Reviews from

in the past

Me gustó, lloré. Nirmala tkm.

A story of loss, grief, and acceptance. It hits deep with its message despite being a little predictable. I won't forget this one anytime soon.

I found this game completely by accident, downloaded the demo, and went on to buy. It's very solid, emotionally effective, sweet in all the right cozy nostalgic ways, and it's extremely well-presented. The back half of the finale drags a bit for me but YMMV.

Love the concept - need to continue playing it.
Bought it physically in Japan before hearing it would get a local physical release as well (lol)

Preciosa aventura narrativa de la que hay que saber nada para disfrutarla como se merece.
Con una jugabilidad muy sencilla pero con unos personajes que te llegan a los más profundo (No hay ni un NPC sin vida propia), A Space for the Unbound se convierte en uno de los mejores juegos que he podido disfrutar esta mitad de año.

Nota final: 9,5


To the moon vibes
Só que bom.

There aren't many games that can emotionally move me as much as this game does. It starts off as a slice of life story between a high school couple and a simple date to the movies. The story then quickly spirals into a mystery where strange occurrences appear throughout the town. Lots of supernatural and fantasy elements here.

The story deals with some serious and mature themes and even starts off with a warning of such nature. Despite the colorful tone and atmosphere early in the game, there are a lot of dark heavy moments hiding beneath it that left me uncomfortable at times. The emotional journey does end with a satisfying conclusion albeit leaving some plot points up to interpretation.

Other than the main characters, there's a lot of NPCs to interact with and a decent chunk of them are involved in the main story. Their personal stories are decently developed despite their small screentime. The writing as a whole is well executed.

The art direction and the pixelated graphics looks great with a decent range of animation.

The music is on the pleasant side with many well composed piano pieces. There are a few vocal tracks that help supplement the emotional moments.

The gameplay is similar to point and click adventure games. You move a character on a 2D plane and enter different rooms or areas on the side. There's a large amount of NPCs roaming the area that you can talk to. Puzzles are placed throughout the game and range from incredibly simple to more complex ones. The latter are not very common.

There's a mechanic that allows the player to dive within the mind/soul of a character to help resolve issues. All of these involve solving puzzles in some form.

Despite how it seems, there are actual combat moments which mostly involve inputting QTEs. These aren't difficult in general fortunately.

There are collectibles and a few optional sidequests in the game. However, getting all of these collectibles can be a hassle if you want to view a bonus scene at the end of the game. Many of the collectibles are chapter locked so there's no way to go back and get them if you missed out the first time other than do a completely new playthrough. Fortunately, Youtube exists.

Overall, the gameplay is decent and relaxing most of the time. Just a few frustrating moments on some of the QTEs and puzzles. The gameplay is actually very similar to 13 Sentinels' story portion of the game for those that are familiar with it.

The game takes about 10 hours to complete on a blind playthrough and recommended for those that want to experience a strong emotional story.

The beautiful pixel art and heartfelt story set in Indonesia make this game worth playing in my opinion. Overall, A Space for the Unbound has a lot of heart and charm. The ending especially is great and concludes the narrative in a satisfying way.

To make it hit harder, however, it probably should have been one or two hours shorter. The middle parts suffered from pacing issues and dragged on for a bit too long. The puzzles are fine, nothing too challenging, and the main game mechanic, called space diving, is quite compelling. Only the fighting (implemented as sequenced quick time prompts) felt uninspired at times. Moreover, I wish a chapter select option were unlocked after finishing the game in order to complete some of the sidequests you may have missed during your first playthrough, especially since checking them all off rewards you with a lovely bonus cutscene in the end.

Despite some of its shortcomings, I enjoyed my time playing A Space for the Unbound and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys story-driven games with laid-back gameplay.

When I started this, I was in the mood for some light-hearted, fun adventure, but what I got instead was something much, much deeper with very serious, even dark themes, and a tearjerker, coming-of-age plot – and I don’t mind it one bit. The 2D, pixel-art graphics reminded me of all the old point ‘n’ click games I played as a kid, so the nostalgia factor was definitely strong here, that’s already a huge plus for me. The characters were fun, the puzzles were OK (not that crazy difficult for adventure veterans, though), but the QTE battles felt a bit out of place, at least as far as I’m concerned. There are even a few optional objectives, and all in all, you can spend around 10 hours, maybe more, with the whole thing, which is quite a long playtime for this genre if you ask me. But not too long – just the right amount. Oh, and I got really interested in Indonesian cuisine now, thanks to all the tasty food they talk about! :D

Due to depictions of anxiety, depression, and suicide, I can’t recommend this to everyone, but if you’re old enough and OK with such content, give it a try (of course, don’t expect anything very realistic or gory). And be sure to have a few tissues at hand!

