Reviews from

in the past

Toy Story 3 yeah? More like Toy Story 3/10. Yeah! Take that Randy Newman!

If all you had was a PSP or PS2, this would be a serviceable enough way of playing the video game adaptation of Toy Story 3.
It's probably not as good as the big boy (at the time) "next-gen" counterparts (I assume. I never played it), but does have enough charming parts here and there to be an enjoyable experience.

The emulation on PS4 sucks, though.

It’s perfectly fine but yeah it’s definitely weak compared to the PS3/360 version of the game but it’s not bad and it wouldn’t hurt to play

(Played on PS4 btw)

For a PS2/portable tie-in movie game, it’s not half bad.
I’d say it even rivals the next gen version of the game at points.
Buzz Adventures is awesome as fuck, do not deny that

Toy Story 3 on PS2 and PSP is more than just a scaled down version of the PS3/X360/Wii release, it's a completely separate game.

The game is a pretty basic 3D platformer, and while it's overshadowed by the next-gen release, it's still fun to go through. The main story features 13 levels, alternating between the 4 playable characters for each one. It follows the plot of the movie closely, with narration from Rex in-between levels. The levels themselves aren't very challenging, and are generally short. The side content includes another 14 levels; 6 "Buzz Adventures" levels, 6 "Woody's Roundup" levels, and 2 "Aliens Escapades" levels. Buzz Adventures are basic, bordering on repetitive since the scenery doesn't change much. Woody's Roundup is unique but gets old fast. Aliens Escapades are the most enjoyable for me since they feature puzzle elements, but are longer than other levels in the game.

Overall, it's an alright game, the most interesting parts are mainly due to it being entirely different to the next-gen release, and being limited by the hardware.

psp version is inferior cause where is toy box mode :( :( :(

zerei no play2 e psp. joguinho divertido com fases bem construídas

Debo decir: gran plataformero. Es sencillo, sí, pero finalmente lo encontré una experiencia muy divertida con un gameplay que siempre se mantiene fluido y los coleccionables no están nada mal, aunque algunos pecan de estar demasiado ocultos en lugares donde no te imaginarías de buenas a primeras.Sinceramente me divertí mucho con el juego (que aparte está bastante cortito) y me sorprende el nivel de calidad que tiene este título, tanto en PS3/Xbox 360 como en consolas portátiles.

Eu gostei tando da versão de ps2, quanto da do psp. Porém esse jogo não é o mesmo do xbox 360, esse dizem que é melhor.

Esse jogo é muito divertido, tem uma trilha sonora marcante, tem uma gameplay divertida, porém esse jogo é bem curto e dá pra acabar ele muito rápido, ele também tem muitas limitações e perde várias coisas cruciais que tem no Xbox 360.

This game lives in the shadow of it's next gen Console and non handheld bigger brother, but don't let that stop you from trying this out. Toy Story 3 is still a surprisingly well done licensed game, even if it's missing aspects of it's next gen counterpart. The biggest missing issue is the Toybox mode, which is disappointing, and the game is still pretty short despite having 5 more levels than most other versions of the game. The levels however are still just as fun, with each level having plenty of collectibles to find throughout your playthrough, followed by the unlocking of additional challenges such as a time trial for each level and sometimes a toy block busting challenge. You'll also unlock 3 different minigame with their own set of levels, 2 of them being really fun references as one sees you playing through episodes of Woody's Round-up as well as playing through the Buzz LightYear videogame you see at the start of Toy Story 2. The other is a duo of puzzle levels involving the green aliens as they try to find their way home. All of the minigame modes are pretty short, but still very welcome and fun additions for TS fans. If you've played through the PS3/360/Wii version of the game and are still looking for more , I recommend playing through the uprezzed version of the game on PS4/5.

The PS3/Xbox/Wii version of the game definitely provides for a better experience than this one does, but it's still a tolerable game. The levels can get very repetitive and the gameplay mechanics don't always work all that well, but there are minigames and such sprinkled inbetween levels to keep things refreshing enough. I could see myself spending a fair amount of time on this game if I owned it as a kid

Past Gen Toy Story 3 on PSP, I love this game, comfy little game for me. I used to watch the playthroughs of this a lot as a kid and to finally play it for comfort was quite fun. I don't have much to say, great companion to a great movie, makes me comfortable just thinking about it. I prefer the linear levels to the Toy Box aspect of the Next Gen version from just glancing but maybe I'll change my mind whenever I get to that on PC.

I also did all the Side Missions and DLCs.

Amava jogar isso no Playstation 2, e eu tive q simplesmente masterizar esse jogo todo e fazer uma speedrun pra conseguir zerar kkkkk pq eu era uma criança estúpida e não tinha um memory card pra salvar o jogo, eu joguei tanto q eu simplesmente decorei cada coisinha e tudo q tinha q fazer. A primeira speedrun a gente nunca esquece.

Fine little licensed game. Obviously not as good as the main version, but it's perfectly solid

I unironically think this is one of the best games of all time, and I will die supporting what I believe in.

Fico feliz do jogo ser divertido da forma que eu lembrava.