Reviews from

in the past

Had fun with this as a kid but man it sucks.

I'm gonna keep it real I can't remember anything other than hating this.

yeah.... its ok. really enjoyed it when I was younger though

I wanted to replay this game, since I was so fond of it back as a 10- year old.....

.....20 hours later, I now know why I never finished it. The game is just a pure grindfest, as every progression is tied to the resources you need to collect. During my entire playthrough, I had to resort to a 10 year old GameFAQs guide to get all the ressources, since I couldn't be bothered to remember all the places where they are located in. The building aspect becomes more of a chore later down the line, as every quest requires more ressources. By the end, I was happy that I even finished it.

the first ds game i ever got. i played it for 6 hours straight on the first day :o)

Pisses me off that there isn't me enough housing to hold every NPC at once. If that fact is wrong, I don't care about MySims enough to fact check it, that's just what I remember.

Tried to replay it a while back, got bored. Too slow and simplistic. But I liked it as a kid, so three stars out of five is fine. Could've been way worse.

I put an embarassing amount of hours into this as a kid

i have heard the wii/pc version sucks but the ds version is awesome and it rocks

great fishing!
you can catch an alligator

Super fun casual cute game. Stimulates creativety. But lots of work and then the game gets somewhat boring.

I bought this while staying with my dad on Vacation in the UK and my only real memory of it was him saying "please, please turn the music off."

i dont remember this game well but I KNOW i played it

nostalgia is at it once again

3/5 só porque o estilo gráfico desse jogo me agrada muito, mas a gameplay realmente é meio meh.

Am I the only one who understands the complexity of this technologically ambitious masterpiece? This game isn't stupid, you're stupid.

even as a kid i thought this game was pretty boring and i was a dumb ass kid

Eu adorava qnd era criança mas n sei pq

me gustaba tanto el juego de la DS que aun habiendomelo pasado al 100% me dedicaba a dar vueltas por toda la isla simplemente porque me apetecía. el de la wii no recuerdo tanto

MySims is like the Sims but they added a storymode and all the other Sims are characters.

Burn with fire. Please and thank you.

I know I played this as a boy but have literally no other memories of it other than that fact

Cute aesthetic and a decent translation of the Sims formula to something more kid-friendly but the Sims was hardly that hardcore to begin with.

The music makes me happy. I like shaking apples from trees just because. I've never finished it because I just like wandering and making furniture that no one asked for.