Reviews from

in the past

Just Metal Slug 2 but it plays and looks better, Which is saying a lot because metal slug 2 is a great game.

X/2 remain my favorite Metal Slug games. Incredibly silly, introduces strange enemies just because it can. Fun level gimmicks like mummy transformation and missile platforming. It's a good time across the board and I'm glad to have played X to compare to 2 after all this time.

i beat it with my friend navi : )

This game is some fucking heat man metal slug 2 was already good but now it's even good-er. This game is not as hard or long imo as metal slug 3 which is good even though i love that game too this one is easier to beat which is saying somwthing cause this game still hard asf.

that fightcade slowdown is not some horse

Metal Slug é muito bom, se você discorda você está errado

My favorite of the ones in the series I played so far. The most balanced in my opinion, and for this reason it's the one I often come back to.

Independence Day (1996) but good

The definitive Version of Metal Slug 2

Dang I love those mummy dogs but that Egyptian level tower mech suit boss fight thing is a buzzkill

O primeiro jogo de Arcade que eu vi, provavelmente. Lembro muito bem das letras do título aparecendo uma por uma e no fim um X enorme caindo sobre elas, achava maravilhoso de mágico!
O jogo segue a mesma trama do primeiro, um exército de dois jogadores lutando contra soldados infinitos, só que dessa vez, ALIENS entraram no chat.
Há duas garotas novas jogáveis, e o jogo ao todo na verdade é o 2 refeito sem os problemas de lentidão, tornando o outro praticamente obsoleto (e raro por causa disso)
Nunca terminei na máquina porque sem dinheiro pra isso. Primeira vez que fiz isso foi bem inusitado, mas foi na escola que tinha uma área de jogos e um dia ganhamos 2 horas sem aula, então né kk

tfw u will never be able to make art as pretty as metal slug's

This is, by far, my favorite run n gun game.
I ran across it in an arcade about a decade ago and was impressed by how well it had stood the test of time.
Fun level designs that can be challenging. Annoying creatures like all run n guns have. The graphics are…well…beautiful.
Not as good as the later entries in the series, obviously, as this is a sort of Fatal Fury Special type deal, but for Metal Slug 2.

As it turns out, this is not Metal Slug 10 but rather a modified version of Metal Slug 2 with some honestly cool new weapons added in with some occasional new enemies (love the mummy dogs)

(I played this on Metal slug Anthology on a PS2 emulator)
Metal slug X is Metal slug 2 with a few minor differences and the occasional stuttering lag spikes fixed. Because of that, I will mostly copy my review of Metal slug 2. It was originally an arcade game that was later ported to the PS 1. The game is a 2D platformer shooter with a very beautiful artstyle. Overall, I would recommend playing this over Metal slug 2 or if you just want more of the same.
Not much of a narrative, although the IGDB description does give of the appearance of a wider story.
Fairly simple controls as this is an arcade game. You can move left or right and crouch or jump. Shooting is only on the 2 axis. There are also grenades you can throw and more powerful weapons with limited ammo you can find. You will need them as this is not an easy game. Arcade games try to suck as much money from the players as possible, and the main method they use is to increase the difficulty. Another part kept in the port is the lives' system. After you die 3 times, which happens whenever you get hit, you can choose to either respawn and trivialize the Metal slug X by brute forcing it or restart the WHOLE GAME. It could really use some checkpoints. But I bet these were real money makes back in the day.
Graphics and artstyle
It keeps the phenomenal artstyle of the previous entries. Everything from the enemy soldiers to the background has so much character and style.
Pretty fun soundtrack, quite fitting to the tone of the game as well. Favourite part is “Kiss in the dark”.
Final Thoughts

played with my friend zukai

- One of the best Metal Slug games, a classic of the run & gun genre
- Definitely in my top 3 of this type of game

They improved performance, slightly enhanced the sound, made changes to the stages that I personally liked more, added new power-ups, and balanced the missions much better. In conclusion, this is the "true" Metal Slug 2.

After 7 years since I first played it at an arcade and 4 years of casually enjoying it in the context of being a game I always keep on my Nintendo switch, I found myself at a NeoGeo arcade cabinet again with “Metal Slug X” and I gotta say yeah this is definitively one of the best arcade games ever and it says enough it was THE game for me to start catching the SNK logo wherever I go

Metal Slug X improved Metal Slug in ways I didn't even know I wanted, and I'm so happy for it! After playing it, I can confidently say that this is probably my favorite arcade game... for now... ヽ(´ー` )┌

This is another game that me and my retro buddy @handsomezack played together, and had an insanely awesome time doing co-op! Metal Slug X was able to play with and have fun with different aspects that are missed in the original Metal Slug, even small things like having the choice between two female characters and now having different environmental themes for the levels really added to the enjoyment for me. I was already impressed with the enemy and boss designs from the original game, but Metal Slug X even improved upon that! Now there's bosses that attack you from underneath, above, chase you, force you to climb, have multiple forms... the list goes on! The designs are even more gorgeous than its 1996 predecessor, and the story on top of it all is really fun to unravel. I loved how the final boss involved you and your enemies working together and seeing there's more serious issues than needing to fight each other! I just wish it didn't involve having to work side-by-side with a group that's clearly based off the Nazis, but at the end of the day, they're just a fictional "bad guy" group probably inspired by all the American films that have the Nazis as the big bad guy group, so I won't it too seriously.

My only real complaint again is the 4-way gun control over the 8-way diagonal directions, but still, that's just me nitpicking, as the controls felt significantly better overall from the original Metal Slug! All in all, I had a great time playing this game with my friend, and I'm so happy he decided to show me it! I can't wait to play Metal Slug 3!


Harder than Metal Slug 3 by far, the final boss is crazy hard (1cc)

com certeza o melhor da serie, muito legal

Damn, games did NOT fuck around during the 90s, and this game proves that. At least I used one less continue than Metal Slug 1.

Oh my god
i get it now
The reason why I wasnt having much fun with Metal Slug was because i was trying to play it solo!!!! co-op slaps with this shit!!!!! Aside from the menagerie of tasty ass spritework in this shit and how satisfying literally Everything feels, you get a pretty short and sweet romp through some hectic as FUCK levels and some pretty foreboding ass bosses
they even got vulcan raven in here i guess, for some reason

this Definitely made me more open to the thought of playing more of the series!! Just...hehe yea not solo.. ill definitely need to call up a friend to do this again with otherwise id probably start gnashing my teeth and clawing the screen again.