Reviews from

in the past

Super Bomberman 2 is a pretty good sequel, though I felt it was slightly better than Super Bomberman 1. Getting rid of the sometimes ear-grading footsteps, the levels of SB2 is no longer just one square with obstacles to blow up, but isometric mazes that has you move around a lot more with the same goal of blowing up all the enemies with the new challenge of finding and turning on switches to open the door. The basics of Bomberman are still there, though this game is the only one out of the Super sub-series to be only single-player in the main campaign. The levels for the most part were fairly fun and challenging and the Dastardly Bombers were pretty fun challenges, though I felt the very last world was unfair in its difficulty with a final boss still relying heavily on the boxing gloves to win. OST is solid, though I personally prefer SB1's ost. Overall, a solid sequel that still could still be polished, but a commendable one. 3.5/5.

The SNES is a fantastic console and this is one of the best Bomberman games. The music, graphics, gameplay, etc. are all amazing. If you're interested in the series I recommend this and Saturn Bomberman.

Final world was designed by serial killers.

puta downgrade do anterior, além de tirar o modo cooperativo

Acho que esse é o mais difícil dos cinco do SNES

O que menos gosto dos cinco jogos, o level design é frustante (dificuldade artificial) e é removido o modo co-op. Pelo menos eu tenho muitas boas memórias com o Battle Mode.

Joguinho aleatorio que peguei pra passar o tempo, apanhei muito mas eventualmente eu peguei o jeito, ai ficou gostosinho, ate o ultimo mundo de fases que fica IMPOSSIVEL se voce é noob igual eu que morre e perde os power up, mas beleza eu gostei da experiencia, estou animado pra testar outros jogos da franquia.

Better than the first as it left quite the impression. It has a very different vibe from the usual bomberman as the map/scenes are much bigger than the usual single screen grid and is also single player only in story mode due to the larger area. I especially like how distinctly different each zones were so it made playing through the game fun.

More Super Bomberman games huh? Well, that one isn't really "super" if I'm being honest.

I think the first question we all ask ourselves before starting a new Bomberman game is "Will we see new gimmicks and content" But then all the game has to offer is shitty puzzle stages and invisible minefields, it's a bit disappointing.
This game is quite literally the same as Super Bomberman 2, the main difference being that this time the throwing move does not require a power-up and is available by default. That's pretty much about it, this is a really underwhelming sequel and I'm tired of Bomberman games being kinda lazy and doing the same damn thing every year.
Classic Bomberman games tend to be less criticized because most people just play one Bomberman game, usually one that they grew up with but when you play the entire library you will notice he lack of new content and ideas.

Maybe I'm being too harsh on the game, and people will usually tell me "You are not supposed to play Bomberman for the singleplayer, it's all about the multiplayer" Then why would they bother making new games that only change the single-player and keep the exact same multiplayer mode for each entry. I'm sorry if this Bomberman rant does not fit in this review but It's something I have to get out of me.

Back to Super Bomberman 2, another notable difference is the boss fights are very similar to how Super Bomberman did them with large and fairly easy bosses but huge chunks of health. Though this time each boss battle has a small 1 VS 1 Classic Bomberman match before the real boss arrives and I think if the Bomberman fight were the only bosses we had to face it would be so much better, I don't want to fight a slow boss that takes thousands of bombs to defeat I think the 1V1 idea was great but when mixed with another forced boss it just becomes even more annoying than the first game because I don't want to fight two bosses in a row!

So yeah, this game only adds worthless additions to the game and I think we could live in a world without Super Bomberman 2. You have 3 more Super Nintendo Bombermans up your sleeves Hudson, and they better be good.

Shigeki Fujiwara really just woke up one day and said "You know what bomberman needs? Invisible minefields."

連写パッドで出る、ジャンプ可能な隠しステージが楽しすぎてそればっかりやってませんでしたか? あのBGMがずーっと頭に残ってる。

muito daora pena que nao lembro muito da historia, só sei que invadiam o terreno dos meus casinhas

Classic Bomberman, wouldn't change a thing.

Why the fuck this game doesn't have co-op in the main campaign??? I doesn't make any sense, every other "super" have WHYYYYYYY.

