Reviews from

in the past

Hey they actually made me think about the situation I'm in rn and gave me advice on how I could cope with it better so as far as I'm concerned it's achieved its goal.

This hoe farmed brownie points and left me on read. Bismillah Ar-rahman Ar-rahim as they say bcuz we feasting with this one 🙏 they'll say it was ahead of its time when we enter the skibidi toilet era later this year 2023

she called me a faggot, dabbed and left me with wriggle

it didn't help my grandma with cancer


Who needs therapy when you can simply get this instead

Dude, I bought the game as a joke, but it really have good advices

Helpful for the heart and the soul. :)

This game has unironically helped me more than most therapists do. I love you so much Sakuya.

Sakuya Izayoi gives you advice and dabs and Nitori Kawashiro offers you advice in exchange for cucumbers and eats the cucumbers. What more could you ask for

main problem with giving broad advice is how little it applies to specific situations

It's easy to put this game along with "meme games" that are plaguing Steam for a long time such as Hentai [put whatever you want], especially that it's similar in a couple of ways - this is a cheap, cheaply looking, clickbaity game. After all, this is a game where Sakuya Izakoi from Touhou Project series dabs! Just like meme games, it also has reachability a lot of games could just dream about.

But where's meme games are nothing more than a bunch of overused reddit, welp, memes (along with some stolen/default assets and bad quality pornography), Sakuya Izayoi Gives You Advice And Dabs feels like it has pure (heh) heart. This game wants to help you quite literally - asking you what's wrong, giving you a advice for that problem and wanting you to come back when you will need another one. And although 10 different tips doesn't feel like much, it's enough to be helpful. It also has hand-drawn art which, although not the best looking, fits well into this game.

Overall, is it that great? Probably not, but i wish more games were like this. Especially meme games.

Oh and also you won't believe what she does at the end, it's amazing.

bad advice DO NOT listen to the touhou

My favorite part was when Sakuya Izayoi said "It's Dabbing time" and then dabbed all over the place.

Jokes aside, from what I can tell the advice is actually good, though I didn't read all of it. I came here for the Dabs. Naturally. Some other reviews from this very site say that it's very helpful advice or the game made them feel better, so that's a huge plus.


something that I didn't know I needed until I was lucky enough to try it, truly peak fiction and it changed my life to better.

btw she really do a dab

This review contains spoilers

they weren't kidding, she actually dabs

Eu sei que poderia fazer uma 'joke review' original, brincando com algum tópico sensível e tals, mas Sakuya Izayoi Gives You Advice And Dabs (trad. Sakuya Izayoi lhe dá conselhos e um dab) é um jogo curto e bem limitado, mas que realmente dá bons conselhos sobre sentimentos que muitos pensam (ou já pensaram), + os sons de ambiente que trazem uma sensação de paz ao jogador e seu redor, porém contendo um notável loop que talvez possa lhe deixar nos nervos.

Sakuya Izayoi Gives You Advice And Dabs

This game actually offered some really helpful advice, would definitely recommend.

Cute little game that's achieved a memetic status within the community for obvious reasons. It does have some genuinely nice advice in there, and the attempt to recreate ZUNart is appreciated.

great advice DO listen to the touhou

La vida de un crítico es sencilla en muchos aspectos, arriesgamos poco, y tenemos poder sobre aquellos que ofrecen su trabajo y su servicio a nuestro juicio. Esperamos con las críticas negativas – divertidas de escribir y leer, pero la triste verdad que debemos afrontar, es que en el gran orden de las cosas, cualquier basura tiene más significado que lo que deja ver nuestra crítica. Pero en ocasiones el crítico si se arriesga cada vez que descubre y defiende algo nuevo… el mundo suele ser cruel con el nuevo talento, las nuevas creaciones… lo nuevo, necesita amigos. Anoche experimenté algo nuevo, una extraordinario juego de una fuente singular e inesperada, decir sólo que el juego y su creador han desafiado mis prejuicios sobre los buenos juegos subestimaría la realidad. Me han tocado en lo más profundo. En el pasado, jamás oculté mi desdén por el famoso lema de ZUN: Cualquiera puede crear un juego. Pero al fin me doy cuenta de lo que quiso decir en realidad: ´No cualquiera puede convertirse en un gran artista, pero un gran artista puede provenir de cualquier lado´. Es difícil imaginar un origen más humilde que el del genio que ahora hizo este juego, y quien, en opinión de este crítico, es nada menos que el mejor desarrollador de videojuegos. Pronto volveré a Steam… hambriento de comprar juegos de este desarrollador.