Reviews from

in the past

I remember just playing this game a shit-ton when I was like 6

Are you getting bored of these yet? I am. WRC is a rally series focusing more on realism than most of the other rally games on the 360. Here we are at the 3rd in the series. What I'm taking from these games is that they went down the FIFA route of just releasing the same game every year with updated teams. In 2023 it is pretty much a moot point. Do you really care if Sebastien Loeb is in the wrong car? Probably not. There has been a slight change in the career mode, they have cut out a lot of the car development and garage aspects, in an attempt to streamline it. This may not seem like a big deal, but considering its a game only for hardcore rally fans, they are alienating their audience a bit. If you see all 5 WRC games for sale, and this is the cheapest one, then grab it. Otherwise, there is really no reason to buy this if you have any of the other games in the series.

Pretty much the same game as the first one, except with nicer graphics and horrible brostep soundtrack. Please, video game industry, bring back jungle, drum-n-bass, techno, big beat, hip-hop, metal, anything else but this.