Uma obra e tanto, acompanhar assuntos sensíveis de uma forma tão bela e não romantizar é incrível, adorei os sentimentos que essa obra passa, as músicas temáticas que combinam com as situações, vai de um jogo alegre e divertido para um jogo TÃO profundo do nada, diria que é um dos, senão o melhor jogo que eu joguei nos últimos anos, eu não tenho palavras para descrever o quanto eu amei essa obra.

Planejo fazer uma review adequada pra sutileza com que o jogo trata com problemas tão sensíveis, algo que me faz apreciar bastante grande parte do conteúdo presente aqui, mas deixo bem claro, é uma experiência linda e dolorosa (principalmente se você passou por uma situação semelhante a que o jogo trata). Com toda certeza esse jogo vale a atenção de mais pessoas.

Es un juegazo, pero lo mata el gameplay: Eres un recadero durante horas.


Acabei de terminar o jogo e me questiono se vou voltar a jogá-lo de novo, acho que preciso digerir tudo e tentar entender novamente, comecei o jogo muito bem e adorando tudo, mas acabei meio aborrecido e confuso.

No fim tive algumas dificuldades com certos puzzles bem desafiadores, mas no começo é tudo tão óbvio que nem chega a ser um puzzle.

A arte desse jogo é simplesmente impressionante, o visual das pixel art é lindo, a atmosfera que o jogo quer passar é simplesmente encantadora e é quase como realmente um teleporte aos anos 90 da Indonésia, tudo é muito lindo e funcional.
Esse jogo realmente me pareceu como um jogo antigo e não como um jogo atual que tenta ser antigo, me senti quase como em um jogo retrô.

Eu explorei o máximo que pude e até demorei um pouco mais que o de costume pra terminar esse jogo, mas ainda assim ficou faltando fazer algumas coisas e não consegui todos os colecionáveis, fiquei bastante frustrado com isso pois são colecionáveis perdiveis e eles realmente pareciam adicionar mais ao jogo.

Não consigo me esquecer do quanto esse jogo me lembra Life Is Strange.

A trilha sonora é muito aconchegante e deixa o jogo extremamente relaxante, tem um som ambiente particularmente ADMIRANTE, no fim foi uma boa experiência, só acho que eu poderia ter entendido um pouco mais do fim dessa história.

Com um visual pixel art deslumbrante, uma trilha envolta em melodias que vão do aconchego ao mistério e uma história delicada e instigante, A Space for the Unbound transporta o jogador de volta para o final dos 90 e nos convida a enxergar o mundo com outros olhos, mostrando que a felicidade pode estar nos detalhes mais simples da vida.

Review completa em:

It pains me to say this, considering I fully expected to love it based on everything I read, but... A Space for the Unbound is one of the most intensely boring video games I've ever had the misfortune to play. Five hours in and I had no choice but to abandon it, because I just couldn't take the sheer tedium involved in the act of 'playing' it anymore. It is such a slog. There might be a good story in here somewhere, but I'll never know because it's buried under a barrage of mindless fetch quests that are dragged out to breaking point. A character wants a cake? You have to run around town for half an hour doing a bunch of ridiculous errands to get a chef to make it. One of those errands involves catching a rooster in order to bring it to a chicken in order to gain access to an egg. In order to capture the rooster, you are forced to endure a minigame where the main character has to sneak up on it without being caught. It sucks. All the minigames suck. Outside of reading text boxes, the game mostly consists of running back and forth around town and it FUCKING SUCKS!

It's a game so boring that it regularly put me to sleep. That's not me using an expression for the sake of emphasis. The game literally kept putting me to sleep every time I played. No game has ever done that to me before.

Sorry, this is less of a review and more of a rant. But how this crap has a rating of "Overwhelming Positive" on Steam I'll never know. Just another one of life's little mysteries I suppose.

we need to be writing games full of text better than this

Un juego artísticamente bonito y pulido, con una jugabilidad sencilla, pero divertida, y con una historia madura, melancólica y emotiva sobre una metáfora preciosa sobre aceptarse a uno mismo con todos nuestros defectos.

