Reviews from

in the past

i loved this game, very relaxing and pretty visuals

THIS GAME IS AWESOME.. another xbox gamepass!!! its so cool i really like driving around in a little van delivering mail..

a simple, but cute game. it's very, very slow paced, and repetitive (so very much not for everyone), but i had a nice time with it

very pretty game, just not my thing unfortunately! (,:

i've had this on my wishlist for forever and let's just say i'm really glad i didn't have to pay for it. i usually don't mind having to drive back and forth on a map, but to have everything remotely interesting happen within the first 3 in-game days makes the other 11 days so boring. i'm also just really confused as to why the game shows its hand so quickly considering the small map. it would've made more sense to keep the player within the center of town at first and slowly send them farther out to keep intrigue.

my biggest nitpick though are the dialogue options that supposedly influence the story. the only time that matters is with the romanceable characters and the very last decision. i would pick contradicting statements within the same conversation and there wouldn't be reactions/consequences.

Achei esse título pesquisando "jogos calmos" e me peguei no meio dele tendo que lidar com um relacionamento lésbico, acusação de lavagem de dinheiro e protesto contra uma construtora.

Played this for a while on game pass, but the performance on my xbox one really hampered the experience. Might pick it up on a better system someday, as I liked interacting with the town citizen.

Justo quando eu tava me divertindo entregando carta, o jogo acaba :(
Não me leve a mal, eu gostei de interagir com NPC's e etc... Mas entregar carta foi o highlight do jogo pra mim. Eu queria que tivesse mais gameplay disso KKKKKKK 😭😭

There's a lot to like here, and there's a lot to dislike. The problem with Lake is not in it's set-up. It's a cozy game, so if the thought of driving around in a van, getting out and delivering packages is not for you then you'll be sorely disappointed. That's what it says on the tin - and that's what it is.

However, Lake incites you with characters that seem to have charming designs and personalities, but takes no time or has no time to go in depth with these. Frequently when I thought Meredith would experience a problem with a character or a struggle, she didn't. Her boss Steve, who bothers her multiple times while she's on holiday is seen in a sympathetic light. Most of the other characters like Lori or Angie have minor stories that show no real struggle or development besides Angie being your 'moving away' ending and Lori having a single scene where you form a relationship with her.

Aesthetically and on paper I think lake has a lot of things going for it. But in practice it's just not polished enough. There's nothing here to entice me and I was glad when the credits rolled for the third time after I obtained my platinum trophy.

Don't waste your time.

This review contains spoilers

apesar de saber que é um jogo que se trata de entregar correspondências, em alguns momentos achei meio chato ir ao meio do nada entregar coisa. acho que os carteiros do correios se sentem assim..

Jogo curtinho e bem calmo, bom pra passar uma tarde tranquila. Levemente repetitivo, mas de um jeito que não se torna um incômodo. Como ponto positivo tem uma trilha sonora incrível e a direção de arte é linda.

Um ponto negativo é que buga constantemente no xbox one. Tive que jogar no pc pra ter uma melhor experiência.

Única coisa q presta é a arte. Muitos bugs, extremamente repetitivo, escolhas de diálogos q n mudam nada, personagens desinteressantes e mal otimizado.

I don't know why the reviews here are so low. The game was amazing and I had lots of fun, very relaxing too!

Se me falassem para definir chatice eu mostraria esse jogo.

Eu não sou contra a ideia, afinal toda a ideia é a melhor do mundo até vc lapidar a mesma, o problema aqui é a própria lapidação. Ao vc fazer um jogo de encomendas em uma pequena cidade vc tem 2 objetivos. 1 - Deixar o mundo vivo e único em cada lugar q vc passe. E 2 - Criar personagens e diálogos vividos e emocionantes. Ele consegue falhar nesses dois fatores tendo um mapa extremamente monótono e enjoativo onde só se define em ir ao ponto A ao ponto B, e seus gráficos acabam não ajudando nem um pouco, são simples e não há um senso artístico q o define. Enquanto aos personagens eles bem... Existem? Os diálogos são qualquer coisa e não conseguem criar um laço ou emoção ao jogador, são apenas conversas sem alma, se tentaram ser realistas na vida de um entregador conseguiram, pq eu só passo o meu nome pro entregador pego minha encomenda e dou tchau.

Foram 3 belas horas desperdiçadas neste jogo chato e sem identidade alguma.

Nunca pensei que entregar cartas fosse tão divertido.

It was a cute little sim game, nothing fancy, but I had fun playing it!


Not terrible but put me to sleep. I was not interested in the story whatsoever and just wanted to deliver mail. I would've continued playing if the story wasn't forced every single time I delivered a package tbh.

Bem fraquinho... me senti jogando um Protótipo de um jogo em fase Alfa... não indico a ninguém ... nota 2,5/10

i think i hate this game actually so i won’t be progressing any further.

the cutest low-stakes hallmark-esque video game. a little glitchy but the story was just what I was hoping for.

Enjoyed delivering mail and meeting the townspeople but those options for an ending were a bit meh. I also wish we'd have had a b-roll at the end of her getting up to stuff with her ending decision so we could see how it went.

Blue velvet is mentioned in this video game

Não tem muito o que comentar, o jogo só cumpri o que diz. O jogo é aquele tipo de jogo para jogar em um dia chuvoso de uma sexta feira ouvindo tua playlist favorita. História razoavel, gameplay simples.

Platina extremamente fácil

Great concept but I feel like I wasn't able to enjoy the game as much as I would have liked to due to bugs. I played on the Xbox Gamepass PC version so other platforms may have had fewer issues. There were several times when I had to put the game down and stop playing for some time until an update was released. The devs have really been listening to feedback and fixing things quickly though, so I would still recommend the game just maybe wait until more things get ironed out if you plan to play it through Gamepass.

(This review was copied over from howlongtobeat and represents my experience on my logged finishing date of Feb 5, 2022 so bugs may be fixed now)