Reviews from

in the past

when i was a kid i played through the intro of the game where you mop the floors over and over again like a hundred times because id just get lost after

Everyone talks about "Luca Blight this" and "Luca Blight that" and yeah you know what that's fair, he's a really funny guy, one of the funniest antagonists in gaming even, we love baby eaters. But why is nobody talking about Neclord? This bum ass vampire shows up, you fight him once after a few lengthy sequences & two dungeons, and then he calls you gay and disappears for like half the game. Like 15 hours later, after one of the best sections of the game, this dumbass comes back forces you into what's basically a filler episode with no bearing on the plot whatsoever that goes on for a comedic amount of time. Eventually you trap him after he finishes talking about how he's going to groom a minor and then he starts shitting his pants because he realizes he's fucked. After this you fight him and he ends up being one of the easiest bosses in the game. And then you continue with the plot as if nothing happened. Now I'm aware he showed up in the first Suikoden, he also died in that game, it's explained he's back due to some stupid bullshit that barely makes sense. Now I must ask, why is he here? What purpose does he serve in the main plotline? Why does nobody talk about Neclord? The masses need to give this forgotten antagonist the respect he truly deserves.

A recruitment simulation game.
Anyway i think its the first jprg game that make me cry when i was a little 🥲

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What Suikoden 1 developed, 2 mastered. The protagonist feels more present, the antagonists are some if the best of the medium, and a lot of new and returning Stars of Destiny are compelling in ways that shouldn't be possible in 1998 and through rough translation.

But it's just so damn good.
The dice mini game can go fuck itself, and I hate the return of Neclord and forcing Viktor to essentially redo his arc, but I'm struggling to find faults outside of that. Maybe could use more strategy battles.

I could see how this was so highly revered back in the day, still holds up damn well

Unironically one of the greatest games ever made. The soundtrack still makes me cry, so many years later.


A poignant tale about how life and ambition can lead close friends down very different paths. Much more vibrant and polished than the first game, I understand why this one is a favorite for both series fans and PS1 RPG fans.
My only gripes are the localization, which while better than Suikoden, is still a little rough, and the numerous bugs, which actually detract from certain scenes and can potentially reduce enjoyment of certain playable sections. If you want to play this, I highly recommend finding a version where bug fixes have already been made or where you can apply bug fixes yourself. Hopefully the upcoming remake smooths these things over.

When it comes to a story with 2 characters with a tragic fate, look no further than Suikoden 2. Quite possibly one of the greatest stories told about love, friendship, hardship, and betrayal. One of my absolute favorite games of all time full stop.

The 12 million typos add to the charm, I swear.


"Suikoden II" is more than just a game to me—it's a journey that touched my heart in ways I never expected. From the moment I started playing, I was captivated by its gripping story, filled with drama, conflict, and unforgettable characters. The writing pulled me in and kept me hooked until the very end, leading to moments where I couldn't help but shed tears at the emotional rollercoaster it took me on. The combat, while initially daunting, was made more manageable thanks to the inclusion of auto mode, which made the grind feel less like a chore and allowed me to focus on the rich narrative. With a vast roster of characters to collect and countless secrets hidden throughout the game, every moment felt like an adventure waiting to be uncovered. "Suikoden II" isn't just a game—it's an experience that I'll cherish forever, and one that I highly recommend to anyone looking for a truly unforgettable journey in the world of JRPGs.

A good jrpg With a good villain and a good lesson

I REALLY liked Suikoden I, much more than I expected. When I started Suikoden II and saw it had helpful features like An Inventory and the ability to remove items from inactive party members, I thought this game was gonna be GREAT. I was sorely mistaken. The plot, writing, gameplay, dungeon design, pacing, characters, interface, and even the actual code are all so incredibly disappointingly bad by comparison. The whole experience was like pulling teeth. I played S1+2 because I was advised I should before playing Eiyuden Chronicles, and I have now decided I'm not gonna be playing that actually

o jrpg definitivo, a primeira lembrança que tenho desse jogo, é do meu tio jogando e eu assistindo, como sempre rolava com rpgs por conta da pouca idade, fui rejogar anos depois ja adolescente, e se tornou um dos meu jogos favoritos

It didn't live up to the immense rep it has garnered over time but I don't really think anything can deliver on that much hype. Still a great game with high highs that make it easy to overlook the blander sides of the game. I cried so it definitely did something right.

Everything the first game was and more, i was entertained from start to finish and loved the investigator tidbits. Sadly I didn't get the perfect ending because I missed talking to one npc a couple hours in.

Great game with amazing themes held down by duck tape and one of the worst localizations I've ever seen, which is sad because the characters are held back by it a lot. There are many questionable gameplay choices, most notably the shitty wars, and honestly I can put them aside even though they do suck ass, however what I can't put aside is that the NTSC release of this game doesn't even play the music that plays during wars along with a few other tracks due to a bug in the games code. That's just stupid and it's equally as sad as the localization shit because the soundtrack is rather good.

This game is a clear step up from Suikoden 1 in nearly every single way, but some of the things I didn't like about the first game remained in this version, namely the fact that some characters in this game are missable and unless you google how to acquire them, you don't really find out that you missed them until you get access to a tablet that shows you which characters you missed... and by then it's too late to do anything about it.. It's very backwards and confusing.

I really like Suikoden's gameplay loop and I'm planning on playing the rest of the series relatively soon, sadly however my save file from Suikoden 1 didn't transfer for some reason and I didn't find out that it didn't until I was more than half way into the game, which really sucks.. but I'm open to replaying this game in the future and getting all the stars of destiny as I did in Suikoden 1. Chances are I'll do it before I get to Suikoden 3, so I'm not really that pissed about it. Who knows I might end up liking this as much as everyone else when I 100% it later down the line

Hope those remakes fix the problems, though knowing Konami... it won't. Lol

2 bros go to war 10/10
But for real the characters are so fuckin epic and i feel like they're fleshed out and have meaning. The music is really good like once the overworld theme changes it makes me feel triumphant, play the remake when it comes out or emulate it.

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You guys ever think about how this game's entire plot happens because Jess is a giant idiot?

It might be the best JRPG ever made, and if not, it certainly deserves a seat at the table with other contenders like Chrono Trigger.

I would be hard-pressed to name a single substantial criticism. Perhaps it's overly linear, with no post-game or side content beyond the well-known goal of attaining all 108 recruitable characters. Suikoden II is on rails, it tells a single grand story from point A to point B, with little deviation.

But is that really a criticism, or just my yearning for more?

After around 4 years of me picking up and putting down this game... I finally decided to pick it back up around 50% in and finish it.

The game has an amazing story.

Riou, Jowy, and Nanami are highlighted throughout most of the game.

Luca Blight is a goated ass villain. Suikoden also makes shit feel like a real war.

All the characters that return from Suikoden 1 are great - especially Viktor and Flik. Those two are the fucking GOATS man. Then being able to get Tir McDohl, the protagonist from the last game??? That side quest was cool

I'd say the only issues with it is that it's Suikoden - there are 108 recruitable characters and it's hard to fully flesh out a ton of them, but even so, I still think the primary side characters in the main story had arcs to solidify them as good characters.

The gameplay is great as you can make broken set ups with the runes and have a bunch of combination attacks by using specific characters together. Getting to use Riou and McDohl at the end made regular encounters so easy. The only bad thing about the gameplay is war battles.

To end it off, that true ending was one of the most satisfying endings out of any RPG I've ever played.

Extremely well made game. It deserves its praise cause it's definitely one of the best RPGs ever created and easily one of the best on the PS1.