Reviews from

in the past

The best fucking FPS ever. Unfathomable amounts of content even without mods and user-made stuff. Surpasses perfection with them - still has one of the best mods ever, Ballistic Weapons (which is still updated and developed even until now by the way). Everything in this game is just so fucking satisfying, it just never gets old.

Bombing run is the most fun FPS mode ever.

Kinda wish I knew how to bind the dashes to something other than a double-tap.

HOLY SHIT! This game is just GODLIKE!

When it comes to UT2004, you can't go wrong. It's another badass shooter that to this day still holds up as one of the best shooters of all time. A lot of good stuff came from UT especially the Announcer soundbites. Those are the main highlight.

I miss the days of good old Unreal Tournament. They'll always be better than that pussy ass shooter game you kids got now. What's that called again? Fortsome-- who cares?! Play Unreal Tournament. This is a real shooter!

Yeah this game slaps. Its just fucking awesome.

The definitive Unreal Tournament game from the series as it should be, alongside the og UT 99, what else can I say 'bout these gems?

Honestly, nothing feels better than firing 3 rockets simultaneously at an enemy ai that just called you a bitch in voice chat.

Possibly the most meaty arena shooter on the market to this day! Several gamemodes including deathmatch, CTF, a horde mode, a mission-based attack and defend mode, and even a mode based off huge battlefields and wicked vehicles are present. Even more impressive is just how many maps are availiable for each game mode! Castles, egyptian tombs, dogfights in space, and even a train-heist await you!
Of course this quantity of content would mean nothing if it were not paired with Unreal's incredibly solid foundation. To this day, Unreal Tournament's weapon roster is incredibly unconventional yet incredibly charming and satisfying to use. Movement is also altered in a fun way with the addition of a teleportation frisbee gun and a quick (although unwieldy) dodge.
Absolutely everything in this game feels fresh even to this day and is very much worth experiencing. If the game starts getting dull, there's mutators! Or you could customize your a.i. opponents. Not enough? There is over a decade's worth of fan-made maps, weapons, and game modes (including an early version of killing floor!) out there if you want to get even more out of this amazing package. The a.i. is more than competent enough to experience this all with you!
My only mark against this game is the lack-luster campaign mode as you're honestly better off just making your own matches through freeplay. But other than that, this game is an all-you-can-eat-buffet for lovers of the genre.

the Unreal games never really hit the spot for me for some reason (maybe because i love Quake). i'll stick to UT99for when i do have the craving for some Unreal matches.

probably the oldest game that i still play somewhat regularly. i've been playing on and off and since launch but it was really my post high school years, long after the game was old and deprecated, that stick out to me. we accidentally recreated Tribes to some degree within UT2K4 and have now been playing this version of the game exclusively (with a limited map pool) for nigh on eight years now. thats staying power

One of the best multiplayer games ever, the last good Unreal Tournament.

This game absolutely rocks. Is a classic arena shooter, with a variety of modes you can play. All centered around shooting stuff. The IA is a helluva bitch on hard difficulties, actual cheater mfs so I can't say I completed this game. But Deathmatch and such is a fun time.

Nothing else to say.

Sad that Epic delisted it from...everywhere digital. Ha! I've my copy in a disc, sealed forever.

idk if i played this one or 2003

I can't play what is arguably one of Epic's best games. I own the game physically but I can't install it in full because I am missing the last disc. Even though I could've used the CD Key on the Epic Games Store to get it there, Epic pulled all the Unreal games from the face of the Internet.

Fuck you Epic Games.

If UT2003 was the prelude , this was for sure the full course meal.

UT 2004 sits at the same level as UT99 for me, but with a different aesthetic and feel.

The addition of vehicles was cool, and all the new maps and characters really expanded the world and lore in my mind.

If only they could get back to this formula...

The final glorious stand of the frag fest. A sugar rush that sustains itself.

igual de bueno que el 99, cuando epic hacía buenos jegos antes de que saliera fortnite y cancelaran el unreal que iba a salir SIGO RESENTIDO TODAVÍA EPIC

I thought I lost interest into checking out Unreal Tournament and while I did feel disappointed, later on I played it more and found it to be a very fun shooter. A lot of content in this game and it really sucks the game no longer has a very big community. Still a fun time. Go play it if you want a good ass arena fps

no multiplayer game will ever be this cool. LAN parties were fuckin crazy once someone broke this bad boy out.
all together now: MMMMMMISTER CROW

i hate getting into old online games way too late because man i want a resurgence of this and UT99 so badly

peak of pc shooters, you cannot sway me otherwise

One of the best games ever. Tons of content, solid gameplay. Simple and fun. Mods make it even better . Its a great sci fi shooter series all about tourneys , skill and fun with imaginative maps and game modes . would 100% recommend.

One of my all-time favorite PC-games, and a masterpiece overall. Back when arena shooters were a thing, this is definitely the highest quality game you can ever get, and it holds up well even today.
The fact that its AI is still considered one of the best, and people still play it is truly a testament to its greatness and its long-lasting legacy.
I mean cmon, it has fast-paced action, great weapons, many maps, epic vehicle combat(!), a well-done singleplayer campaign with intelligent bots, extreme moddability and great soundtrack!

32 player deathmatch was very enjoyable.

Hate to say it but this game is better than Fortnite.

Peak, this is the peak of fps multiplayer, if you didnt play this game you lost big time.

Peak multiplayer fun, no other game has as many built in maps, characters, weapons, or gamemodes. Perfectly balances being a great casual game to play with friends while still having lots of competitive depth. Onslaught is a blast with a full server, with a great blend of vehicle and on-foot combat, and Deathmatch maps are amazingly designed. I can't think of any real complaints besides Epic Games' neglect of these games, this game is effectively abandonware now with the master servers being brought down (OpenSpy makes this a non-issue just use that) and it being delisted everywhere so just download an archive.

Favorite Unreal game. Loved the vehicle and general art design, loved Onslaught, and the amount of content the game has for an FPS is insane.