Reviews from

in the past

Persona 3, with playable girl and hardware limitations.

It gave me an addiction to persona 3.

bom jogo porém eu odeio o tartarus

eu nao quero matar bichinho eu quero falar com o veio morrendo nos finais de semana

portable is the worst version of persona 3.

- meio ponto: tartarus é uma bosta
- meio ponto: bola azul

pra mim possui uma história superior ao do 5 e com uma temática lindíssima de se abordar, foi um bom jogo

It has to take some shortcuts, but it's still the same absolutely wonderful RPG with a beautiful story.

I haven't finished this game yet and all I have to say is that I am craving to get my Xbox Game Pass back so I can play Reload since Reload feels way better to play, nothing against the visual novel style of storytelling because I kinda like it a lot but Reload is just way better in every conceivable way.

still love it

Pretty much just FES but better... mostly. Portable looks at all the issues with the character cast and thinks "hm... what if we just fixed every single issue with them, and made the best cast of social links in the franchise?" And so they did. However, in classic Atlus fashion when something great is added something is taken away; in this case it's that the games visuals were stripped down to work with a small portable console and animated cutscenes were removed. I personally still value the changed social links WAY over these downgrades, but I understand why people don't like it. Personally, I recommend playing Reload first, then trying Portable.

Salve o Corinthians
O campeão dos campeões
Dentro dos nosso corações
Salve o Corinthians
De tradições e glórias mil
Tu és orgulho
Dos desportistas do Brasil
Teu passado é uma bandeira
Teu presente é uma lição
Figuras entre os primeiros do nosso esporte bretão
Corinthians Grande
Sempre Altaneiro
És do Brasil
O clube mais brasileiro
Salve o Corinthians
O campeão dos campeões
Dentro dos nosso corações
Salve o Corinthians
De tradições e glórias mil
Tu és orgulho
Dos desportistas do Brasil

The only decent version of Persona 3 for years. Every criticism I've seen of this game compared to the original has basically been a pro rather than a con.

Visual Novel style? Kinda fits the RPG whose overworld consists of only text. The Answer's not included? Good. No animated cutscenes? Potentially good, I do genuinely think people who see this as a huge loss need to play games other than Persona tho.

The social links for female side are also markedly better than OG's tho I will say whoever wrote Ken's needs to be locked up and I feel like that's an incredibly cold take. But at the end of the day it's still Persona 3, if you wanna play FeMC that bad I'd say just play Q2.

You can groom a child in this one, so I'll take off half a star I guess.

was my first time playing P3 and I absolutely loved it! Soundtrack is pretty good!

My first experience with the persona saga, this is a downgrade version of the original with the change to let you have a female protagonist, the story remain the same with some changes that were added on FES for example: full Party control on the original you only were capable of providing orders but the IA made whatever the hell it wanted and Mitsuru stop fucking using Marin Karin and as final word Akinari best social link


The ability to control party members makes this game wayyy easier than the original PS2 game, but the narrative still remains great nontheless

The game that changed Persona forever.
To be completely honest, for me the Portable version of Persona 3 is the weakest game of the modern Persona games, the lack of cutscenes really takes away all the emotional impact, and the pacing is very bad. Ultimately I still like the overall story, it's a fun journey from beginning all the way to the end, and the ending is phenomenal.
The characters are the best part of the game in my opinion, they are very likeable and they grew on me as I progressed through the story.

The gameplay is actually pretty good, it's typical turn based combat with some additional clever mechanics that were later improved in the newer games.
This was the first Persona game that introduced the social simulator aspect which I love, I always enjoyed meeting new characters, making bonds with other people and interacting with the side content, this is what makes Persona such a unique and interesting series.

What I didn't really enjoy is Tartarus, think of it like this, there are hundreds of empty levels where you do the same thing over and over again, it's incredibly repetitive and boring and I stopped playing the game multiple times because of it, which is a shame because there's definitely some wasted potential.

As for the music, it's really damn cool, at first I wasn't a fan of the Rap part but after listening to the entire soundtrack, I didn't mind it anymore, it's a solid soundtrack overall and it has some beautiful songs.

I enjoyed this game a lot, however I do think that the Portable version is not the ideal way to experience Persona 3, the absence of the cutscenes and the fact that there's almost no exploration hurts the game quite a lot, and on top of that, there are some things about it that are outdated, but it's still a fun experience, it's the game that made the Persona series popular, it reinvented the wheel and succeeded in doing so, but for me it just didn't hit as much as Persona 4 and Persona 5 did.

Final Rating: "Great" ~ 8/10.

fav persona of valorant players is racism

Not sure how to feel on this one. I didn't like it as much as four or five.

That damned table.

Also the grind is too much for climbing up to Tartarus alone, asides from the dull dungeons (aka Tartarus) that I dropped it after the table flipped me. I cannot be bothered to continue, much as I enjoyed the story.

i never liked persona 3's story. it takes too long to get good except for junpei and chidori stuff aswell as having one of the most poorly executed villain twists i've ever seen
the presentation and combat for the original ps2 title were great but this game has none of it besides the good ost
i am genuinely struggling to come up with anything positive to say about this game outside of the music

femc route saves this port from just being alright