Reviews from

in the past

A bullet-hell where you play as magical girls fighting magical monsters?? Yeah, this game can be challenging, but in a fun way where every boss makes you think of how their mechanics work and figure out different ways to tackle them. Very much enjoyed my time and I'm glad it's getting more attention due to "Rabbit and Steel"

These character designs are so good I want to eat them

Maiden & Spell é responsável por várias descobertas minhas no meio indie e gosto musical (HAGANE)
É um jogo foda demais e bem responsivo, com uma gameplay bem desafiadora mas que até um merda como eu em Danmaku, amo muito o trabalho geral do minodev, principalmente a arte
Ansioso pro próximo projeto

Tried this after enjoying Rabbit & Steel so much and I see where a lot of the dna of that game came from. This a cool little mix of a touhou bullet hell and a fighting game. It's pretty fun although I feel like there's some control issues I really dislike. I played a character that was really incentivized to spam a certain move but there was no option to simply hold the button to keep shooting it, instead I had to constantly tap the button. That sucks.

Aesthetically really cool. Nobody was playing online but I heard it has actual rollback which is sick. It's neat.

character designs are super cute
fun combat mechanics
good times :)

Love this style of shmup. 1v1 fights, with other cool things put in as well. Online rollback netcode was also cool.

Yeah Maiden & Spell is very legit. A shmup/fighter hybrid that itself feels like a hybrid of Acceleration of Suguri and Touhou, living up to the postitive qualities of each of those games. The artstyle is pretty great too and it really captures the same soul and sense of jovial wonder with its characters as most games in the Touhou series.

A SHMUP fighter, but actually more. Thinking it's a fighting game, I wasn't expecting single player campaign would be much, at least compared to traditional SHMUP that have traditional bosses. Instead, the story mode of this game is essentially a SHMUP boss rush, where each character has several AI-only "magnus" moves that are essentially special boss attacks. Each fight in the story mode basically comes down to having several rounds, where if you outlast your AI opponent until the very last life in that round, it triggers a "magnus" fight (basically "spell" in Touhou Gensou no Ronde). Survive that like a traditional SHMUP boss, you are onto the next round that features yet another magnus. There are quite a few to master, and considering that, it's an excellent single player experience, with last two "real" bosses showcasing absolutely punishing series of patterns.

The meat of the gameplay is, however, the multiplayer (apparently has an amazing netcode!), which I haven't had much chance to play with real people. However, what little chance I had (along with fight against AI opponents) are still a treat as well. It borrows roughly the similar concept from Senko no Ronde, which heavily influenced a Touhou doujin game, Gensou no Ronde. Unlike these two, Maiden & Spell is Bullet Hell first and Fighting game second. This means that you no longer have traditional HP bar; you get hit, that's your life gone.

Of course, the bullet patterns from Maiden & Spell have completely different charactertics from those found in Senko no Ronde, as they aim for two completely opposite objectives. In Senko no Ronde, your attacks are designed to hit your opponents, so the bullets are fast and straight. In Maiden & Spell, even your attacks feel more like SHMUP bosses, where your lay an elaborate pattern of bullets filling the screen, at a slower pace. The game therefore focuses less about twitch precision and more about methodical trap laying and forcing opponents to move into position they don't want to be in. This is very clear from how your two basic attacks are designed: one is directed towards your enemy (through autoaim) in straight line, while the other is emanated from you and designed to never hit the enemy if she stands still. Combining the two, along with two specials, creates a distinct gameplay loop of waiting and trapping, which is not usually this literal in fighting games. It's borderline impossible to snipe your opponent in this game; instead, dodging is first, while you tirelessly work to trap your opponent whenever you can. It's a simple concept really, putting Touhou into 1v1 fighting genre, but I've never seen this done in such a faithful way.