Reviews from

in the past

12 years in development hell led to this. The game tries too hard in being like Duke Nukem 3D and it is just glitchy, unfunny, and at times generic. Vehicles have bad controls and the minigames end up being more dull than needed. Also terrible load times. The only thing save it from getting a 2 and a half star rating is that the multiplayer is dumb fun but the bad servers tend to cause random disconnecting so everyone looks like a pussy rage-quitter, just like the one loading screen message claims.

Also, the PC isn't any better as it just has faster load-times and a 3 weapon limit. That's it.

This game makes you FEEL like an out of shape 50 year old man tumbling down a never ending flight of stairs.

Duke Nukem Forever is an 8/10 seventh-gen game with slick one-liners, cool Easter Eggs, and an obvious premise. The thing that'll frustrate you most probably is the pacing.

Half of the game is shooting evil pigs in Las Vegas -- the other half is shooting up pigs and finding your way through Hoover Dam. Weren't it for all of the mindless shooting of aliens, the gameplay and exploring are extremely rewarding. But admittedly, it sucks for the fans of the series who had higher expectations.

all i remember is alien tiddies and throwing poop and that dog shit rc car level

13 лет разработки, множество перезапусков с нуля. И всё из-за одного пидора-гейм-дизайнера, стремящегося внедрить как можно больше нового в свою игру из свежевыходящих проектов, растратив весь бюджет. Полученный продукт от Gearbox ужасен, но я прошёл его из-за любви к Дюку. Графика, анимации и разнообразие на низшем уровне. Сюжет вообще ни о чём. Правда, здесь он и не нужен. Если бы сделали отличный ремейк этой части, был бы рад.

I had no expectations going into it (since I wasn't looking forward to it's release and I played it wayyy later) and I had quite a bit of fun with it.

Bosses being reused a lot, humor being hit and miss and the gameplay not being as good as Duke3D made it less fun, but not enough for it to be a 1,7/5 game (avg rating here). I also like all types of shooters so it not being a boomer shooter anymore didn't bother me.

this game is the equivalent of malaria

Nuked em’

- sometimes cryptic levels; I don’t want to be looking for the exit I want to be shooting alien scum. I’m Duke Nukem baby.
- above average FPS boss designs for the time.
- balance didn’t feel right on hard, many of the bread and butter enemies felt more dangerous than bosses
- vehicle sections were fun enough, though the trope of running out of gas grew tiresome rather quickly
- to me Duke felt more like a parody of a 80s action character and not necessarily a sex pest; they leaned too far in that direction. Maybe would have enjoyed it more as a 13 year old.
- the build engine was so much better for creating destructible environments, this world is much more static and conventional
- unfortunate way to end the Duke franchise

It's not that terrible. It's ungodly trashy as you would expect from a Duke Nukem game.

Fun fact: I remember trying it for the first time with the mindset of doing a full platinum playthrough.
I followed a guide so literally I thought drawing a penis on the board would unlock an achievement. But nope, nothing. That was the first sign of a bad game.

The worst game I ever played on play station 3. It's boring, there is no characters, no story, the graphics were 10 years old when it was released. Even the soundtrack and gunplay which is ehat duke nuke is famous for is bland.

Never played a Duke Nukem game before. I had already heard bad shit about this game before, so don't worry, I still highly respect the Duke Nukem name. It's just a standard boomer-shooter really. Controls feel a bit off, but that might be just me idk. A lot of beer, boobies and pissing, standard 2000's bro-humor. A product of it's time. Wait wtf this game came out in 2011???? The whole mission where you go into the cave killing naked women impregnated by aliens was fucking weird to say the least. Perfect example of a writer's barely-disguised fetish lol. What was on that USB Randy Pitchford???????

I have not played this I just wanted to say this is the best title and box art combo ever made

I remember for years I thought this wasn't all that bad, but the thing is I never got halfway into it. And it is just ok at best if all you're doing is checking it out. Just once you actually decide to beat it, that's when it sucks. Experiencing the whole game for yourself just isn't ideal imo. Play like an hour at most, then watch the rest if you really want to. Please don't suffer.

12 year old me thought this was funny.

One of the best satirical pieces ever made

I don't even want to talk about this one.

The game is not as bad as people say, it was really some kind of Hivemind situation where people just see what IGN and some other critics say. This is not one of the worse games of all time, not even close. There's so much interactivity and small details that are hilarious, and while the level design isn't always great, there are some really good maps that are just plain fun. This isn't Duke Nukem 3D, but it has some very high highs, and some meh lows. Also the multiplayer, especially the rewards for progression is fantastic.

ENG: I'm not going to elaborate too much because it's not a game that deserves it. Its standardization of gameplay mechanics more similar to those of a generic Call of Duty were justly vilified at the time as much as its rancid humor. On that I agree. What I disagree on, which was said at the time, is the belief that this was REALLY the saga, a thing of the past that as of today is outdated. But no, Duke Nukem is not at all what is shown in Forever. Playably it was innovative, powerful, ingenious, and Duke Nukem as a character was a genuinely funny stereotype of 80s Hollywood action movies. Forever never seems to understand either the mechanics or the Duke character as such. If you played this horrifying piece of garbage, and were left with only this, I recommend you give the original a look. Because this is not Duke Nukem, never was and never will be.

ESP: No me voy a explayar mucho porque no es un juego que lo merezca. Su estandarización de mecánicas jugables más similares a las de un Call of Duty genérico fueron justamente vilipendiadas en su momento tanto como su humor rancio. En eso estoy de acuerdo. En lo que no estoy de acuerdo, que en su momento se dijo, es la creencia de que esto era REALMENTE la saga, una cosa del pasado que a día de hoy está desfasada. Pero no, Duke Nukem para nada es lo que se muestra en Forever. Jugablemente era innovador, potente, ingenioso, y Duke Nukem como personaje era un estereotipo genuinamente gracioso de las películas de acción hollywoodenses de los 80s. Forever nunca parece entender ni a las mecánicas, ni al personaje de Duke como tal. Si jugaste a este bodrio horripilante, y te quedaste solo con esto, te recomiendo que le des un vistazo al original. Porque esto no es Duke Nukem, nunca lo fue ni lo será.

I know it isn't specifically his fault, But I'm blaming randy

Please bring back my baby, my nukie dukey

Ist ein sehr schlechtes, aus der Zeit gefallenes Spiel.

Get off vent or I'll have you bent

Let's make a reservation right away - the relaunch of the long-awaited hit was not very successful. Yes, there are a lot of naked girls and other obscenity here; Yes, here Duke expresses himself in such a way that his ears wither - swearing is appropriate and not quite; initially there was a limit of two guns (later increased to 4); the graphics here are far from those of 2011

Самая недооценная игра!

Good on it's own right. I've had a lot of fun thank you.

I believe this is the worst game I have ever played. While yeah there are probably worse out there, this one takes the cake.

>Sequel to a game from 1996 that blows this out of the water.
>All of the fast movement and gameplay is gone, now stuck with cover shooter gameplay.
>No more health packs, exploration, and items like HoloDuke and Scuba Gear are gone.
>Only saving grace is the interactions of the game world are still kept in tact.

No point in playing this abandonware. Just play the original.

um dos jogos mais trash possivel, mas pra epoca era engracado e a gameplay eh relativamente divertida