Reviews from

in the past

lacks substance but it's a pretty enjoyable sim, with a main goal to keep you pushing and cool customizables. fulfills the power fantasy urge if you ever have it, and replay value is decent though gaming channels are the main attraction for sure.

lmao i remember when i accidentally made my character gay in this game

Ironic enough this game existed only to be milked on youtube

cancer is a horrible thing, but it's not horrible enough - Evil Keemstar

i can't even lie i definitely enjoyed playing this game even tho it was extremely repetitive and the pace was weird.

Fun for a while but get's super boring, a bit like actual content creation!!!!

I still remember how the time would go really fast in the game to the point where I had no time to buy myself food and only ate bread, if only I didn't move out of my mom's house.

de normal es colosalmente aburrido pero si te pones un video ensayo de dos horas de fondo y te dedicas a hacer el gilipollas esta divertido

It's something you play when you're bored on a trip-

até hoje eu me questiono pq gastei TRINTA REAIS nisso. podia ter comprado várias cervejas com esse dinheiro

Meu Deus que jogo é ridiculamente cagado, os graficos são horriveis a "historia" é ridicula demais, as mecanicas são muito pobres e cansam fácil, o jogo é repetitivo e cansa muito rápido, eu tenho certeza que a galera que desenvolveu o jogo gastou toda a grana pra conseguir os direitos pra usar a palavra youtuber e usou o restinho da grana que sobrou com o desenvolvimento e publicidade do jogo

Fun for a short while yet repetitive after a while.

its basically the sims, except your a youtuber and its less fun.

From what I remember from playing this game, it was pretty average to say the least.

I remember failing cracking this game when I was 13 and getting a virus

This game fucking sucks holy shit, but the music is really peak yup for sure

This game man. Addicting but so repetitive. It gets super slow and not as much rewardable. Although it's fun. for the first 10 hours... and then the nightmare begins...

Um simples e repetitivo simulador.

Tem uma gameplay minimamente interessante, com o mesmo ritmo de um bêbado tentando caminhar em linha reta. E a música é grosseiramente repetitiva e mal conectada (existe um vácuo entre os loops).

Dizer mais do que isso é gastar tempo em vão, francamente.

Here's the thing, alright? This game does NOTHING right. It doesnt know the first thing about operating a successful business. I'M THE ONE... who operated a successful youtube channel. Me! REEE!
The only realistic thing about this 'GAME' is the fact that, you NEVER have enough money for those NEW games. THIS IS WHY YOUTUBERS (me) NEED YOUR DONATIONS, MORONS!

Played this ages ago, now that I look back on it, it was really boring and I have no idea how it got so popular.

This game isn't that good, but it's fun if you want to pretend to be a YouTuber with unrealistic results without putting in the work or getting anything out of it.

Le principe est assez sympa et cool toujours sympa de le relancer pour un petit moment même si je le trouve assez cher pour ce que le jeu propose