While the first few titles in the Bomberman series were pretty middling on their own, since they just gave us the basic gameplay with no more extra bells and whistles to make it more exciting or preferable over other titles, Super Bomberman thankfully came along to reignite that spark that Bomberman desperately needed. It may not have done anything too new or extraordinary for the time, and had some annoyances here or there, but it managed to deliver the classic Bomberman gameplay that you have come to expect, enhanced by the new coat of paint and music, and changed up just enough to where it made for a very satisfying and fun time throughout playing through it. Not only that, but it did manage to become successful enough to where it would spawn an entire sub-series that is still going on to this day, and it was no surprise that we would see the sequel to this game in just one year, with it simply being known as Super Bomberman 2.

It has been a good while since I did play and review the original Super Bomberman, so I was actually pretty excited to go into this game. There was no way that it was gonna be a masterpiece by any means, or even be able to top the original game most likely, but as long as it managed to deliver just as much fun gameplay and changes as it did in the previous game, I was gonna be all in for it. Thankfully, this was almost entirely the case, as on its own, Super Bomberman 2 was a pretty good game, giving us plenty more about what made the original game so great, while also expanding upon it in several ways to where you could say it is definitely better then the original game….. even though I wouldn’t.

The story is fairly basic for a Bomberman title, where an evil group known as the Five Dastardly Bombers are sent to Planet Bomber with the intent of taking it, and the universe, over, managing to capture the White Bomberman and imprisoned in their space fortress, so it is up to the White Bomberman to escape this prison, storm their fortress, and take down the Dastardly Bombers before it is too late, which is as basic as one of these games can get for a story, but I will admit, the Five Dastardly Bombers are much cooler villains then Carat Diamond ever was, and I hope they keep appearing more and more as the series goes on. The graphics are… almost the exact same as the original game, with there being some changes made to the HUD and some elements in the stages, but that’s about it, which is fine for me, seeing as the game still looks just as wonderful as ever, the music is still pretty sweet, still having a good amount of tracks that I did like such as this one and this one, but I will admit, the tracks didn’t grow on me as much as they did in the first game, which kind of sucks, and the gameplay/control is the exact same as every other game in this franchise, but just like its predecessor, it does add several new elements to make it more exciting than before yet again.

The game is an isometric maze game, where you take control primarily of the White Bomberman, go through five different worlds throughout the space prison, each containing their own set of levels for you to go through, use the limitless supply of bombs that you carry with you to destroy everything in your path, such as debris, enemies, or whatever else you could think of, while also making sure not to destroy yourself in the process, gather plenty of different power ups to assist you in your ongoing quest, with thankfully no other power ups that can be a detriment to you (thank god), and take on plenty of bosses, ones that are fairly difficult if you aren’t prepared and don’t know how Bomberman works, but should be easy enough to deal with once you figure them out. Once again, we have a pretty typical Bomberman experience through and through, ones that onlookers would just dismiss as yet another copy-n-paste entry in the series, but to its credit, not only does it add in just enough to make the game interesting, but it also manages to still provide that same level of excitement and satisfaction that I felt from the first game… almost.

If you are one who did play through the first Super Bomberman, or even any other Bomberman up to this point, you know how this goes: ya go through a bunch of stages, ya blow dudes up, ya get powers, ya blow yourself up, and ya get terrified by this thing (skip to 4:49), it’s all just another day at the office at this point. However, from the start of the game, you will notice plenty several changes to the formula immediately, mainly when it comes to the levels. No longer will you be stuck traversing through the same, box-shaped arenas over and over again, for now the levels all have different layouts, each being pretty different from the last, and these different level layouts also integrate gimmicks that wasn’t seen in any other game beforehand, such as moving platforms and trampolines to bounce on. Not only do these provide a refreshing change of pace from what we had in most other games beforehand, but it also provides different opportunities for puzzles and challenges, making the game much more interesting to go through as a result.

With this new change in terms of how the levels are laid out also comes a new way that you are meant to proceed forward in every stage, with you needing to not only eliminate all of the enemies and finding the exit (even though most of the time it is plain as day), but you will also be tasked with activating all of the switches in said levels to make the doors open in the first place, with there being plenty of instances where you need to actively blow up everything around you just to find these switches and enemies. It can be tedious at times, but for the most part, it does feel pretty rewarding to go through, especially when you are able to hold onto a lot of the powerups you get throughout the game. And of course, this wouldn’t be a Bomberman game without some sort of Battle Mode, which this game definitely has, bringing about the same chaotic 4-player mayhem you have come to expect, along with some new gimmicks to implement into the games to spice things up. Once again, Battle Mode is not my cup of tea, but it is still good to see it there for those that love them.

