Reviews from

in the past

Ok, ok, so, Doritos Crash Course, right. The game's design is so bloody complicated. Well, you look at it and you can say pretty confidently, "game," that's actually an instantiation of a chaotic modality, is it not? It's like that's the typification of a platformer that exists to communicate some form of intense challenge. I guess that'd be a good way to describe it, and, but, it's not just a race per se, when you talk about Doritos Crash Course, it's the instantiation of a platformer as necessarily being the embodiment of the transcendent ideal of an obstacle course. It's a race and it's a game as such. The typified aspect of Doritos Crash Course as such is inexorably tied up with the craziness of the course. And what does a typified course do? Well, it challenges, does it not? It provides obstacles, tests your reflexes, and demands precision, and speed. Well yeah, that's bloody well right, it demands you to jump like a madman, exactly! You know, you know, when I put it like that, I'm somewhat of a Doritos Crash Course expert myself, really. Jump! Jump!

Score: 7/10

Era muito legal jogar esse jogo local, surreal de bom

banger arcade game with friends

Mejor que el segundo. Divertidísimo

Posiblemente el juego con el que más me he divertido con amigos

Ignore the "Doritos" in the title. This is genuinely a fun as fuck game with awesomesauce controls.

Eu odeio esse jogo pqp que raiva

one of the most W games of all time, have such crazy nostalgia for it

I have a bing tee for my avatar and i like to see it displayed in this fun free game

Un clásico, la mayoría de usuarios de Xbox lo jugó.

Good mechanics, but very repetitive and short. Glad it's free.

I actually used to speedrun this. Something about it's weird physics and collision detection made it feel like a rollercoaster where all the tracks were covered in soap and grease, which made it hilarious to play for an hour a day for eight months.

I played for 2 hours, passed almost all the levels, got tired of it, didn’t go any further, the obstacles are certainly interesting, but only at first, then everything repeats itself and gets boring

A throwback to a casual cheap and fun game

a heavy dose of chaotic "Wipe Out" madness to enjoy with friends

Competir com um amigo nesse jogo é muito foda kkkkkkkkkkkkkk

It's not Sneak King, but it was alright.

el mejor juego que jugue en mi vida gracias kinect gracias doritos

way more fun than a licensed xbox arcade game has any right to be

Okay now this one I'm sure was a fever dream.

For a free game it had some pretty fun Ninja Warrior style courses to play through.

I don't think I ever finished the game, but it's still in my Xbox One library so. Maybe one day.