Reviews from

in the past

Yeah, Better that OW and fun for short bursts, but frankly i heard enough complains and people getting tilted mid-match by whoever character they use, you would think you're playing LoL

prime classique aujourd'hui naze

Overwatch, pero para mi gusto, mucho mejor. Será la velocidad del gameplay I guess


Y BUCK el mejor personaje sin duda

Melhor que Overwatch pior que qualquer coisa

(sinto sua falta)

played when overwatch pissed me off, will probably not be returning

Better than Overwatch in terms of everything.

Pior jogo já feito. (Eu jogo todo dia)

Hubo un tiempo en el que me vicie ( ni yo se porque). Al igual que Overwatch fue decayendo por su contenido estúpido y personajes rotos.

Paladins was okay, but now its just boobs and microtransactions. Also too many fucking new champions.

2019-2021 paladins will never truly be understood by the masses

Honestly just feels like a watered down Overwatch in almost every aspect, whether it be art style, sound design, movement, or (and I can't stress this enough) the level design. There's nothing memorable to me about the arenas and they lack memorable features.


too many hours have been played

Poderia ser uma das melhores coisas, mas esse jogo é literalmente lavagem de dinheiro.

2017-2020 i would have rated 4.5 stars

Started playing it because I didn't have money to buy overwatch ended up playing it way more than overwatch

Pretty fun when it came out if you were a broke high schooler who couldn't afford Overwatch.

overwatch de pobre (porém melhor)

alternativa legal pra overwatch quando o jogo era pago e pesado