Reviews from

in the past

A really polished game in which you are a blacksmith who has been shipwrecked in a new land. As expected, you build up a reputation and make more and more stuff. It's a lot of quest-make shit-make money/further the plot. Very straightforward and simple, but well done and with nice graphics. Crafting in the game is great, easy, and fun.

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Enjoyed the gameplay and graphics style of the game overall. I'm a sucker for a crafting and questing game. I did like the initial progression of things that unlock and perks you get as you level but later game it was a blend of either, way too pain in the butt to get a ton of lower tier materials for use in end game crafts.

I never actually ended up fulfilling any bounties at the last area. The potion section really went over my head so I actually never made or used any I had.

While I liked rebuilding the town as a concept there wasn't a crazy amount of benefits or use in my opinion. It became a place I made initial buildings and didn't feel they needed upgrades because I was already at the end of the game.

I loved that we did get a simple way to mass craft small metal pieces about mid-game, it was right when the grind would have broken the spirit and will to play. BUT, I terribly wish they gave a way other than single clicking to up that number. A blank number entry or a way to say "up it by 5s or 10s" because clicking 100 times per pieces was still tedious.

There are quite a few quests I wanted a little more explanation, but I was able to figure them out pretty quick. What I majorly wanted was that when you walk into town, who in the world knows what town it is. I'd love the name to pop up or be somewhere.

There’s a ghost of a good game in here but even that is washed out with busy work. Astonishingly unsatisfying to play.

After thoroughly enjoying the first 6-8 hours of the game, it eventually became monotonous and the story was not good enough to keep me going.
When the game first teaches you the blacksmithing mechanics, I was sure I'd be bored extremely quickly but instead I found myself very engaged, enjoying the simple but fun blacksmithing process and wanting to fulfill all the townspeople's menial requests simply because I wanted to make more stuff. This was the case for the first 2 towns. At this point, making items was a 4-step process: Mine, Smelt, Shape, Assemble. Fine, no worries.

Then the third town comes and it introduces a new material (Damascus) that must be made from the other two previously available materials (iron and steel). This made every request a 6-step process (mine, smelt, shape, assemble, smelt that, shape those, assemble) that was not enjoyable and also not easy to accomplish.

Then the next town came and there was another new material (glass) you needed to make out of other materials, another 6-step process.

Then the 4th town came and you needed to enchant glass items which is a 7-step process, minimum, with Damascus required sometimes also, bumping up those steps in many cases.

At this point it was taking so long to just fulfill one request that it was no longer enjoyable. I hate to see how many steps would have been required for the requests in the 5th area.

Stealth sequences in a non-stealth game 👎👎

I started this one but it didn't do much for me. It's a 2d platformer with combat, resource gathering and crafting. Shelved it because the gameplay just wasn't clicking with me and I found it a bit boring.

Jogo bom porém repetitivo e com alguns bugs chatos. Perdi meu save depois do carro desaparecer ao descansar e ficar sem conseguir sair do lugar com isso

The game starts out super cute
But then turns out to be a bit grindy blacksmithing
Also apparently there are good & bad endings where you can only get one with no load-back to select the other one so you can experience both.
And the only determination about what ending are you getting is a one "either this or that" choice at the end of the game.
Which all and all kinda felt like a "fuck you" in the face to me after a 10-15 hours or grinding.

Jogo bom, ser ferreiro eh meu oficio

I played through the game but found that no grinding or side quests really mattered till post game. Then it was just boring acquiring of materials to have the assistant build for me.

I do like this kind of mindless crafter (see: spiritfarer) but there was just a whole lot missing from this. Like why was the whole morality issue over arms manufacturing only a part of the last act of the game - that should have been the whole game instead of whatever nothing the actual plot was. 🙅‍♀️

Listen, I love repetitive games, but this one is a little excessive. For real, I even got to the desert, but the problem here is that you get stuck a lot because the quests aren't clear, or at least have a little mark so you know where to go or what to do. If this was well explained, it would've saved me a lot of time. Overall, the music was okay, the gameplay has a few minigames that are entertaining maybe for the 50th time, after that amount, it sucks. Later you can forge a few pieces at the same time, or even skip minigames, but by that time I doubt that you're not bored yet. Maybe it's because I played this very early and there's almost no walkthroughs, but I've gotten tired and don't care anymore.

