Reviews from

in the past

i dont understand why i played this so much

É muito bom fazer um jogo com um nome idiota e vender 300 milhões de cópias dele.

not the most accurate tycoon game out there nowadays but hey imagine actually being able to predict how the game industry will be like even in a couple years from now! the UI is a bit messy but overall a very charming tycoon game. made a guitar hero clone on it and made millions

Criar jogos, criar jogos e criar mais alguns joguinhos.

We got super close to the "end" of the game and then just kinda didn't finish it, whoops.

Es bastante entretenido para viciar un rato, es fácil sacar los logros, y está lleno de referencias. Si te gustan los juegos, tambien está vergas hacerlos y esto lo cumple decentemente.

A really fun modern tycoon game in an otherwise dead genre. Probably more fun on mobile than on desktop

Game Dev Tycoon is the only game i'ever bought on my phone because you know, if you pirate it you'll have no chance of getting too far into the game. At some point your games will start to get pirated and you'll go bankrupt eventually.
You start from a small garage and you end up growing into a major industry leader. I love the fact that the game begins in the early days of the gaming industry (around the 80s) and progresses through several decades, the furthest I got was to 300 years in the future 😅
The game is very engaging and it gives you freedom, you can create games by selecting various genres, themes, and platforms, and then manage the development process by allocating resources to different aspects such as graphics, sound, gameplay etc.

The game's biggest strength is it's replayability. As you progress, you unlock new technologies, game genres, and research options, allowing for increasingly sophisticated game development. There's also the challenge of staying ahead of industry trends and competitors. It adds a layer of strategic depth that keeps the gameplay interesting over multiple playthroughs.
The biggest flaw of the game is that at some point, you reach endgame and you stop unlocking new gameplay elements. I wish they supported this game for longer and added more depth to it.

All in all, this is a neat and unique idea of a game that gets addictive really quick.
Im sad that i never developed a game that got a pure 11/10 rating:((

Até que é legal, mas a maioria dos jogos que quis fazer foram uma merda... Tranquilo... Eles vão virar cult...

What do you mean Call of Poopy Diapers for the Wintendo 65 didn't sell out?

It's nice to pick it up while traveling in a train. And than you completly destroy your company because people don't like ambisious RPGs...just like real life

9/10 Has Potential ~JaxArts Inc

10/10 Played For Days... ~Mjax The Hero

8/10 Not Enough Tycoon ~IGN

6/10 Very Moddable - Steam Workshop Games

11/10 for this Masterpiece! ~Some Dude On The Internet

It's a fun, charming game that gets old fairly quickly. There's a lot of RNG involved, and not necessarily in a satisfying way. Although the act of trying weird combinations of genre and theme and giving your games the stupidest titles you can think of is worth the price of admission.

Game Dev Tycoon's use of video game history rewards players that have knowledge of the games industry and educates those who don't, but the lack of depth in its mechanics prevents the game from capitalizing on it further.

sempre quis jogar , e bom , é como se você estivesse vivendo a evolução da indústria dos vídeo jogos , e se você tiver um bom conhecimento você pode evitar de entrar em ciladas, como um console que fracassou ou até golpes .
fazer a sua empresa crescer nesse jogo é bem difícil, nesse aspecto é bem realista kk, cuidada ao se endividar

there's really nothing about making games its more of just titling stuff moving levers and praying it works. Finally I can see how my action-racing video game idea Huck my Shuck Racing 2: Farmer's Village will do in the real world

minecraft 2 was a big disappointment

Super Sigma is the best sold game of all time

Tycoon de hacer jueguicos que salió a la estela de Game Dev Story.

No aporta nada pero está bien para pasar el rato.

5/10 - 6/10 - 6/10 - 4/10

Just a bunch of gamers locked in a room for a 100 years dropping banger after banger.

Game Hero is fucking wrong I only make masterpieces.