device can also get a bit nerve-wracking.
Legacy mode is weirdly easier on Lunatic.

It's different and I like it for that. Also Junko

Would probably enjoy it more if I were better at the game :3

also like another reviewer said, this is one of the first touhou games i actually cleared due to point-device mode, love the ost so much...

Good game. Love Junko& life is good.