Reviews from

in the past

Still is a masterpiece and everyone knows it.

The game is too expensive, I know, but The Last Of Us Part I as a game is still one of the best games I've ever played.

it literally just keeps getting better.

ambiance is nice but a bit repetitive some times overall very good

Hard to ever look away from this game, a true masterpiece of its time whether playing the original or the remaster. The story and characters are so well thought through and performed, with excellent writing that matches up perfectly.

This is a must play for anyone searching for any level of story or narrative in a game, and one to take great and huge inspiration from. I look forward to being able to come back and play this time and time again, and love every second of it once more.

На разок под пиво пойдет

I had high expectations for The Last of Us given all the hype and accolades, but my experience with the game was a huge letdown. While the story is often praised, the gameplay itself left much to be desired.

Firstly, the game is heavily scripted and linear. This significantly limits player freedom and makes replaying the game feel repetitive and uninteresting. The combat mechanics are clunky and the AI is frustratingly inconsistent. Enemies can be oblivious one moment and hyper-aware the next, ruining any sense of strategic stealth gameplay. Moreover, the crafting system, although initially intriguing, quickly becomes tedious and feels more like busywork than an engaging game mechanic.

The pacing is another issue. The game often forces players into long, drawn-out sections of walking and slow-paced interaction that do little to advance the story or develop characters. These sections felt like filler content designed to pad out the game’s length rather than contribute meaningfully to the experience. Even the puzzles, which could have offered a break from the monotony, are overly simplistic and offer no real challenge or sense of accomplishment.

On the other hand, I am genuinely happy that TLOU has been adapted into a TV show. The narrative, while bogged down in the game, translates much better to a television format. The show can focus on the strengths of the story without being hampered by the game’s weak mechanics and pacing issues. Watching the characters and story unfold on screen is far more engaging and immersive than playing through the sluggish and often frustrating gameplay.

In conclusion, The Last of Us as a game was a disappointment for me, but the TV show has managed to capture the essence of the story in a far more interesting and compelling way. If you’re intrigued by the narrative, skip the game and watch the show instead. It’s a much more satisfying experience.

Just play it.
I wasn't expecting such a deep story driven game with good combat and excellent narrative. At times I even forgot that I was playing a video game because the immersion is a big point of the game.

great game. awful pc version. fuck you naughty dog, y'all win, I give up.

Très très beau. Les personnages on des histoires passionnantes. L’introduction du jeu est incroyable. Un DLC un peu court mais gratuit est disponible. Je trouve que les phases de shoot tps (contre les personnages humains) sont légèrement trop récurrentes.

I Guess No Matter How Hard You Try, You Can’t Escape Your Past.
The best post-apocalypse story of all time; and the main reason I picked up a console after a ~10-year hiatus. The Last of Us is a beautiful and harrowing tale of survival, and is filled to the brim with fleshed-out characters and lore.

The game, despite being completely linear, has exceptional and vast levels to explore and leaves the player wanting to check every corner for resources or bits of lore. Reading notes, listening to audio logs, or simply taking in the environment lets the player gain bits of insight into the events leading up to the outbreak, and what takes place after; making for great world-building. I genuinely believe that I could have completed this game in 1/10 of the time it took me if I hadn't been so immersed in the rich environment and detailed level design.

Joel and Ellie work amazing in tandem, and provide a plethora of stellar dialogue whether through spontaneous events or in cutscenes. Watching their bond grow as they further their trek was the most satisfying part of the story. Joel’s personality and nods to his past also justify his actions through the game, and make his decisions feel in-character. It’s clear that Joel’s bravery and steeled-for-survival attitude rubs off on Ellie throughout their journey, and gives her the courage to fight on during the Winter arc.

The only downside of TLOU is the rather repetitive puzzles. Go here, get a ladder, move it here, start a generator, blah blah blah gets rather stale after doing it for the fifth time. Beyond that, the combat feels great and the game provides a wide array of weapons for your arsenal. Each level offers different ways to handle combat, whether it be stealth or a shoot-em-up style approach. Managing resources, which I thought would be a tedious task, was actually a very rewarding process and encouraged me to search areas I might not have otherwise.

