Reviews from

in the past

femc route saves this port from just being alright

kotone attacks people with a giant q-tip

not executed super well I honestly love what they went for. I mean it’s persona 3 what can you hate.

My "hot take" is that this is a good version of this game. I always feel like I have to defend this opinion but a lot of what makes the game great is here in this version, with some improvements. Would I recommend this as a way to first experience this game? Probably not, even though it was how I did. It's more a neat bonus way to play it for a repeat playthrough.

korone no te acerques a esa guarderia

my first shin megami tensei
the storyline is great
multiple different character personalities
game gives you many options

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(Little fact about me before this review, this was my first persona game, I heard about the P3P port sucking ass, so I decided to play portable on PPSSPP instead.)
It's pretty good, I really like Kotone, her social links are pretty good here, Junpei's social link is really damn good, I love how we learn about his more vulnerable side and about his father, how he finds out about the weird photos about you and tries his best to find who it is so that you can be safe really shows how he does care about you, I like how he rejects you if you confesses to you and how he only saw as just a friend and nothing more, Akihiko's social link is also pretty good too, we don't get to learn much about him in it but I loved talking to him all the time and seeing how much of a dork he is was pretty adorable tbh, yes i romanced him for all my playthroughs leave me alone, I love shinjiro's social link, i love how we learn about how under the tough exterior, he's a really nice guy and how he cooks for the entire group and seeing him care for Kotone was nice as well, the choice for saving him by giving him the watch I'm fine with, I do prefer him dying since Akihiko's and Ken's resolutions hit a lot more for me, Rio's social link is nice, I'm fine with her having feelings with Kenji since there's always someone who has that strange romantic interest, I feel so bad for Saori, she keeps getting kicked down so much in her social link and she has to live somewhere else really hurts too, seeing that she's growing in her final interaction in march really sets the mood a lot too. Ryoji's social link I wasn't able to complete due to me missing the deadline before it locked, Ken's social link is fine, I wish they just went for how Ken saw Kotone as a mother figure, what the fuck were they thinking by adding a romance? that's fucking weird, why did they have to ruin a good character and a good social link with the writers barley disguised fetish? what the hell were they on to think adding a romance option to an 11 year old, I wished they chose Hidetoshi or Bebe instead. That piece of shit romance is the worst part of the FEMC route. Koromaru's social link is cool, you can hang out with the dog. the linked episodes with the male protag in reload (Akihiko, Shinji, Ken) are better than the social links with Kotone but I like the social links too, Ken's social link would've been an A tier social link if they didn't force some dogshit romance into it, if they do Kotone in p3 reload, get rid of it, I don't want that garbage romance in the social link.
Moving on now, the changes to the story are nice, the new changes with conversations with other characters, how you hang out with the girls instead of the guys here, Junpei being more hostile with you than with Makoto with his inferiority complex, and a few more. I'm glad they didn't change the story too much here. The gameplay is good here, I enjoy that they take a lot of stuff from persona 4 and implement it into persona 3, I enjoy the combat here a lot more than than FES but Reload did a lot better with the combat and with Tartarus, Portable Tartarus is better than FES but I still don't like it that much, it's a complete slog, everywhere barley has any space and you can't sneak up on enemies here. Reload Tartarus is a lot better. Let's talk about the visuals now.
The visuals suck ass though, I don't like them. I don't like that it went with a visual novel style for this game since it really doesn't fit since persona 3 shows off a lot of stuff for it's story. The lack of hub worlds and cutscenes really put salt into the wound too, the emotional scenes fall really short from Reload and FES since it's just text that's describing stuff for you. The scenes that I nearly cried to in Reload lack the punch in portable a ton.
This being the only way to play as Kotone is a complete bummer, it''s 100% fine if you don't like her but people should be able to play it and gain their opinion on Kotone, everytime I was playing portable, I was just thinking to myself "man, I wish femc was in reload"
I do enjoy portable but a lot of my positives and negatives are done a lot more better or fixed in reload. My opinion on the game has heavily decreased but I still do enjoy the game a lot.
Play this game for Kotone since Makoto's route is the second worst way to play as Makoto (the first is Vanilla persona 3 imo).

