Reviews from

in the past

Things about this game that are good:
It looks great and has great music!
The JP OST is the only real one in my opinion. The US OST is what we in the business call "unnecessary".
Things about this game that are not good:
The level design. It is very difficult to do what this game wants me to do. I've seen some people praise this game for how technical it is which is fine if you enjoy that, but personally I find it too difficult and clunky. The time travel gimmick is annoying to pull off and I often find myself passing a future sign by accident and then being unable to get the good future for the levels.
The moveset. Sonic plays like he does in Sonic 1 but can now use the super peel-out or the spin dash. Neither of them are very useful, as the super peel-out is faster but leaves you vulnerable, and the spin dash isn't as fast so I found myself getting frustrated with the over complicated moveset.
This game is not a "hidden gem" in my opinion. I don't understand the mythology around this game that it was some "lost amazing game" because it's not a good game. It is a functional game.
If you are interested in this game, then give it a try. I think that it is an important part of sonic's history, as it introduced Metal Sonic and Amy Rose. Personally the most enjoyment I can get out of Sonic CD is listening to the music and looking at the artwork and cutscenes. Those are cool af.

my personal favorite classic sonic game, i understand why most don't like the level design but personally i think it's great and enabling both exploration and blitzing to the end! PHENOMENAL music and atmosphere, i love this one

the vibes carry the okay level design
it just feels good

A brilliant remake of a deeply mediocre game. Sonic CD is a constant lingering reminder that masterpieces don't have to be intuitive or particularly well designed or even that fun, they just have to do something bold and make it look so beautiful that you'll forget that it was programmed in what seems to be five days and change.

And now it's more beautiful than ever.

i fucking love metal sonic dude

Great game, some design choices are odd tho

The elusive 2D Sonic game that I played through using an iPad back in the day. A very fun game, if a bit flawed. I'd like to give one of the newer versions a shot sometime.

Yea. Its ok. Sonic CDeez nuts or smth idfk

amazing soundtrack but is pretty difficult

As músicas e cenários são muito bem feitos.
Porém, tem um dos piores level design que já vi.

I don't know how many times I have replayed this game, but I don't care, it's a masterpiece. Peak 2D Sonic in my opinion.

It's so good it became my whole personality for almost 2 years LMAOOO

Just better than the original in every way. Still a little rough around the edges though.

One of the best 2D games ever made. This is the peak of Sonic in my opinion.

the first time i played this game, it was on the xbox 360. i was too young to really know what i was doing, so i used lots of savestates. robotniks laugh scared me real bad.

Rated this way because of the port, not the game. The game is mid. But the port is fantastic. You can play as Tails now. You can change the soundtrack from the JP and US ones. It's in widescreen, not stretched, the screen is actually extended so you can see more. There's better collision detection. There's also apparently achievements. Christian Whitehead, you amazing human.

Sonic CD is the best of the classic Sonics, and I'm tired of hearing about how it isn't. Levels that may seem maze-like and unintuitive at first glance are filled with secret goodies and offer faster routes to those who care to look. Finding the robot generators is an interesting challenge that, while occasionally frustrating, offers incentive to explore the levels with a more careful eye, complementing the intent behind the level design. Speed is a reward in every Sonic game, perhaps here more than ever, as you need to go fast in order to travel through time. However, if you play only for speed, you're not getting the full experience. Take some time, explore a little bit, find the fun bits and the faster routes, and actually interact with the game's mechanics rather than just holding right until you get to the end. That's how you get the most out of Sonic CD, and that's why I love it so much.

"What is even happening" - me most of the time

Form over function the video game.
The level design works against the main gimmick of the game, that being time travel with one maybe two small spots in the level allowing you to time travel and get the machines in the past.
Now as someone who's able to do this just fine the game is incredibly easy to the point where it's become more boring, My latest playthrough I went for everything, (Time Stones, Generators and Metal Sonic Projectors) The game didn't feel as rewarding.
The artistic direction of the game is imo the only saving grace with it using the hardware it was originally on to it's fullest potential with a phenomenal soundtrack that from the US and JPs versions accompanied by an amazing opening provided by Toei Animation and Studio Junio.
The game introduces introduces Amy to the series and honestly...
I don't like her very much
Metal Sonic is cool I guess.