Análisis completo:

If only this had less...gameplay, or at least better gameplay. It doesn't even try to hide the fact that most of it is running back and forth doing random stuff for people.
Because yeah, the story and how it's told is fantastic. Games that can manage to move me in ways that this has are very few. Absolutely beautiful message/themes that hit hard now, and would have been possibly life-changing if I was 15 years younger.
I've rated it pretty low (struggling between a 3 or 3.5) because I can't quite forgive the slog that is the actual gameplay, but if I was rating the story itself it'd be much higher.
And I feel like I should also point out the pixel artwork because it's just phenomenal.

An amazing narrative in a unique setting, held back slightly by the gameplay.

A Space for the Unbound is a game about growing up, through the eyes of our main character, Atma. We see him and his interactions with the other people in this little town in Indonesia, who are dealing with their own troubles. We all have some worry deep down; this game tells the story of these worries. Characters get a lot of development, making them feel more human, as they have relatable good and bad traits, and the music helped drive emotions. Small side-quests also helped build the context of Atma's relationships with other characters.

My only gripe throughout this whole journey was the gameplay. There was a lot of fetch quests, and although I loved exploring the town, it was tiring to walk 5 minutes to one end of the town to pick up one thing only to walk back 5 minutes to progress the story. Various collectables are missable too; once you miss it in one chapter, it won't show up in the next. I missed out on a small bonus scene post-credits and a couple achievements because of this, and I'm not willing to spend another 9-ish hours to redo that.

I think this game is a must-play for anyone interested in a coming-of-age story. While the gameplay can be weak at times, the narrative makes up for that by a lot. A lot of passion can be seen into this project, with the pixel art, songs, and the nods to Indonesian culture.

Aggressively boring. The puzzles are usually just fetch quests. I actively hated this whole experience but kept pushing through because I heard the ending blew someone’s mind - and then I was completely underwhelmed by it.

This review contains spoilers

Comecei sem saber absolutamente nada da história, fiquei só o meme do "o qq tá acontecendo", e quando me dei conta do que realmente tinha acontecido, foi uma avalanche de pensamentos, e olha que tenho a profundidade sentimental de um pires, mas quem já teve que lidar mesmo que indiretamente com a depressão e o luto sabe que é realmente assim, vem tudo te engolindo. Depois que ele acabou fiquei pensando pensamentos por um bom tempo.

Gostaria apenas que ele fosse um pouco mais curto, algo no 5 capítulo acaba te deixando um pouco entediado.
O jogo é lindo, de todas as meneiras.

Premier fois que je joue à un jeu de ce style et j'ai beaucoup aimé l'expérience.

Le jeu a quelques lenteurs et certains choix de scénarios qui m'ont laissé perplexe. Mais la fin du jeu rattrape totalement ses faiblesses.

C'est un jeu que je vous conseilles de faire, en plus il est court !

The fifth chapter dragged too much but otherwise very nice story and artstyle.

Este juego tiene una historia hermosa pero su gameplay cuando llega el cap 4 lastra mucho la experiencia, no soy de puzzles pero se que cuando el problema no es el puzzle sino que para realizar ese puzzles has de dar 14 vueltas de un sitio a otro me huele que es mas para alargar el juego que para dar algo interesante, su historia y musica son increibles me jode no ponerle el maximo pero el puto gameplay es horrible.

a side-scrolling adventure narrative with a lot of heart. probably won't change your life, but it's worth a play.

I would have considered playing more of A Space for the Unbound if the gameplay wasn't so bad. Visual novels like this would benefit greatly from cutting the fat. The shallow minigames, rudimentary puzzles, and numerous fetch quests feel like unnecessary padding. Why bother having gameplay at all if it will be this half-baked?

Based on the two hours I played, the story leaves a lot to be desired. Tonally, it feels all over the place. It was constantly bouncing between serious and silly moments in a way that never really meshed together well. Also, the old-school/rigid gender roles are prominent here, and that detracted greatly from the love story for me. Do people still think this is what a healthy relationship looks like? It feels very one-sided.

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um dos poucos jogos que me fez chorar

Todos los padres de este juego son disfuncionales y ausentes, menudo viaje