However, as a whole, I don’t think I can say with confidence that this game is any better than that of the original Super Bomberman, because not only is the jump in quality here not that much of a substantial or standout factor of the game, but there were several bits of frustration that can be seen all throughout. Given that this is the first game to have these kinds of layouts for stages in a Bomberman game, they aren’t perfect by any means, making some of the stages, as well as the gimmicks in said stages, pretty aggravating to get a handle on. Once such case I found myself facing time and time again would be with the trampolines I mentioned earlier, and while you can easily get a grasp on what you are supposed to do with them, sometimes the levels will lay these out in the most asshole-ish way possible, making you have to pull some magic shit on your D-pad in order to properly get over huge gaps, which more then not turns out to be a complete gamble that will ultimately lead to your death. Also, unlike the original game, there is no option to play with a friend in the story mode, which is pretty shitty. I wasn’t gonna play this game with anybody either way, so that wasn’t too much of a big deal to me, but for those who did play through the original game’s main mode with a friend, I can only imagine how disappointing having this feature removed is.

Overall, despite the annoying stages and puzzles here or there, as well as the removal of some features that really should’ve been left in, Super Bomberman 2 still manages to be a pretty good game all the way throughout, providing the same explosive action I have come to know and love, plenty of different and fun levels to traverse through, and the same amount of charm and quality that made me love the original game so much. I would definitely recommend it for those who loved the original Super Bomberman, or for those who are fans of Bomberman in general, because while it, once again, probably doesn’t compare to later entries in the series, it still manages to be simple and fun all the same, which is all that anyone could ask for at the end of the day. But man, now that I managed to get that out of the way, I can’t wait to get my hands on the third game! Let me just go and get a copy and- oh….. it was never released in the USA……. and neither was most of the other Super Bomberman games for that matter……… welp… puts on pirate hat we all know what I have to do now.

Game #609

The only Bomberman with a possibly superior multiplayer mode than the first game, adding some nice variety in bombs and special arenas.

The adventure mode is nowhere as memorable unfortunately, with arguably more cheesy (and annoying to fight) boss designs. The game loses a lot of it's charm and roundness here and the soundtrack isn't quite as good but on the other hand the difficulty is more of a challenge though, it overall feels less fun. No crazy arena level, no running around with bomb diarrhea while desperately trying to punch a bomb on an evil CEO's UFO. What were they thinking?

esse aqui não me agradou muito não... eu nem lembro se cheguei a zerar ele, quase nunca abria ele, fingia que nem existia.

this is my favorite snes bomberman! something about it just feels right...

Does it have an amazing story? Do you really need one?

A puzzler with creative level design and fun upgrade mechanics but what sets this apart is the boss fights. You'll find yourself breezing through levels just to see what's waiting for you.

we as a civilization did not deserve this game. it's too good for us.

A decent sequel to SB1. Mostly the same gameplay although the levels look more interesting. Visually the game is also quite pretty, and the music is solid.

It gets a little cheap near the end (hi invisible minefields) but most level gimmicks aren't that frustrating to handle at least.

The villains this time, the Five Dastardly Bombers, are pretty cool, and I'm quite fond of their designs. I think they're neat :) For boss battles you find one of the dastards first, then the big robot they control. Fighting against the bombers is pretty fun and somewhat challenging, while the boss battles are similar to the previous game's where they're big, take a lot of hits, and can become a bit of a drag.

Overall, solid sequel. Honestly its the graphics that make me like it most, its just so pretty <3

Story mode completed. Very similar in many ways to the first game, but when it comes to single-plater there are some very welcome improvements, most significantly from varied arena layouts and a wider range of power-ups to spice up the gameplay. Beyond that, it's mostly more of the same solid gameplay from the original game.

This one somehow manged to screw up the core Bomberman loop by being boring and frustrating. Maybe don't make this one your first choice.

A solid sequel, though it suffers from cheap-level design in the latter parts of the game. Compared to SB1, it doesn't feel quite as tight as an overall package.

É o primeiro jogo só que com 2 no nome

Why the hell is this still not on Switch Online!? It's a fantastic couch co-op game that's completely timeless unlike a lot of classic games.