Reviews from

in the past

Let me romance Kati you cowards

UPDATE: If you spend and extra $8 you can but cute she may be I'm not gonna pay extra and replay the whole thing for that

Very silly game, but charming at the same time. Explore Akibahara in this very anime adventure.

Low budget anime otaku-bait game. Quit it after 49 mins according to Steam.

Great little game.
Wish there was more to the relationships and more replay value with items etc.
PC version crashes a lot though.

A fantastic sandbox & beat em up, full of charm, lewd moments, jokes, and attention-to-detail to the game's map, but janky in combat, low-budget in scale, and the original versions ran terribly.

Holds a very special place in my heart as one of the first games my now-wife and I ever played together. She share played it with me and it honestly helped bridge a major gap in our relationship at the time, since we were living in separate countries.

Eu estava olhando jogos de ps3 pra jogar e eu achei esse jogo e pensei "akibas trip?!, deve ser um jogo rpg slice of life com aspectos sobrenaturais", comecei a jogar o jogo e veio um carinha e começou a bater em mim e rasgou minha roupa, eu peguei um violão e comecei a bater nele até ele ficar quase pelado, então eu percebi que o trip não era de viagem e sim strip.

My name is JOHN CENA. Probably the best thing about this game is that meme.
Horny gamer on the prowl... WATCH out! Because I'm out here GAMING my brains out brothers.

Played this as a joke after me and my friend watched the awful anime adaptation.

Some parts were kind of fun, but its mostly just weird and janky. Overall only worth it if you uh...are really into fanservicey horny games I guess?

I played this game on hella Vicodin after getting my wisdom teeth pulled it was an experience

Akiba's Trip : Undead and Undressed is certainly an interesting game. On one hand, it's a fun, goofy sandbox beat em up game, that certainly doesn't hide what it wants to be. The story is fine, as well as the characters, and there's high levels of customization for all the playable characters in the game, which is undoubtedly fun to play around with. But like what another review has mentioned, it is a fairly low budget game, isn't really a looker, can be shallow at times, and isn't great on other consoles, or run particularly well. Thus, it could be a pick up or pass depending on your taste.