Reviews from

in the past

Anyone who says this game is ass either has the attention span of a goldfish or hasn't played the game and that isn't up for discussion. Card loadouts are a really cool idea even though the variety of loadouts are mostly suboptimal besides 1 or 2 on each character. Character designs for the most part are cool and the ones that are similar to overwatch characters are all 100% better and you goldfish peanut brain stupid fuck kids who say otherwise don't play video games and better finish up that english paper for mr. carter or you're gonna fail the class

I think this game gave me tinnitus

Overwatch só que com menos porno.

Joguei esse jogo desde a beta, ele era muito especial para min, mas a empresa cada vez mais começou a cagar esse jogo( acabou matando toda minha vontade de jogar e me fazendo criar um desprezo pelo mesmo, infelizmente após anos jogando ).

It's really funny how in every update they change the meta in a way that more than half of the cast is impossible to play

I mean, it has Bomb King, so that is definitely something. It was fun for like one summer in college, then my brother accidentally got obsessed and it sucked after that. Now hes obsessed with Smite, the Jurys still out on if that is better or worse

It's not that this wasn't fun, although it wasn't, but it is one of the pieces of art that has made me feel the worst lately.
The whole thing is so soulless and bland, the cycles are so on the nose, the character designs are incongruent, boring and annoying all at the same time.
This game made me think of my job, it made me think of paying bills and wasting time in things that don't matter nor make me happy.
I could see myself sinking thousands of hours into this, I just don't want to.

eu gosto de jogar, mas eu tenho um gosto péssimo, esse jogo é de fato muito ruim em todos os sentidos, não tem como defender, pode ser divertir, mas não vamos negar a realidade

overwatch but with less redditors soyfacing at hentai and with better gameplay.

Ah mano, puta que pariu, hein
Algum dia ainda vou tentar listar tudo o que tem de bosta neste jogo

Mas não dá pra negar a história e diversão que tenho com ele quando abro pra jogar com uns amigos, é de fuder

worse overwatch. not because the game is worse quality, but because the average paladins player sucks at video games.

amava jogar esse com os manos

Really fun
would recommend with friends though, cause having a solid loadout of different champion types is a huge advantage
when solo queueing you might get lucky and have people that keep in mind whether to pick their "main flank that rushes into everything and dies" or a tank to help the team, but you aren't always that lucky

still fun overall though, if you wanna play actual games you can choose to play against players, but if you want to play more casually or chill there's bot matches aswell, or custom matches if you want that.

sometimes chats can be toxic but it's usually not that bad in normal games(though I haven't played ranked yet so what do I know)
Also the game is most fun if you don't look stuff up like meta's or anything cause it'll just make you feel worse, but that's the case for a lot of games

it has the elements to the better than overwatch, it would take soooo little effort, NOPE, devs are shit and lazy and they do not care

I was in High School when the Beta of Paladins came out and people started to talk about it. Man, I would arrive from school and immediately turn the PC on to play this for 5, 6 hours straight like an insane coke addict.
But today the game is kinda dead, and my favorite champions were nerfed.

Unlike Overwatch, this game is free. Though, life is also free. When a product is free of charge, you yourself are the currency.

Overall, game of the year, every single year.

É uma bosta, na época que eu tentava jogar seriamente, me irritava muito a absurda quantidade de bugs nas hit boxes pra um jogo online, não é à toa que Overwatch ficou mais popular mesmo Paladins sendo de graça

marcou uma grande parte da minha vida mas hoje em dia é bizarro o quão desenfreado se tornou o excesso de campeões que o jogo tem e os antigos ficaram meio pra trás, slá é minha impressão.

Having spent well over 3000 hours in this game, I feel Paladins captures a fundamental flaw with the live-service, online MOBA genre that has forever plagued it; the tendency to overcomplicate design.

Early champions in Paladins are extremely basic concepts with simple kits. Take Viktor- he can shoot a rifle, sprint, throw a grenade, aim down sights and call an airstrike as his ultimate. The loadout and talent system unique to Paladins helps players fit Viktor to their preferences, and this has always been Paladins strength. The flexibility and depth that these mechanics can add to the existing roster, despite their simple concepts.

As the game has progressed, and more and more champions have been released, the trend has increasingly shifted towards extremely convoluted character designs with overtuned kits. Compare Viktor to the new DPS champion, Kasumi.

Kasumi stabs a voodoo doll that deals damage and applies stacks of "Curse," which stacks up to 5 times and causes them to deal less damage and take more damage. Her right click deals burst damage depending on the stacks, and debuffs if you have max stacks. Her Q places up to three traps; which deal damage, fear and also apply curse stacks. Everytime a new target gets a stack of curse, 2 stacks are removed from everyone else who has the curse applied. Her ult applies curse in an AoE and scales of the amount of stacks already applied to the initial target.

You kind of get my drift? Kasumi on released was an overtuned mess. She did everything: damage, area control, CC, had good mobility. There was no reason to play older characters over Kasumi who could just shoot and do damage. Why even do that when you can apply curse stacks on every action which were extremely rewarding for no effort?

The overdesign issue with MOBAs is something that plagues a lot of long-running live-service games. The power creep is one thing, but the sheer amount of stuff they try to cram in together in the base kit is actually exhausting. Characters have clear identities for sure, but gone is the original feeling of the game as these kits get more and more convoluted. It is not a coincidence nearly every new character that gets released is deemed too powerful by the balance team a season later.

Overwatch but it's free, doesn't support horrible people, and the gameplay is better in every way.

shit game that my boyfriend loves for some stupid fucking reason.

A ganancia e a preguiça são o motivo para o desvio do caminho da felicidade

I shoved a staff up a friends ass and healed im with lightning AMAZING!!!

Ruined potential: the game.

Actually fun and currently much better than competitor Overwatch. Give it a try maybe?