After playing for a while, I'm lowering my review. While this one was fun, there were some buggy elements that could wreck the game. For example, if your inventory is fully when you're set to receive important blueprints, you just lose those blueprints forever.

Overall, I really enjoyed the game but wish it was just a bit tighter. I finished it and enjoy that there's a sequel hook and am crossing my fingers for another game in this series at some point.

The blandest indie "cozy" game you can find. Has the busywork mechanics of a farming sim without the gratification. Characters and plot have zero personality or are derivative of other, better stories. The animation priority in the platform sections just make it take too long.

The only sense of progression you feel here is numbers going up. It makes it feel like a cynical phone game.

depois de fazer tanto a mesma coisa, ir em algum lugar, pegar missões fazer alguns itens várias e várias vezes, acaba enjoando, mas é um jogo fofinho e bonitinho

Muito divertido, me prendeu por horas, simples mais gostoso de se jogar, mistura jogos de aventura com farm e gerenciamento, porem achei o final da história meio broxa.

Partes fortes:
+ Ambientação
+ Construção de itens
+ Progressão e Exploração
Partes neutras:
+/- História
+/-Side Quests
Partes fracas
- Puzzles
- Ritmo (muito lento)

No geral é um bom jogo, a progressão e as conquistas que você faz são muito satisfatórias, e a mecânica principal de forjar metais e itens é legal também.

The pixel art style grew on me. I liked the core gameplay of blacksmithing, playing with a controller also provided rumble which fit nicely. Main complaint is I had no attachment to the story and anything after a certain point I just was going through the motions to get more money.

Le veía potencial a la premisa de hacer herramientas y trinkets a tus vecinos e ir por ahí haciéndole cosas a la gente cada vez más complejas. AL principio pensaba que bueno los minijuegos eran bastante aburridos y repetitivos (tanto que hay una mejora que te los quita), no había historia como tal, solo una excusa baratísima, y que lo de la energía no lo entendía cuándo no había nada por tiempo, sobraba mucha y podías ir en cualquier momento a dormir. Quizás para subir de nivel, pero vamos, las mejoras que te dan son paupérrimas, y muchas son inútiles una vez consigues quitarte los minijuegos. Pensé que cuándo se fuesen desbloqueando más cosas mejoraría.

No lo hace. El inicio es casi lo mejor de las 8 h que he jugado. Una gran pena, pero entre lo aburrido, las misiones infinitas, las minas con monstruos que te quitan energía y te devuelven al inicio (a sabiendas de que andar es un coñazo en el juego, más por desniveles), y demás, no puedo recomendarlo. Se queda cerca de aprobar, pero ni eso consigue para mi.

I enjoyed it, but there are some QOL improvements that could be done. I also would have appreciated the heads up about the end of the game choice - I got a sudden "bad" ending and since it's auto save only I couldn't go back to see the other option.

Most comparable to spiritfarer in terms of mechanical gameplay. Charming and simple. lacking in depth of mechanics but that doesnt detract from it at all!

It's good as a mindless, charming crafter. There's some interesting mechanics brought with this one, and it's surprisingly expansive. Perhaps a bit too much for the likes of me, who couldn't be bothered to engage into some of its secondary systems as I didn't feel like I needed them to progress, and they just required more grinding than I was comfortable with.

There's a lot of craft, then craft again, then craft once more, and that can get tiresome to some people. But still, i think the ideas are good. If you're a completionist, you'll probably be surprised by how much time this game is willing from give you. If you're not, you'll probably be annoyed at how much time it's willing to take from you.