Reviews from

in the past

got softlocked on the third level awesome game

I still enjoy going back to this one. Something about the progression and range of excellent weapons really speaks to me. I should really play the first one though huh?

With cliches as bad as the worst hollywood movies, inconex and rushed little story, horrible collitions, bad placed save points, TERRIBLE or lack of hints, place holders instead of characters and some other things that I might be forgeting, I finally understand why Medievil died in it's secuel and why it didn't receive a remake.

Sir Dan deserved something better... It's not a terrible game, mostly because of the things the first game did right, but it's a huge downgrade if you compare it with his great precuel.

Praying for a remake, in terms of gameplay the quick weapon switch is great, the miss here is the ending which im not gonna spoil.

The boxing level was a mistake. But the charm shines though with the lovely PS1 crunch.

Quoting my review of the first game, this second one plays in pretty much the same way with its weapons and play style except now for the plot and characters being a bit different and the controls feeling a bit more polished. I sometimes get confused on which part I got up to in this one considering I was playing it at the same time as the first one so I get them easily mixed up.

Un gioco, successore di MediEvil, che è realizzato per certi versi meglio rispetto il primo. Livelli meglio strutturati e più lunghi. Boss particolari nel mondo in cui devi combatterli. Grafica significativamente migliorata. Un livello di difficoltà leggermente superiore, ma non ha l'atmosfera magica del primo. Tuttavia un gioco fatto bene tecnicamente e in generale.

Full bias incoming!

I played this game so many times for so many weeks and weekends, and I didn't even get to own the game until later in life (thanks to it being a gift from a friend). That's right, I RENTED this game constantly. I probably spent more money on this game than the initial retail price was for it. I probably could have bought the game if I were just more frugal with my cash. But, kids be kids, lol.

That out of the way, I have to say that I don't think this is better than the original. It's much cheesier and hokier (especially with its plot), has a scant few, very light movement glitches, and I felt it was a little too short. Plus, it had many, many more mid level load times, and sometimes had boss battles completely separate from the stage they came from.

Despite all that, I felt its highs were better than the original. The game had more interesting locals, the music was amazing start to finish, the weapons were still indeed fun to use, Dan Hand was always a joy, and the mood via gameplay and setting atmosphere was delightfully darker.

Also, from a personal anecdote, there is something so immensely satisfying about walking up to a zombie that's charging towards you, whipping out a Blunderbuss, pulling the trigger, and watching it explode into gory pieces, spraying green, rotted blood everywhere. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

We'll probably never again have a game like this; A cartoony, Tim Burton inspired partial gore fest that has a low to mid brow sense of humor worn proudly on the glove's rim. For all of its warts and boils, I'm glad Medievil II exists, and sits at #4 of my favorites.

This is what happens when you have a different director take the helms. It's still a good game but that cohesive world the first game had is thrown out in this one for something more sporadic. The humor is also a bit more juvenile. Also fall damage was added, who the fuck did that?

Honestly, I like this game better compared to the first one because the levels have more focus and consistency. The first one had many levels that were pure combat, or that just boiled down to a single mechanic. This game better balances combat, platforming and puzzles in its stages. And the reuse of weapons and other reused elements didn't bother me that much.

A worthy sequel, set during the industrial revolution
The levels are super cool and have even more of that grimy gothic atmosphere since now you're prowling through english towns and circuses and resident evil gardens (and more)
You get an egyptian girlfriend and you somehow have a big emotional drama subplot involving a time machine and jack the ripper
You also fight a giant T-Rex skeleton that turns into a Pterodactyl, and if you play long enough you get a gatling gun
I think that's a good enough sales pitch

This was the first adventure game I ever owned, and my 2nd title on the PS.

I was 9 so I was kinda scared of it. I remember vividly getting super spooked the first time I saw caskets rising from the ground and zombies popping out to attack me.
Also, I didn't have a memory card and my mother wouldn't let me use the console for more than 1h at a time, so I just replayed the first stage several times until I got to Kensington, where I would get lost and also extra spooked by the dudes with top hats who would resurrect other zombies.

Now that I think of it, wandering around in Victorian Kensington, felt oddly similar to exploring Bloodborne's Yharnam for the first time...

Anyway, eventually, I got a memory card and beat the game a few times. It has a good sense of humor (most of which I didn't get when I was a kid), and it holds a special place in my heart.

Solid entry in the “early 3D platformer-adventure game sequel that does too much with it” genre. The original works in spite of itself, but this one fucks around too much—it adds guns, there are a bunch of gimmicky episode, it’s a bit too hard.

los esqueletos de dinosaurios cobrando vida, boofff épico

Decent 3D mascot platformer. Played it a lot when it first came out, but always fell off at the abysmal boxing match.

Where do I start. Everything. EVERYTHING about this game is bad (except for whitechapel). At least they have a woman in STEM. I want this game to not exist.

When my brother was on vacation I tried to beat this before he came back. But the Pumpkin stage was so difficult I had to use cheats. Still couldn't beat it before he came back so I stuck my head onto my hand and crawled away into the night. Happy Halloween ;)

I wish I could go back in time to 1997 and just smack every single developer of 3D platformer games across the jaw over and over again and scream in their ears till they go deaf “what don't you understand about ‘keep the camera behind me’? Keep the camera behind me!!!!!!!!!" It’s a little harsh, but it might improve the timeline, you never know.

What a damn shame. I really wanted to get into this, and I thought the jump to 1800s gothic/Industrial Revolution England worked very well. But on a gameplay level this just isn’t done: trampoline platforming in which the trampolines are spaced farther apart than your jump can take you, to swarms of pumpkin beasties that sponge your weapons and each take about two minutes to beat, each!, to my favorite, a nonsense punch-out!! mini game that you have to play to continue. Last I checked, this is the sequel to a very-okay platformer that not many people played, the last thing you should be doing is giving me overt reasons to stop playing

Una joya que aprecias más cuanto mayor eres por el humor y el diseño de niveles que tenía

While there is a great follow up sequel underneath, this clearly feels like it was rushed out before it was polished towards the end of the PS1 life cycle. It introduces really cool and fun concepts, but never fully realizes most of them.

The first MediEvil was enjoyable enough, but good lord I did not like this one at all. The core gameplay is mostly retained, but the new Victorian London setting is drab and a massive step back, the nerfing of health fountains makes the game unnessicarily punishing, the story and characters are complete nonsense and the voice acting is painful to listen to. Dan was a lot more likeable when he could only mumble.

i guess the first game didn’t have enough tits
i feel like god when i pull out the gatling gun

A great follow up to a great game. This needs a remake.

Polishes some things but kind of downplays others. The difficulties developers had with 3D cameras movement show here, specially in platforming sections.