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All those people who say "Nah but the ending was perfect because it's like real life, not everything is big and glamorous" are wrong because this is NOT real life, and games are places where things CAN be dramatic. Would've loved a better ending. Loved the dialogue.

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Pretty solid short & sweet walking simulator. Kept me interested enough to play in one sitting and definitely had me on the edge of my seat at some points

Ironically, really really good game for escaping and then confronting an irl problem

I lost my hearing laughing at forest fires :)

Firewatch é um jogo que... Uau... Pegou no fundo do coração. A temática que já é abordada no começo e seus links com a sua vida na Torre de Vigia e acontecimentos na floresta é maravilhoso. Lindo, belo, estiloso, excelente gameplay e muito tocante em sua mensagem.

"Lembre-se: Vale apena lembrar dos seus próximos"

Loved this game but it was way too short! May have gotten boring if it was longer though.

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I've never struggled with writing a review for a game like I have with Firewatch. Upon finishing it and collecting my thoughts, I was left feeling extremely conflicted and confused. That’s the main reason why I decided not to give the game a score at the time of writing this. The common consensus of Firewatch is that it’s a well written walking sim with a really unsatisfying twist and downer ending. It felt like the game was giving you choices that might determine the outcome of the narrative, when that really wasn’t the case at all. Of course, I initially thought that too. It felt like the game was building up to something much more than that, something bigger, and when you make it to the end and you find that there really isn’t anything else to it, you’re left feeling disappointed and empty. The thing is, I feel like that was the point the game is trying to make.

I believe that the primary message of Firewatch is that when life throws awful things your way, or when you make poor choices that lead to horrible consequences, you need to face them head on, and you can’t rely on escapism to avoid them, because at the end of the day, your problems will still be there. I think that the main plot delivers this message in a way that’s very difficult to swallow. Delilah mentions at the very beginning of the game how people only take the job of a fire lookout in order to get away from something, specifically she means the things in life that are burdensome or traumatizing. Henry is there as a way of coping with the fact that his wife is suffering from dementia and had moved back in with her family in Australia. She might not even remember who he is anymore, and he doesn’t want to face or accept that.

Delilah is there to escape from the fact that her ex-boyfriend, Javier, left her after his brother was killed in a town called Gillette (which, after doing some Googling, is apparently a town known for mining, which could mean that he died in a mining accident). He left because Delilah was too focused on her dream of becoming an instructor for the Wyoming Outdoor Leadership School and she didn’t provide any sort of emotional or moral support to him during this delicate time. Delilah also ended up lying to her sister about the reason behind the break up, stating that Javier had sex with their neighbor, and had continued to lie about it for over ten years.

Then, there’s the Goodwins, Ned and Brian. It’s not revealed in-game why Ned and Brian were at the park to begin with, but I think it’s highly likely Ned just wasn’t happy with how his son was turning out. Brian was an introverted boy who loved science, fantasy, and comic books, and Ned very much gave off the impression of being your stereotypical stern, masculinity-obsessed Father who didn’t understand any of that stuff and wanted his son to be more of a man. Based on the cassette tape he leaves for Henry at the end of the game, I suspect he brought Brain out there in order to put some hair on his chest, or something like that. Then, after Brian’s death, Ned chooses to live in the woods alone, both in order to make sure that no one learns about what happened to Brian and finds his body in cave 452, and so that he didn’t have to face the reality of his son’s death and the consequences of bringing Brian out into the wilderness when it was against park regulations.

The game leaves this up to the player’s interpretation, but I think that Delilah was likely supporting Ned the entire time. The conversation that you overhear near the start of the game, after you first emerge from cave 452 and encounter the mysterious figure, clearly indicates that she was talking to someone about Henry, and that it was a conversation you were not meant to hear. If there was no conspiracy, no government agents recording Henry and Delilah’s conversations over the course of the summer, and it was just Ned out there the entire time, then I don’t see how Delilah could’ve been talking to anyone else during that conversation. Ned was probably freaking out regarding the fact that you went into the cave. You also have to consider Delilah’s position as the manager of the fire lookouts. When you find Ned’s bunker at the end of the game, it’s filled with supplies, and unless he’s just been going around stealing from campers all of these years, I don’t see how he was able to get these things without Delilah’s help. She likely ordered additional supplies be delivered and shared them at various supply caches for Ned to collect from. I think she might have done this because she knew about Brian’s death. Either she sympathized with Ned’s desire to stay in the park and keep from facing reality, or she was afraid there would be repercussions against her since she had more than ample time to report Brian’s presence to higher-ups and didn’t say anything. Regardless, I think that by the end of the game, she’s overcome with guilt and regret over what happened and comes to the realization that she and Ned were wrong to do what they did instead of owning up to the mistakes they made.

