Reviews from

in the past

Really great patch!!! I didn't grow up with GB Tetris so the QoL features are greatly appreciated. This is probably more an issue with the GBC controls but the one minor gripe I have is that I find it too easy to accidentally hard drop, but then this could just be me not being careful enough. Wouldn't say this detracts from my preferred way of playing Tetris though!!!

Versions like DS, effect, and the puyo puyo crossovers definitely trump this in terms of gameplay variety and presentation and there's always games like the original nes versions, the grandmasters games and 99 for people who take tetris seriously. But if you just wanna play some vanilla marathon mode I don't think it gets any better then this.

Plus there's a second rom hack that even adds color which is also nice

Best version of Tetris I've played so far. Plays great on an IPS-modded Game Boy Color, PS Vita, and GBA.

makes a perfect game even better

I want "guy who's really good at Tetris for no reason" to be my brand new personality and these are the tools for the job.

I enjoy Tetris, specifically the GB versions as those are the ones that I grew up with. are they perfect though? not exactly. GB Tetris lacks the QoL improvements that make the later releases so great, such as the Hard Drop and Preview. so yeah it’s not perfect, it’s just okay.

wait you’re telling me a rom hack added all those features I mentioned into the original Game Boy version? okay nvm the game’s perfect

as someone who’s particularly fond of the Game Boy games’ aesthetic, a hack like this is practically what the Doctor (Mario) ordered. no longer do I have to worry about those pesky S and Z Tetromino showing up at the worst time possible as now I can just hold them and get a different piece in return (unless I was holding another S/Z Tetromino before then that’s on me). on top of that, the hard drop feature makes game sessions feel much snappier during the earlier levels where the blocks take 10 million years to fall down. oh yeah you can also skip the rocket cutscenes by pressing Start but why would you want to do that those scenes are iconic. all of these features and more, on the OG GB. there’s really no reason to go back to the original version once you’ve got yourself used to this one unless you need the authentic fix of how Tetris used to be played. the only thing that would make this better for me is if an equivalent of this hack was made for Tetris DX as that version supports full color, though DX is technically a different game even if the gameplay is very similar to the original, I just think it’d be cool!

I don’t really know what else to say it’s kinda hard for me to go into an in-depth analysis of Tetris unless you want me to go into the entire history of how the game was made but that’s not what you’re here for, go find a YouTube documentary for something like that. excellent rom hack. if there’s any way you should go about playing the Game Boy version of Tetris in this day and age, this is the way.

if nobody got me I know Tetris got me can I get an AMEN