Reviews from

in the past

This grew on me it actually was fun

It's fun game you can kick cars, drive cars, destroy shit, upgrade your stats its amazing

Let's be real, most of us played this game just to run around and kick cars into the ocean

I loved it when I was younger, but it really doesn't hold up to today's standards

Ganhei na Live Gold e achei mó chato.

I tried this out through Game Pass like last month and I already forgot about it.

I feel like I remember driving a car and hating how it controlled.

There's a reason it's called Crackdown coz collecting all those damn Orbs is like Crack, Gotta catch 'em all!

I love this game. The fact it blends essentially a superhero game with the gritty aesthetic of a GTA title in a sandbox open-world environment makes this an extremely unique experience.

If you're going into this for a deep story or characterizations your not getting that but what you do get is just a fun time. The combat and platforming are extremely fun and addictive and there are plenty of side activities and collectibles to keep you entertained.

In my opinion, this is one of the most underrated games ever and is easily one of my favourites of all time.

A fun open world game with a badass main character. I would rather mess around in this games open world than aany GTA. Maybe light on story, but when your having so much fun blasting everything, who cares. Somehow this is the best game in the series.

pretty slow to start, but once your core abilities hit like level 3 the game really pops off
running fast and jumping over buildings and throwing cars at shit is a blast
a shame they only ever made one! that’s crazy!

GTA, but you're a corrupt cop with super powers. A ton of fun. Shame about the sequels.

Not a fan of the crackdown series

Bastante divertido, pero termina siendo muy repetitivo a la larga.

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as a kid i used to just run around with every ability maxed out and just flip kick guys into the stratosphere for an hour with my brother.

But after playing the actual game its pretty alright, has an actually pretty neat plot twist at the end, nothing crazy or anything but I didn't think the game was actually gonna go for it

I never did the main story.......... I was shocked to learn there was one years later.

Very few games from this era of gaming hold up as well as Crackdown does, and very few can claim to be a pure sandbox as much as Crackdown can. You're never not in "sandbox mode" with this game, which offers an unparalleled level of freedom while tackling the critical path.

Gameplay: Explosive action
Characters: Explosive racism
Overall: Okay I guess

Okay, I'll actually review Crackdown. It's a neat world to hop around and blow shit up. Leveling up your skills feels pretty satisfying, but the gameplay stays mostly the same from beginning to end. You can get a flow of the monotony, turn on a podcast or something, and sink hours into the campaign. Especially since the game has no music or even interesting atmosphere to speak of.

While it's called "Crackdown" I only "crack up" at how dumb all the stereotypical boss profiles are. "Juan Mendez Escobar is head of cocaine distributions of his failed night club. Hang Wang Wei-Shin is the leader of the Shai-Gen, and knows the secret of underground martial arts." Fucking ridiculous shit lmao

GTA-like gameplay with very little story and a superpowered badass who only gets stronger the more you play through it. One of my favorite games of all-time simply because of how much fun it is to play.

Esse jogo é muito simples, não oferece nada demais, e não tem nada muito interessante, não acho ruim nem mediano, mas é um jogo jogável.

Crackdown è un gioco mediocre, ho davvero poche parole da spenderci, è divertente ma non colpisce sotto nessun aspetto e non è neppure fatto chissà quanto bene, è un gioco semplice e catchy da giocare a cervello spento, mediocrissimo ma la mediocrità non è per forza un male se si entra nel giusto mindset

Explosive power trip with scoopy cars and cheats. Nostalgia is almost definitely winning me over on this one, and I don't wanna play it now and face the reality that it probably hasn't held up super well.