Played the mobile port on my old Kindle Fire, and made it all the way to Metallic Madness before calling it quits. After trying several classic Sonic games, and coming to terms with the fact that Sonic is not for me, I will not be returning to this game.

Да, есть люди которые считают эту игру скучной и неинтересной, но для меня она очень ламповая, по традиции я её прохожу каждую Пасху)

It is not as good as 1, 2, or 3, but it is a good Sonic game nonetheless. Visually, it is outstanding and has a unique identity, but I do not have very fond memories of this title.

Gosto muito da trilha sonora desse jogo e acho a dificuldade bastante desafiadora, além da risada do Robotnik ser bem macabra e dar calafrios até hoje :)

Так уж сложилось, что вышедший до второй части Sonic CD был пройден мною уже после основной номерной трилогии. И знаете что? По моему это даже к лучшему, ибо в кои-то веки хотя бы ненадолго, но положительные эмоции от Соника я всё же получил. Без каких-либо угрызений совести заявляю, что CD больше всех своих предшественников и преемников из девяностых подобрался к тому, чем сверхзвуковой ёж мог бы быть по достоинству. Это единственная часть оригинальной 2D квадрологии, где тебе реально дают прочувствовать скорость и на самом деле ПРОБЕЖАТЬ уровень за уровнем, а не прогибаться под ловушки в склепах, падать в пропасти с воздушных платформ и спотыкаться об каждого встречного робогопника. Если бы я не знал, что игра вышла между 1 и 2 частью, то принял бы её за четвёртую, так как прогресс виден во всём, и я ума не приложу, как после здешнего геймдизайна вернулись к пресловутому платформинговому дрочу со злополучными подлянками и точечным передвижением. Нет, всё что от тебя требуется для успешного раша это не забывать про спин дэш и как можно чаще двигаться в одном направлении именно в крутящейся форме, ведь по пути враги всё же неизбежны. Саундтрек бомбический, благо технические привилегии консоли позволяют. Но речь, конечно, о японской версии. Визуальная стилистика подобна шизофреническому технотрипу, но вкупе с энергичной музыкой и динамичным прохождением всё вместе это идёт только на руку и формирует уникальный шарм, лично мне доставляющий большее эстетическое удовольствие, нежели унылые, копирующие друг друга сиквелы.
И всё бы ничего, будь оно только так. Я сбрасываю нескромные 7-8/10 с барского стола, все довольны и расходятся. Но нет, просто нет. Это же Соник, здесь иначе и быть не может. Metalic madness. Вот уж действительно безумие, руку к которому приложил сам сатана. Я могу лишь предположить, но гипотеза моя такова, что ввиду молниеносного прохождения основной части игры, было принято решение сделать финальную зону настолько жопорвущей, насколько это вообще возможно. В итоге как игру не хвали, но под конец вобрала она в себя всё худшее, что было и будет в дальнейшем Сонике. Прижимания, пропасти, подлянки, подъёмы. Поехавщий платформинг в сочетании с лабиринтоподобным левел дизайном даёт пожалуй худшую зону из всех четырёх частей. На её прохождение у меня ушло столько же, сколько на прохождение всех прошлых зон вместе взятых, и это с учётом возврата к началу уровня при лишении всех жизней, но это лишь привилегия версии 2011 года. В реальности же мы все с вами прекрасно пониманием, для чего было решено сделать финал таким богомерзким, и как он проходился на момент выхода в девяностые. Несделанная домашка, грязная посуда, скулящий у порога невыгуленный пёс, уже десятый час бесчисленных попыток перепрохождения в руках красноглазого школьника, прогулявшего все уроки. Зато в глазах родителей-потребителей игра оправдает потраченные деньги, не за час же он эту игрушку пробежал и забыл! Ведь так это работает, SEGA?

Would've been lower if not for the soundtrack.

This game has the best music and aesthetics of any of the 2d sonic games (and tbh i struggle to think of any 3d ones that match it.)
I just wish i knew wth was going on half the time. A game that is best appreciated from a distance, for sure.

if you dont like the game there is a very high chance you suffer from "skill issue"

The music is phenomenal and both soundtracks have songs to fall in love with. The level design is what ultimately kills the game for me though. How can a game that feels this experimental still be considered the best game in the series when it's clearly just the 'Citizen Kane' of the series?