Reviews from

in the past


This is like a kid's nightmare of Breakout. Even down to the game title

I don't even really know what is going on in this game. It was difficult to know whether I was succeeding or failing at what I was trying to do.

It's a twist on Breakout, though I'm not particularly sure if it twists things in a substantially better or worse way tbh. Instead of having one ball bounce between a paddle you have two clowns bouncing off of a see-saw, and you gotta position things right and account for physics n shit to get good hits. The bricks are balloons now and are now constantly moving, with the line going in a loop constantly. It's cool in the way that you can get a clown stuck at the top sandwiched between two balloons as they keep moving into his bounces, but idk doesn't feel as inherently satisfying as calculating a shot to get stuck in the ceiling in breakout. The physics with the see-saw seem a bit inconsistent to me as well, as most of the bounces I had didn't even really launch the clowns high enough to hit the balloons in the first place. The balloons also repopulate on a per-row basis instead of everything refilling at once when the board is clear, which I thought was weird at first but upon playing the game type that refreshes in the traditional breakout way and being stuck trying to hit that last moving balloon by hoping it just happens to move into my clown ass I realized why they made the default refresh how it is. There are also game types that add extra barriers that move in a row below all the balloons, which add another layer of unpredictability to the game. At the end of the day it's breakout but with a lot of extra moving parts, and those moving parts can make it both more interesting due to the seeming random chaos that can happen while that same chaos can make the game less satisfying and engaging as sometimes you can get a crazy point combo by complete accident. I can definitely respect the thought that went into trying to make breakout more complex, but I don't really think it substantially adds or detracts to the block-breaking genre, it's just different. Despite being a circus game, you wouldn't have to be a clown to enjoy what's on offer here.

breakout but worse. this is miserable on joystick (i do not have paddles)

We had the paddle controls for this game and as a kid, I'd usually pull them out just to give this a whirl and I was never interested beyond a few minutes. Even games like Frogs and Flies had more going for it than the goofy paddle control gimmick.

Definitely not worth the time (or the paddles).