Reviews from

in the past

For context:

I reviewed WARIO LAND: SUPER MARIO LAND 3 (original version) so to keep things simple I'm going to restate what I said in my review of the original game:

The DX version of Wario Land is fundamentally the same, so really it's preference as they're both the same game, just the original is in black and white, and the DX is in color.

Unlike say SUPER MARIO LAND 1 DX and Super Mario Land 2 DX where they changed the color palette to fit more in line with Say SUPER MARIO WORLD color palette, WARIO LAND COLOR EDITION adds colors to make the game look more appealing and giving it a nice coat of paint to raise it's quality to that of it's sequels with their colors.

I will say I am disappointed that while the coloring is appealing, whether due to lack of time, or due to lack of ability to do so since the team was working with a Gameboy game, but it's disappoint Wario looks off in color. Wario's skin comes across more orange than yellow, I feel like they should've looked at how SUPER MARIO LAND 2 DX made Wario's color palette, and while yes he does have his yellow shirt and hat, he lack his purple suspenders and green shoes. Another thing is how Wario looks apart from his orange skin, is his lack of a pink nose which is specific to him. I assume this is because of the Original Gameboy's limitation, so it's fine with what color we got on Wario.

While the color for the power ups work well, I feel like the team should've changed the shape of the dragon pot to look less phallic, reason I mention this is because in SUPER MARIO LAND 1and 2 DX, the team changed the 1-UP HEARTS to regular green 1 up mushrooms. Along with this they changed Mario's fire flower appearance completely for Super Mario Land 2, in the original to indicate he had the fire flower they put a feather on his hat to show he does (Reason being the gameboy was black and white/vomit green on grass green so they couldn't change/swap Mario's colors, while in the DX version they just changed it to his classic red and white style to show Mario has the fire flower to fit more inline with the console version.

I feel like the team here should've changed the phallic shape of the Dragon Pot, yes they did give the dragon ability a green texture which works, but since they're making the game in color, they should've changed the sprite a bit to indicate "this turns Wario into a dragon because it's dragon shapped" or something.

Still though the overall color palette chosen fits really well, just those small critiques would make this the definitive version of WARIO LAND: SUPER MARIO LAND 3.

The DX versions of 1 and 2 are the definitive versions in my opinion, however for WARIO LAND: SUPER MARIO LAND 3 it's really just a preference of "do you want to play the game in black and white or in color.

I'd still take this over the original since it adds vibrancy and color, but doesn't make the original worthless, I think it's a pick and choose in this case of a fantastic game.

I highly recommend both versions of WARIO LAND SUPER MARIO LAND 3, however the color version does a great job of adding color, thanks for reading!

I wrote this review for Wario Land 1 last year, when this was really the version of the game I played. I don't want to remove or replace that review, so I'm not formally rating this mod. Just putting up a quick review blurb so my "Games of 2022" list shows I've finished all games listed.

For comments on the mod itself - I played Version 1.0, which was a bit buggy. There was a moment during my livestreamed playthrough in the Sherbet Land boss fight when the color palette started freaking out, and I had to reset the game. It looks like that's since been addressed, so this issue shouldn't come up if you download the latest version, but it's still worth note. Otherwise, I generally found the colors to be a decent conversion, and the mod largely unobtrusive to the core experience.

For notes on said core experience, see the review in the above link.

The game that taught me I have a completionist problem.