That’s why I think the narrative unfolds the way that it does. Players likely go into Firewatch not really knowing what to expect, thinking that it’ll be a piece of media that can act as a way to entertain themselves and use as a temporary escape from their own problems in life. When they find the game doesn’t really provide that, that the story that was seemingly being built up doesn't go in the direction they expected to, and then concludes the way that it does, I totally get feeling burnt by that. I certainly felt the same way in the heat of the moment. In conjunction with the narrative, I believe this is the game’s way of communicating its themes regarding escapism. You can use things like art and media to distract yourself from whatever it is in life that you don’t want to acknowledge, but until you face them yourself, no matter what you do, your problems will always be there. It’s an extremely bitter pill to swallow.

Did I have fun with Firewatch? I’ll be honest: no, I didn’t. However, I do think that Firewatch most definitely affected me in the way the creators intended to. That’s what makes reviewing this game so difficult, and why it leaves me so conflicted. I truly feel like I can’t give this game a rating. It’s weird, I’ve never run into something like this before. I’m usually able to easily express my opinions, how I came to form them, and rate a game based on them. Firewatch is entitled to all of the credit in the world for making me think and mull over so hard about it. It’s absolutely a worthwhile experience and something to discuss and debate with others, which in all honesty, is one of the highest compliments you could give to art. That being said, I can’t say that it’s a game I enjoyed at all, nor is it one that I think I can fondly reflect on. Maybe it’s because to a degree, I feel called out by it. Maybe it’s because I just can’t get over my immediate reaction of being let down that everyone else has towards the twist and ending. I really don’t know. All I know is that I really don’t like how this game makes me feel.

Beautiful and unique gaming experience. Highly recommend!

relaxante e assustador, muito doido eu me apegar tanto com uma mulher via um walkie talkie

the ending was so lacklaster however the REST OF THE GAME was so good. pretty much a walking simulator but the conversations with delilah and the constant suspence and spookyness in the game made it so much fun and made me want to keep playing!!

Ainda não domino o inglês, poxa e eu quero tanto jogar esse game, se sair uma legenda eu volto pra ele, tentei com a câmera do Google mas tava dando muito trabalho.

O jogo é divertido com personagens e atmosfera bem legais. Não jogaria novamente por conta da gameplay ser basicamente só andar, mas foi uma experiência boa.

Great story, atmosphere, dialogue and voice acting.

Gameplay is limited as it is a walking simulator.

Replay value is not great as there is only one ending.

It is well worth playing once for the story.

Great for 75% of its runtime but I did feel the ending was lacking.

Solid 4. More gameplay elements and a longer story would make it a 5. Story was great and tragic as well as the setting.

jogo com historia boa e curtinho, e ainda tem uma pitada de terror psicologico, eu andando por esse mapa do jogo fiquei aterrorizado em certas partes achando q tinha alguem me seguindo, tem um misterio bacana o final é ok no mais é isso é um bom jogo

Absolutely loved this little experience. Good ambience and really nice point of origin to start off from. Loved the stylistic choices. Short, but impactful. A beautifully made game.

Been seeing on game on tiktok and decided to give it a go. Glad i did. A short and Sweet Game that's emotionally gripping. Great voice acting. Stunning visuals. This game hit the spot.

solid game, beautiful map aswell like omg

Beautiful game and good story there was just too much walking around

muito gostosinho! os diálogos desse aqui são tao gostosos e bem escritos que você se apaixona pela personagem sem saber nada sobre ela e a história e mistério também são bem interessantes! conseguiu me prender ate o final.. inclusive trilha sonora e arte fodas

Loved the game, just tink that the the ending of the game was a bit surprising to say the least

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just an awesome game all around, my only sort of “complaint” really is just the length, though i think from a certain pov it helps, ending left me feeling empty, was perfect, despite it being a walking simulator pretty much the ending, voice acting, and just the pure emotion in it easily make up for it

There's a lot of personal reasons behind why I love Firewatch so much, but I do really dig walking simulators too

I had never played a game like Firewatch. An investigation and mystery game where you are a man called Henry who takes care of fires, etc. in a forest while talking to a woman called Delilah via a radio. Delilah is your boss and the game is about mysteries that appear during the adventure and Delilah helping you to solve them. It's an incredible game that leaves you feeling pressured, wanting to know what's going on, however, it's also a human game that doesn't present anything paranormal but rather a real and scary situation. It's a touching game where you get attached to Henry and his story, along with Delilah. I still don't know if I'll go for platinum, because in my opinion it's not a game for that, however, the experience was incredible, like a story of investigation and suspense told through a game.

The radio in Firewatch gives players a diegetic way to inspect their surroundings while receiving clues and fantastic character interactions. The rest of the game is not quite as elegantly designed.