Reviews from

in the past

O jogo tem uma historia interessante com personagens cativantes e bem humorados, coop para 4 jogadores, vários upgrades e armas. As 4 fúrias precisam derrotar os titãs para acabar com a guerra depois da morte de Prometeus.

a personal favorite and an incredible exercise on asymmetric cooperation

I wish I were a more persuasive person, so I could convince folk to play this with me. It's a cracking little RPG-lite brawler with a daft fun story, and although you can flip between two classes during single-player, I feel like I'm missing out on the spectacle of a full team controlling the field and battering wave after wave of enemies with mad power combos.

Next time it's a fiver I'll threaten to buy it for you.

Good game, pew pew pew and all...
Too much puzzles, good difficulty.
Hint: The sniper is the best!

Played solo is not as fun but still very cool

i don't like using this word but this game is extremely underrated
it made me like co-op
overall it's very darling despite the bugs

This game has spectacularly fun co-op play. Each character plays completely differently and the game has mechanics that force all players to work together and communicate including giving the enemies shields that can only be broken by a specific character and a visual indicator that shows which enemy is targeting which player. The writing for the player characters and the enemies are fun and humorous. The combat is enjoyable and has a lot of replayability since there are 4 unique characters to try out in multiple playthroughs. Leveling up and unlockable upgrades round out a very enjoyable experience. This game is criminally underrated and unknown.

Grab a guide if you want to get full completion (you should, the last boss is good) because its secrets are very convoluted at times. Unless you're smarter than I am or want to give yourself a big challenge.

ótimo jogo para se jogar com os amigos

This game was truly excellent. Played through the whole game in 2P local co-op and just loved all of it. The beat em up gameplay is fantastic, the music is excellent, the story is solid with charming characters, the visuals are pretty nice. I really like the variety the characters have, both between each other and between their own different equipment, and I like how the game rewards changing characters and gear up every now and then with its mastery system.

Now, the thing with this game is that there's also an extra layer to it that I greatly enjoyed but I wasn't expecting from a beat em up: puzzles. The game has dozens of very cleverly done puzzles that require you to think outside the box to solve, and they reward you with more story and gameplay, culminating with the true ending. Figuring out the puzzles together with my co-op partner was as fun, if not even more so, than the game's fantastic beat em up core gameplay. Plus the puzzles just provide a nice break and change of pace. You really aren't getting the most out of the game if you decide to not engage with the puzzles.

So yeah, just an excellent co-op beat em up/puzzle game. Very few flaws to me, such as some fights just being a bit of a cluster fuck with how much is going on at once.

I don't think this game can be fully enjoyed without doing a 4 player coop session like the castle crashers days, but what i did get to expereince was perfectly fine. Tight gameplay, nice character variety, beautiful art style.