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Spoilers ahead

Persona 3, this was my first Persona game and it still holds a special place in my heart. Is Tartarus dogshit? Yes. Are the Villains forgettable and boring? Yes (Not you Nyx). Does it have the worst characters? Arguably yes. Why do I love it then?
The story this game manages to tell, even though it has ass villains, even if some moments were contrived as fuck, the way this game portrays depression in 2 different ways (depending on the MC you chose), the heartbreaking moments like Junpei losing Chidori (you can save her, but that really takes impact from the scene), Akihiko mourning Shinjiro and evolving his Persona, Yukari finding out her father's secret and the Protagonist's fate at the end of the game are all very well executed and had way more impact on me than I would have expected. The music is awesome, but that's expected from Persona, the boss fights (especially Nyx) are amazing, I still remember the first time that I was fighting through Tartarus and I had to go AFK for like 10 minutes, When I had returned, to my absolute horror I was face to face with the fucking REAPER, now that was a core fucking memory, that was only made possible because the friend that recommended the game to me "forgot" to tell me about the REAPER.

Final thoughts

Overall, I think that if the Remake of this game changes a few awkward moments in the story and improves the gameplay and graphics, Persona 3 could become my favourite Purse Owner game. 8/10

It's a solid alternative to FES and the FEMC is a hell of a lot better than The Answer

Salve o Corinthians
O campeão dos campeões
Dentro dos nosso corações
Salve o Corinthians
De tradições e glórias mil
Tu és orgulho
Dos desportistas do Brasil
Teu passado é uma bandeira
Teu presente é uma lição
Figuras entre os primeiros do nosso esporte bretão
Corinthians Grande
Sempre Altaneiro
És do Brasil
O clube mais brasileiro
Salve o Corinthians
O campeão dos campeões
Dentro dos nosso corações
Salve o Corinthians
De tradições e glórias mil
Tu és orgulho
Dos desportistas do Brasil

The only decent version of Persona 3 for years. Every criticism I've seen of this game compared to the original has basically been a pro rather than a con.

Visual Novel style? Kinda fits the RPG whose overworld consists of only text. The Answer's not included? Good. No animated cutscenes? Potentially good, I do genuinely think people who see this as a huge loss need to play games other than Persona tho.

The social links for female side are also markedly better than OG's tho I will say whoever wrote Ken's needs to be locked up and I feel like that's an incredibly cold take. But at the end of the day it's still Persona 3, if you wanna play FeMC that bad I'd say just play Q2.

The greatest game of all time.

My only regret is not grooming the underaged boy

Joguei so por causa da Kotone, adoro a caracterização dela mas mudar algumas coisas do jogo original diminui bastante o impacto e o significado final do jogo. Tirando isso Kotone eu te amo por favor Atlus libera ela ai...

Just take persona 3 and make it a little less interesting, femc is def a cool edition but I don't see a big reason to play this over FES or Reloaded.

I played this version before there was a playable character FES rom hack and before they put this game on steam and before reload and anyways my point is there is no definitive version of this stupid ass game just fucking flip a coin and pick one fuck it it dont matter no matter how much p3 you play somehow you still didnt play p3. anyways i love this cast and story and game and soundtrack

Played the PS5 port. It was fine.
fantastic visual novel. So very empty

Atlus made the best Otome game ever and acts like it didn’t fucking happen

Took long cause I played both Makoto and Kotone routes

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Actually my first ever persona game and the only one i played
This one was truly one of the best experiences i ever had
Enjoyed most of the game even though some times it had me bored to death i won't lie

and yet the characters themselves actually act like they are a person and not just a "idea"
Their development throughout the game is beautiful
Side note : i fucking love junpei
Also fuck nyx

A adição do party controlável é boa, mas o formato visual novel e point-in-click não me agradou nem um pouco, a personagem feminina foi a melhor adição, com novos social links e diferentes escolhas de falas.

eu sou tão grato por esse jogo existir pqp