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in the past

Metal Blade triumphs over all.

Better than 1 in every way

Mega Man 2 does a good job as a sequel to the original Mega Man. Overall, everything is better: controls, soundtrack, physics, level design and special weapons.

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Over the years after god knows how many replays, I still think mega man 2 holds up quite well. Pretty much everything has been improved from 1; the presentation is much better, being way less rough around the edges than the first game which as much as I still enjoy that game, just visually screams early nes game. The level design is way more varied, and the boss fights (with one exception) are overall much more interesting and generally makes this game more fun to run through again. The music is also so much more memorable, it's no wonder why this is one of the most recognizable video game soundtracks ever.
However, there is one thing about this game that kind of just brings the whole experience down for me, and yeah, it's Wily stage 4. For the most part Mega man 2 steps off the bullshit moments from the first game, and got rid of permanently missable items that can softlock you from beating the game, thank god. However, Wily 4 completely throws that out the window. First of all, this is by far the worst level design in the game and it's no contest. The first half of the level has invisible walls, which is mostly just really annoying more than anything. These can easily be overcome with the bubble lead, which I'll admit is actually a pretty cool puzzle. But then you get to the second half of the level, which has extremely slow moving platforms, and ends off with spamming a ton of the more annoying enemies in the game. And then you get to the boss fight, the boobeam trap. Dear. God. You have to use the crash bombs to get rid of these dome things on the wall, and you have an extremely limited supply. There are a bunch of walls that are breakable via the crash bombs, but nope! You're actually meant to traverse around using the transport items to make your way around the stage in the most obtuse way possible, and yeah this part blows. I usually play these games through the legacy collection, and this is the only part in the first 6 games where I don't really feel that bad if I end up using the rewind feature just so I can get it over with. This is by far one of the worst stages and bosses in the entire classic series, and honestly bogs the experience down a little bit, especially since it comes so late into the game. And it sucks I often finish this game feeling relieved more than anything, because I actually really like this game! But dear lord I dread this boss fight so so much whenever I play through this game

The game where the Mega Man series really began, if you could only start with one game in the series, make it 2 and skip 1.
1 is miserable by comparison, and that's odd because structurally there's not much different. But as a Mega Man fan, 1 feels like obligation when you're playing Legacy Collection and 2 feels like actual fun.
With tightened up control, improved physics, better level design, fun weapons, and even better graphics and soundtrack than the first, Mega Man 2 blows the original away.
My only real problem are the 3rd and 5th Wily Castle Bosses. The third requires you to blow through all your Crash Bomb ammo and Game Over if you can't do it right on the first go.
And the fifth can only be hurt by your bubbles with, again, no way to regain your ammo so it's an instant Game Over.
Save states are a must in those cases but other than those late game hurdles, Mega Man 2 has stood the test of time.

This is without a doubt a vast improvement upon the original Mega Man in practically every aspect. While I had an absolutely dreadful time with the original Mega Man, I actually had a pretty pleasant time with Mega Man 2. It wasn’t some stand out, blow me away type game, but for what it is, it’s honestly pretty fun.

Level Design is where the game vastly improves, though I definitely would say it’s not 100% perfect. There’s some areas that conceptually seem fun, having to dodge or avoid instakill objects, but they’re vertical segments, and the transitions between sections interrupt the flow of things. I think the parts of levels that I disliked most weren’t cause of platforming this time around, but more so enemies. That one bird enemy that drops an egg that spawns like, 10 baby birds is the bane of my existence. And as well, this is just a major pet peeve of mine, but enemies respawning off screen was annoying at times, especially if its one of the tougher enemies, like the Sniper Armors in Flash Man’s stage.

Almost every boss is pretty solid as well. Much like with the first game, typically the first robot master you fight is going to be the hardest, as you won’t have their weakness. I honestly can’t imagine not doing the fights without that robot master’s weakness, sometimes it feels absolutely necessary. Especially in the case of Quick Man, he feels way too fast to deal with without his weakness. The Wily Castle bosses are just as easy, aside from the boss of I believe it was stage 4, which that boss just feels cruelly designed. That boss requires some thinking to figure out how to hit all of the sirens, which is fine, but every so often each of the sirens will shoot at you, and it was way too fast to react to. Aside from this and the one robot master though, the bosses were actually kind of fun to figure out, even if they were slightly on the easier side.

And I’m so happy E Tanks are a thing. Just being able to heal back to full as long as you have one is really nice, and can help ease some amount of difficulty that the game has otherwise. They seemed somewhat generously placed throughout the game, which helps a lot too, even if you can only hold 4 at a time.

