Reviews from

in the past

Another season in which I don't really have many strong feelings on. I believe this is when motorcycles were introduced, and they have stayed into Chapter 5, and I do personally really like those as a mobility option.

The Battle Pass was probably one of the better ones in a while, and I do find it way more memorable than many previous seasons. I believe this is when they added the upgrade mechanics in the game, and I didn't really care for that, but it was the game trying to do something very different, and I respect that.

Just a very down the road season for me, and I do think the ideas presented are cool, they just weren't exactly for me all the time.

Overall: 5/10

not bad but it couldve been better

O mapa e o passe de batalha foram bem questionáveis, mas a gameplay era muito boa. As armas e otimizadores deram uma mudança legal na minha opinião, principalmente o martelo.

The only good season of Chapter 4

The new map was pretty good and the hammer was so much fun. However there wasn't a lot to this season outside of that. Still okay though.

3. chapter'ın rezalet sonundan sonra çok güzel bir başlangıçtı.
Yeni perk sistemi, hikaye görevleri, sürükleyici karakterler ve ayrılıklar.
Uzun zaman sonra oynadığım en iyi sezonlardan biriydi.
Grafikler zaten :)

Holy. This season was so visually stunning on Series X, the map in 120 FPS was crazy, I didn’t really care for much besides that graphics boost.

i came back for DOOM GUY and a really fun map, good time as always

Despite the games reputation, I did really enjoy playing Fortnite with friends for a long time. By the end of Chapter 3 only two of us had stuck with it, and we both stopped very quickly into Chapter 4 probably due to burnout. Additionally, I found the map way less interesting than the previous two I've played, and the XP/Quests system to be the most grind-heavy and least encouraging to spend time on. Also, not a big fan of the new graphics and shading system. I know this is a constantly evolving game that has shifted its style a lot, but this chapter really lost some of the simplicity that I liked. At its core the game is still pretty fun though.

Addendum: Augments are a weird addition and it kinda sucks to pause every 4 minutes to play "would you rather"

Temporada 1: 8,5/10 muito divertida e eu sinto mta falta do martelo
Temporada 2: 9,5/10 melhor temporada que eu já joguei desse jogo
Temporada 3: 5/10 tema legal mas gameplay muito desinteressante
Temporada 4: 7/10 ok eu acho

eu sei que vai ter uma mini temporada 5 mas n acho que vai mudar minha nota

I honestly liked this season,
Too bad none of my friends did

Hammers and MHA content had me sold, first season to level 200

retroactively reviewing seasons of fortnite post c5s1.

almost the best season out of chapter 4, with only S2 winning out because I liked the theme more.

quite a fun season. battle pass highlights are doomguy and Helsie, introducing the High Stakes Club mini storyline to the game. The loot this season was quite fun. I quite enjoyed bouncing around with the hammer, but my duos buddy did not. also didn't really care for the my hero academia collaboration, especially for the period where both Deku's smash and Goku's Kamehameha were going off at the same time.

Had a good time in this season.

while I'm reviewing these seasons reverse chronologically, I'd like to take a moment to praise this Island. I really enjoyed my time on it. With everything being a new locale, each new addition throughout the chapter was really fun to explore and discover.

this one was ok, i was really just playing for doomguy, the citadel was cool tho

Y'know, I think I finally figured out why I have this massive distaste for Fortnite and why I'll likely never truly get into it.

It starts by luring you with all these big events and crazy wacky crossovers. "WHOOA LOOK EVERYBODY, PETER GRIFFIN AND MIGUEL O'HARA ARE DOING THE CHUNGUS SHUFFLE, ISN'T THAT COOL AND WACKY?!?! COME AND JOIN THE PARTY!!!". You see all these characters from across various media coming together and doing silly dances. It's enticing, to say the least. Heck, The Weeknd got added in somehow, so I was already more tempted than ever to return...

...and then when you actually get to playing the game it's filled with some of the most splatty and unsatisfying gunplay I think I've ever seen in a multiplayer shooter and unlocking any cosmetics worth anything either takes an obscene amount of grinding or is locked by an actual paywall. Most of my victory royales came from hiding in remote corners and waiting for everyone else to finish killing each other before picking off the rest.

Can't say I'm not surprised I guess.

forgot about this season in a lot of ways. possible was only like tier 35ish

Honestly a really fun season. Didn't realise OG wasn't a part of this, so oops on my end. Though the map probably wasn't as good as Chapter 3's, I played this one for longer so I definitely feel a stronger connection to it. Loved all the additions and was saddened over some losses. Overall great map, and I hope Chapter 5 keeps the neon cities and rainforests. Also liked a lot of the new gameplay additions. And wish the hammer + excalibur rifle were around more than one season.

Capítulo em geral muito bom, talvez empatado com o capítulo 2 como o meu capítulo favorito entre os que eu já joguei, o único defeito desse capítulo foi história, falta de evento ao vivo, e os eventos (eventos de verão, natal e halloween), os eventos de natal e o halloween (até o momento), foram nem tão ruins e nem tão bons, mas o evento de verão foi terrível. Mas em questão de gameplay, parcerias, foi muito divertido, gostei muito do mapa, das armas e dos passes de batalha, ainda falta uma "temporada" que será a "volta do capítulo 1" ainda não posso ter uma conclusão precipitada, mas a ideia de isso acontecer parece legal para mim, farei uma atualização na review na próxima temporada, e um ranking na minha opinião sobre as temporadas:
Temporada 1 (8.5/10) - Melhor temporada do capítulo na minha opinião.
Temporada 2 (6.5/10) - Não gostei tanto assim, me parecia uma temporada que iria gostar muito, mas não foi tão bem oq esperava, mas seu começo foi muito bom.
Temporada 3 (4/10) - Essa temporada é o famoso "promete muito e entrega nada", tinha tudo em mãos dadas pra ser uma temporada boa, tendo um tema bom em mãos, mas não conseguiram aproveitar tão bem, e tendo o pior evento de verão do jogo.
Temporada 4 (8/10) - Muitos podem não concordar comigo, mas sim, eu tô achando essa temporada realmente boa, gostei do tema, e vem sendo bem aproveitado, também gostei da ideia das armas míticas antigas voltarem e os lugares novos com capangas e bosses, apesar de como todas as outras temporadas, seu problema ser a história não se avançar tanto, agora perto de seu final, ela parece que vai começar a andar pelo menos um pouco agora, e ela trouxe a nova interface, que é algo que pelo menos eu particularmente queria que mudasse há muito tempo, e o evento de Halloween até o momento vem sendo um "ok".
"Temporada 5" (?/10) - Antes de começar, já sei que a temporada não exatamente será uma temporada 5, mas ainda não sabemos bem como denominar ela, então deixei assim só que entre aspas, mas ela parece promissora, o jeito é esperar e ver se ela realmente será uma "temporada" boa.

chapter 4 has been fun so far

loved the collabs we got i just hope when we get to chapter 5 we see fortnite do some crazy stuff haha

izuku midoriya is in fortnite

amazing mechanics and graphics held back by its dogshit weapon pools

While it was lacking in a few areas, this was definitely a pretty good season. I do wish that the new content that was added was definitely more varied for this season though.

I love the funny witcher background