Reviews from

in the past

this game is my SHIT
90s jp cyberfunk masterpiece that goes hard on so many levels

i could say more but im currently jamming to metallic madness bad future


One of my favorite Sonic games....
also its on steam they should at that

i have a soft spot for this game, the level design is atrocious but god something about this game is charming

This game is fun "blah blah Sonic CD effect tho" Yeah I dont care

The level design is really rough and not focused at all but it has still nuggets of fun design and everything else is like perfectly done especially the music and aesthetic

I remember when this was a hidden gem but now society is waking up and realizing that this game stinks

Horrid level design. We would've never gotten the amazing soundtrack if the game didn't exist though, so I guess it wasn't a total waste of time.

don't bother trying to get the good ending because it's not fun

- Marginally better than Sonic 1, but only barely
- Has arguably the best (or at least the most dynamic) soundtrack out of the entire classic series (JP only)
- Graphically it’s also the best, but almost entirely due to hardware. The levels are super detailed and colorful even if a little haphazard.
- This has some of the most baffling level design and environmental structuring I’ve ever seen in a game. Feels like a hodge podge of a hundred diff ideas stacked on top of each other in each stage.
- This kind of level structure leaves so many of the stages to mesh together, making them feel ultimately forgettable and samey.
- Tbh, I don’t think there’s a single level I really enjoy for the most part.
- The time travel mechanic sounds cool but ultimately adds to the confusion and tedium for such an insignificant reward.
- And the ability to bypass this mechanic by just getting all the time stones is flat out stupid yet i am very thankful for it.
- Boring, tedious, and massively disappointing is the core thesis of this game.
- I can’t rank the levels because they’re all the same.
- And Metal Sonic is under-utilized as hell.

Not the coolest time travel video game ever

Sonic CD honestly is a lot more like Sonic 1 than Sonic 2, it does take a few steps back from Sonic 2, but I find it to better than Sonic 2 even though it doesn't take as many risks. Sonic 2 was made by an American team, while Sonic CD was made by a Japanese team and so there's a bit of a difference in philosophy of how the games were designed. Sonic 2 is a lot more about being cool and stylish, but I found Sonic CD is a super atmospheric game and the soundtracks (both American and Japanese) really help sell that. I found there to be a lot more quieter moments in Sonic CD and I found that really helps make the game feel more special and unique compared to RUN EVERYWHERE AND KILL EVERYTHING, I wouldn't however want this in every game but sometimes the quieter moments are quite lovely. Sonic CD as a consequence of being on the Sega CD originally looks amazing and is nice to look at and on the eyes even for a colourblind person like me.

Sonic CD like Sonic 1 has 3 acts per zone with the final one being a shorter boss level which works in terms of this being a mobile port where it saves at the start of every act, less so in the original release where there wasn't saving- especially at the start of the each act. The stages are pretty short as well with more a focus on exploration, but I found the game to be fun to go however I wanted to go. I discovered some secrets like using the main gimmick of this game- Time Traveling. With time traveling you can go to the past or to the future, which completely changes the graphics of the stage and if you want the true ending bonus content.

As much as I love this game, I do have to acknowledge the faults and have to be realistic even if I do love this game. The level design despite the quieter moments does fall a bit flat and are boring even with exploration, the themes aren't really unique either and just feel like rehashes of sonic 1's or something sonic 2 did better. The level names themselves are really nice alteration though, but that doesn't change how I feel about the levels themselves. The worst the game got was Wacky Workbench 1 which was a confusing maze, but it wasn't insufferable, just waited like 8 minutes of my time.

​The bosses are very easy, with most not even requiring to hit them, which is unique but it's like that until the final boss and it gets kinda stale by the end. It makes sense from a story point of view, I suppose even at the cost of difficulty. Most bosses took less than a minute to beat. This game does get some bonus points for having a boss which isn't eggman being Metal Sonic, but Metal Sonic isn't used much and has 1 boss fight which is a race, but doesn't make sense.

Overall, I love this game but it does fall flat with some level design and boss designs even if I did have fun. Definitely my favourite between sonic 1, sonic, 2, and sonic CD.

versão melhorada do pior jogo da serie clássica

amo essa merda foda se

This is game is like swaggy Sonic 1. One of the best soundtracks of all time. US sound track is also fire.

Good game. Wacky work bench is wack, but everything else is extremely solid. I like this better Sonic 3.

fun but hard. time travel lame

the experimentalism in this game is unrivaled in any 2d platformer with these huge, sprawling mazes. a little inconsistent, but thats okay

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[s]The only reason this game gets low ratings is because of Scott the Woz [/s]

This game is fun if you have the patience for it. The level design is more geared through exploring, something that is lost on Sonic players that like to speed through levels. Give it a chance, especially the Taxman version on PC, I think you'll enjoy it.

A charming classic with a legendary soundtrack, beautiful visuals, smooth performance, & extra goodies to keep coming back to.

If there's one word to describe Sonic CD, it's chaotic.

Whether you're the type to explore or blaze through the stages in a Sonic game, most of the levels here are flatout a mess. Enemy and spike placements are questionable, the special stages have some cumbersome controls despite the idea itself being good, and the game's main gimmick, time travel, is barely achievable since Past and Future signposts are uncommonly placed in spots where activating them is a cinch, and because of that rings and even level objects are very clearly stuck in walls, to the point it's jarring.

And yet... there's also the good side of chaos here. The colors and aesthetics are some of the series best still, I don't even need to mention the music since it's still one of the most praised things about this game for a reason, and the speed and momentum here are way more fine-tuned compared to the last two games. It even made the first step towards making exploration more of a big deal, which 3&K would utilize to its fullest. And aside from Collision Chaos and Metallic Madness, the stages overall are honestly pretty damn good even with the previously mentioned design quirks.

So yea, while I do understand why "the Sonic CD effect" is a thing, this game's ironically not really something I'd say is attributed to nowadays. If anything, I think people are giving it a rather bad rep, as there's still good to be had available here. Also helps you can complete it and get all the Time Stones within like, two hours.

Absolutamente overrated, Sonic 2 mto melhor

The gameplay is great (as to be expected, it's a Classic Sonic game), and the time travel mechanic is interesting. I like how the levels are a bit more exploration-based while still keeping the fast paced action that Sonic is known for. The soundtrack is amazing, with each track fitting it's level perfectly. Overall, one of the best Classic Sonic games.

sonic lo-fi beats to relax and study to

É legal, mas fazer o final bom é um inferno. Além de ser bem curto, ent meh.

Goated music but...not much else

wow this game is really good

One of the weirdest designed games I've ever played, strangely it's agreed to be one of the earliest examples of what we know nowadays as lo-fi. Not for everyone but highly highly recommend.

I think replaying this I like it a smidge more than sonic 2, when ignoring the robotisizers and just going for the time stones, i found the game to be a lot more fun (which kinda defeats the purpose of an exploration based sonic game but whatever.) really though, I wish someone would take the time travel mechanic and flesh it out more with stuff to explore outside of a random robot thing you have to break every stage.

This game is just not good. Which is sad because i WANTED to like it. CD has a charm that few Sonic games have, it is just wonderfull.
At the same time, the level design is terrible. The time travel mechanic is nice, but you cant fucking use it because the way levels are constructed are shit, is hard to run for the time required to do the jump. Also, the powerup, obstacle and enemy placement is just terrible. And this game is not hard as everyone here says, it is just poorly designed.
Also, the americans fucked the music. They always HAVE to fuck something.

Oh and the Steam port is pretty amazing, tons of content and runs perfectly. If you want to play it, play this port.