Reviews from

in the past

An okay hack and slash/third person shooter. The Ash Williams character really brings out the awesome of this game and the selection of weapons is pretty satisfying. Bosses suck though and are pretty easy when you figure how to beat them.

Still the best Evil Dead game

Very average game cool for evil dead fans but nothing to get crazy about

Despite me being an evil dead fan I will have to put away my love for the franchise and look at this objectively, And unfortunately this game is not very good.

It controls stiffly, areas are barren without much to do, combat is tedious and repetitive, and often there is long drawn out cutscenes which are unskippable, which also sucks when the checkpoint is placed just behind it forcing you to wait 2 minutes then play, then die, then repeat.

If this game didn't have the Evil Dead charm it would be half a star. Boring and meandering, I spent probably 80% of my playing time lugging Ash's fatass around looking for the doo-dad I was forced to backtrack for. Meh.

What a difference just a few short years makes. This game feels so incredibly modern compared to its predecessor. It's actually playable and fun and not a completely stressful and frustrating experience. If the first game is the first movie then this game is the second movie. It puts camp and fun first and foremost yet retains the survival horror element. This game is fun enough to hack and slash and blast your way through the enemies. It's not completely linear but straight forward enough. It requires minimal brain power to figure out the levels but the key is that it does in fact require some brain power. Challenging enough but not difficult.

Sure it gets a little rinse and repeat towards the end but it continues to up the ante just enough to be fun. The bosses felt modern. The final boss while anti climatic and cliche felt inspired and original. You could tell what they were going for even if it wasn't quite polished enough. It was your typical final boss is affixed to the center of the screen trope before I believe that was really a trope.

This game was pretty much exactly what I wanted out of an Evil Dead game. I can't wait to see what the next one has to offer.

Resident Evil 1,2 e 3 se fosse bom

I really hate to put this one back on my shelf. I love the Evil Dead franchise with all my heart. My mom showed me Army of Darkness as a kid and I've loved the series ever since.

But this game, is so painfully average that it hurts. Constant back tracking, boring combat, a confusing and all very similar town layout, also a good amount of confusion on what to do (could be a skill issue on my part). After an NPC I was supposed to protect died and I was set back a ways because I hadn't saved, I just can't be bothered to play through it all again. Eventually? yes! especially since I spent $40 on a CIB copy for my PS2. Bought a copy of Regeneration, I'll check that one out sometime too.

There's good things here like of course the legend Bruce Campbell but all around meh game.

played this at a cousins and remember that we couldn't get past a mission and never progressed

Still the best Evil Dead game.

This is a pretty great Evil Dead game. The gameplay isn't deep but boy it sure fun chainsawing some deadites. It had a really cool story that followed up from army of darkness. Before Ash vs Evil Dead this was the last true great evil dead thing.