Reviews from

in the past

Used to play this while listening to Infinity On High.

There's an alternate timeline where this is still an ongoing series.

To be honest, that timeline is probably better than ours.

Ah MySims my bread and butter.
I remember when i was very young I had to get surgery and I was so scared but my mom gave me this game in the hospital and it really helped me to calm down, instead of sitting in the waiting room with anxiety I was thinking about all the cool towns I could build so this game got a very special place in my heart. I've played this game over and over as a kid and now as a 22 year adult I replayed it and I got to play with the PC exclusive content wich was awesome.
I just wanna thank this game for bringing me years of hapiness.

the wordt game in the world

o wii realmente lançava até pão com banana de jogo

I enjoyed this game a lot as a kid, such that I even got 100% on all Interests in my town. I really enjoyed designing different houses and furniture, and catering them to each of my townspeople's individual personalities and interests. The biggest problems for me were the loading times and that some Essences were very tedious to collect.

Overall though, I enjoyed this game and would love for EA to revisit the franchise in the future. I could see it experiencing a renaissance of sorts given how popular "cozy" games are now.

MySims might be just a piece of history now, but it'll always be the dearest game in my Backloggd. These characters supported me when nobody else did, they shared their joys and sorrows with me, they gave me gifts and their approval. I learned about their life stories and interests and they accepted me as one of them even tho I'm not, in fact, a sim but merely a human. Maybe one day, I'll ascend this life of mine and become a part of MySims universe myself. Maybe one day, EA will make a sequel.

I remember back when I rented this from Blockbuster, loved it back then but I know of course it's not the most excellent of Sims games in the world but I still have fond memories of it. Having played it years later it is super simple and kid-friendly so there's not much for me to get out of it these days.

My sister would never tell me how to play, but the game looked fun.

loved this game way more than any of the mainline sims games. still enjoy going back and playing this on my wii; i was always annoyed with the horrible loading times but at this point in my life there’s almost a nostalgic charm to the wait.

People aren't joking, this was better than the actual sims.

Better than the actual Sims. Cool ideas of balancing design philosophies, filtered for a child to play.

this game was unironically better than the actual sims. i had so much fun playing this when i was younger and i know there isn't a lot to it but i'll still rate it highly because it isn't supposed to have much depth— it's primarily a game for kids and it served its purpose well. i liked violet and candy

bakc in 2017 it was a different time. Kids werent drinking drunk elphany perfume and dying man VPAING i never had a fucking vape in 2017 and I am GREAT PERSON 🐥 Be more like me and play mysims
I came out great trust

i got this on my birthday and i was playing it spending ages making my character and i scroll past the ugly buck teeth mouth option and my dad tells me that should be the one i pick
the darkness in my heart grew that day

god I wish they'd bring this back

one of my favourite games as a kid. very repetitive gameplay and the "prize" at the end was unsatisfying adn really pissed me off as a ten year old, but still have a lot of love for it. all the characters have such cute designs and the fetch quests are very stimulating as someone who likes mindless gameplay

another HUUGE game of my childhood.
Fucking hell i loved the shit out of this game. I remember hating Poppy and Rosalyn, painting poppy's cutesy house in black and giving rosalyn's mayoral mansion a punk aesthetic. I remember having a HUUUGE crush on the goth girl Violet and Maria as well. I loved Gino as well the italian fuck. I spent hours upon hours upon hours on its building design, as I was already very much in love with architecture. And editing the household objects and creating new ones?? aaah that was great. Collecting new patterns to paint with, exploring new areas you would unlock.
I remmeber the game being quite big actually, or at least I sure took my time with it, I played it everyday and never even unlocked star level 5. This along with many others I've written about was likely a big influence on developing my creative interest. Holds a big space in my heart

i like building things and collecting the little essences and building the town and being nice to people. there isn't really much else to do but it's a cute game for what it is

I loved this game as a kid, but taking off the nostalgia glasses, this is mid.

I wasn't allowed to plays actual T-rated Sims as a kid so I settled for MySims. A super late 2000s product of its time. Loved the little pizza dude

get real if you think this is worth less than 5 stars

Cute Animal Crossing ripoff. I like the building and escpecially carpentry mechanic, had fun customizing. I think that AC lacks somethig like that. Building myself a bed, a throne and a whole kitchen out of Poppy's tears surely became a core memory of mine. It gets bit boring after a while, though, gathering resources can be a pain and I wish Sims and relationships with them could be a bit more like in the original The Sims. Overall, i wouldn't play it again, but if there was a My Sims 2 or some improved reboot i would get pretty excited to try it.