Yet again, this game is a vast improvement upon the original in practically every aspect. I actually had fun playing Mega Man 2, though that being said it didn’t blow me away in any degree. I do wonder what the next Mega Man games would be like, I’ve heard complicated things about Mega Man 3, but I don’t know anything beyond that. But Mega Man 2 was a pretty fun time overall.

Literally best MM game with the best OST.

But yeah apart from that it's just a cool platformer
Kinda sad that the levels with the best ost aka the Wily stages are the most annoying
Especially this one where you have to precisely aim these frickin bombs or else you're fucked beyond belief

still very good today but too punishing, at least for a noob like me

Megaman 2 is often considered one of the best titles not only in the franchise, but one of the best games ever.

And honestly I don't buy that.
I played this game multiple times and yeah, I totally see the things that does incredibly: the movement and jump-&-shootery is fluid and fun even today, the grphics are nice, the ability to approach the game as you want was a novel concept for the time and the soundtrack is a banger to this day (Seriously, Wily Castle 1 still gives me goosebumps)

But also there is a lot of weird design choices, specifically in the later sections of the game. Some parts of the final levels are straight up unaccessible if you don't have the good equipment (ITEM-1 and ITEM-2 being so important to progress feels kinda weird too), and one specific boss (the worst mf I have ever fought) is impossible to pass if you used Crash Bomber at all before it.
Not to mention that, after playing later titles, I really felt the lack of Slide Kick, Rush and Charge Shot in thos one.

My criticism aside, there is not denying that it is a classic that everone should try, and its pros are able to outshine its cons to make it a great experience even after 30+ years.

Mega Man 2 is epic, go figure

Una gran mejora del primer juego a este. Siempre tuve la idea de que estos juegos iban a ser más difíciles, y para como son las cosas en el NES, me imaginaba que con cada nuevo juego la dificultad iba a ir incrementando, como de Castlevania I a Castlevania III, o de Contra a Super C, pero fue un alivio darme cuenta de que este no era el caso.

Siguen habiendo áreas de mejora, pero para ser un juego de los 80s no me quejo. Tiene un mucho mejor flow, habilidades y niveles más interesantes.

It's megaman again, with some new robutts. The evolution of the series is interesting to follow, but stays true to its core through the ones i've played.

El peak de mi infancia fue hacer una guía de este juego y subirla a YouTube para consultarla cuando lo volviese a jugar. GOTY

Mega man two? More like mega man poo.

Still overrated AF but it's still a fun game.

Copy paste my Mega Man 1 review from yesterday here

shit makes me go AVGN mode

Better game than the original but not by much, severely overrated.

The second one I know the most about, very challenging. Rewind feature definitely came in handy. Woodman is the worst one to fight... That leaf shield SUUUUCKZ!!! x___x

If it weren't for everybody going crazy over this game, MM9 and 10 would have sliding, and for that I will never forgive it.

The rough edges have been sanded off of the first game and what we have now is one of the best 8-bit platformers ever made, despite the balancing issue caused by the existence of the Metal Blade weapon.

Effectively a polished version of the first game in every sense. It iterates perfectly on what was already established, but I still find fault with how much it relies on memorization for its difficulty.

Muchos consideran que la saga realmente inició aquí en el 2, escenarios, controles, mecánicas pero sobre todo la música de este juego es lo que mas destaca de él. Una joya atemporal del retro gaming.

bem dificinho e com uma trilha sonora do caralho, só faltou ter um slidezinho pra ajudar em certos chefes e partes de fases

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Very fun game with a insanely hard ending.

An improvement over the first one which was to be expected but it was interesting to see how much the developers improved in only a year. The game felt overall more forgiving than the first entry with more forgiving platforming and enemies and bosses that don’t all hit like trucks. On a first run through a level, you will still likely die, which I am not fond of, but the improvement in the level design made redoing sections far less tedious. The iconic soundtrack was great for getting me pumped up for each stage and the sprite work is stellar with the team using every pixel at their disposal to create some awesome-looking designs, my favorite being the Guts-Tank. My major gripe with the game is its reliance on certain weapon types which can lead to situations where I run out of energy for that weapon and I might as well waste all of my lives so I can get that energy back. Case in point the final boss which is only weak to one weapon type which you can not replenish in between attempts. Not a hard boss by any means but that resource management is a bit unnecessary.

There’s not much else to say as this game and the ones to come all follow a similar set up albeit with minor alterations. This title would set the groundwork for what the series will truly become and still holds up all right.