Reviews from

in the past

Feels like a mobile game, not as good as Fortune since you barely actually 'play' this

somehow feels less perverse than NIKKE

Gameplay: It's alright. lol
Story: lol
Controls: Mouse only. Used for touching their bellies and tidies. lol
Graphics: GREAT!!!
Length: N/A
Notes: Free to play all the way, didn't spend on anything.
Cutscenes: GREAT!!!
Characters: GREAT!!!

Best Girl: Torn between Kasumi and Misaki. lol

the game is not the best you can find but god... the user bellow me is kinda salty and worried about others people life... and i'm not even a DOA fan

One of the better Gacha games I've played. Cute character with semi-flat personalities. Gameplay consists of upgrading swimsuits and watching the characters play beach volleyball, with occasional event gamemodes like rock-climbing and pool jump.

There isn't any need to spend money which I love, most every swimsuit and girl I want I have. And there are plenty of events lined up to stack up your bands.

Idgaf what anyone says but…. This game is like enjoyable LIKE…. I just love dressing up cute girls and a fun vb game! (Also the gacha rates are kinda shit ngl)

Good to waste a few minutes messing around while doing something else but it's hard to stick for too long unless you are very committed to reaching the end game.

It's a pain to get this game running for the first time, especially if you aren't playing through steam. While I do like how the gaccha mechanics look when pulling it's really hard to do anything else. Once you beat the main quests there's nothing else to do other than the events and casino. Casino is the same as it is in every game with black jack poker and roulette. the events are the only way to get gems without paying after the main story and they're very short so you don't get many. You get to choose one girl at the beginnning and you get the rest by getting the rarest gaccha of their outfits.

I revisited this once I found an easier way to operate it on a US account. It is actually pretty ok. It's an idle gacha game, so that comes with a ton of baggage, and from koei-tecmo who has thoroughly monetized every inch of their games to death lately, but it is otherwise a good analogue to any other mobile gacha game. Another knock against it is that it isn't mobile. And really it's mainly if you want to have some sort of horny DOA xtreme type content on PC legitimately, rather than pirating and emulating older consoles. Despite its trashy parts, it's an easy thing to throw up on your second screen and idle while you're playing better games and it's decently rewarding for that, even with its microtransactions. Frankly, its less predatory than DOA6 in its own right.

Ain't even that good, but the shower scenes are pretty hot, though. Marie's Minut bikini is also super cute.

Doesn't help that you have to do some voodoo magic to get it on Steam but 🀷


i thought this was a normal doa(Obvs isnt) but if u play this youre an actual freak and maybe you should work on your flirting skills instead of logging onto this game everyday and rubbing one out.

"Hey I remember the DoA volleyball spinoffs. They were silly but kinda fun. Wonder if they came out on Steam or something."

> this one's a gacha

"Oh. I mean, I fucking hate gachas but maybe b00ba is the missing ingredient that will change my mind."

Nope lmao, couldn't even spend an hour on it. I guess that settles it, gachas are just not for me.

Death is not a hunter unbeknownst to its prey, one is always aware that it lies in wait. Though life merely a journey to the grave, it must not be undertaken without hope. Only then will a traveler's story live on, treasured by who bid him farewell. But alas, now my guest's life has ended, his tale left unwritten...

γŠγ˜γ•γ‚“γ‚²γƒΌγƒ γ€‚Yep, it's a Dead or Alive gacha game. You roll for cute swimsuits to dress up the girls, level them up, and then press the auto battle button so you can sit back and creepily watch them play beach volleyball. It's absolutely the most transparent it's ever been. There's a girl for every oji-san taste, pretty much. One of them calls you owner-chan, another calls you owner-han, y'all know how it is. Yes, there's a photoshoot mode, and yes, you can spray the girls with water to make their skin shiny, strictly for photo shooting purposes of course. Of course there's a casino, like in the other Xtreme Volleyball games, and that's pretty fun, since y'know, it's a casino. Also, is it just me, or does the casino theme in this game kind of slap? I kinda want to listen to it on a loop outside of the game, unironically. The music in general's not bad, actually. Pretty tropical and laid back, all in English, though, with a few not-exactly-native odd lyrics and pronunciations here and there, interesting choice. Overall, pretty okay game if you wanna get your creep on, but not really much to offer outside the sex appeal. Oh yeah, and Sayuri's absolutely the hottest woman out of all of them, by far. I have no idea why she's not more popular with the fanbase. 24 too old for Japan, I guess? Ah well.