After watching HBO’s adaptation and reading Cormac Mcarthy’s The Road, I knew I had to give this game another shot and I was not disappointed.

Uma pena que o port pra pc é um lixo, mas o game é insuperável. Em questão de narrativa é 5 estrelas sem peso na consciência, a forma como o game torna o mundo e a interação do jogador orgânica, o combate violento e uma história de se envolver. Sem mocinhos, mas existem humanidade.

Dependência e insuperável.

imagine if there's valorant: part I. i'll kms

Zerado tanto esse quanto a dlc Left Behind.

Dificuldade zerada: sobrevivente


Na dificuldade sobrevivente, os recursos são escassos o suficiente para você se torna o tio patinhas enquanto joga, a pouco recurso e você tem que esta dez passos a frente sobre o que irá fazer com eles, não foi pouco os caso de eu voltar para o último checkpoint por gastar muita munição ou perdendo vida demais, apesar disso o jogo possui dificuldade adaptativa. Para que o jogador não fique preso em uma fase por falta de recursos.

O combate se torna massante e repetitivo contendo pouca variedade de golpes, o que é um erro, pois o que menos se usa nesse jogo são tiros.

O ponto forte fica para I.A tendo tanto um campo de visão mais realista que outros jogos stealth quanto por uma inteligência quase humana.


A ambientação se caracteriza por um ambiente hostil, inos pede e com bastante vegetação. Contem três variantes de infecção, mas cada indivíduo possui um design único.

O maior erro do jogo fica para seu port horrível para PC, com diversos stuttering e crash. No geral, vale muito a pena jogar.

This is my first time finishing it, the game has a good story with two interesting main characters, but to be honest it ain't thaaaaaaaaat good, it is overrated but by no means it is close to a bad game, it is a pretty solid game.

From the very beginning, this game feels like a journey. The introduction of characters and the world draws you in, making you invested in their stories. You simply want to know more, and that's precisely how the game keeps you hooked. It encourages you to listen to every dialogue, pay attention to all the characters introduced, and read every artifact you find. The story is simply incredible—one of the best I've ever seen in a video game. It's filled with moments that will keep you thinking about it for days.
The biggest selling point of this game is undoubtedly the story. There were moments where I could genuinely feel the pain, struggle, and victories that the characters experienced. The dynamic and character development between Joel and Ellie is beautifully portrayed, making you wish it could last forever. There were moments that made me cry and I had to take breaks to process the emotions.
On the technical side, the game's length is just perfect. Any longer, and it would have felt like it was dragging; any shorter, and I would have been left unsatisfied. The ending is also perfectly timed. The background music is exceptional, among the best I've ever experienced in a video game. The sound design is impeccable—you have to play it with over-the-ear headphones to truly appreciate it. You'll know exactly where the enemies are, adding to the immersive experience.
The combat encounters are great, with mechanics that allow you to choose between stealthy or aggressive approaches based on your resources. The graphics are stunning, maintaining immersion throughout the game.
If I had to nitpick, it would be about the puzzles. While they provide a much-needed break from the intense moments, they are a bit too easy. However, this minor flaw is more than compensated by everything else, especially the story.

There is no denying the impact this game had (for better or for worse). These performances still are so powerful today and the improved graphics make it a truly cinematic experience. (Naughty Dog please release something else)

Quase nota máxima, a história é excelente, personagens bons, gráficos atuais ficaram excelentes e tudo mais, porém, a gameplay envelheceu mal e deixou a desejar.

Best weapon upgrading animations I have ever seen.

Also, Joel pls stop killing the last of us dude, you know you can incapacitate people right?

Masterpiece, another platinum trophy

Can believe i just bought this game for the 3th time

good but TLOU2 is much better but was one of the best games on the ps4 and has a great story with an amazing protagonist.

O jogo é uma obra prima, todos já sabem, só dei 4 estrelas por conta do port para PC que é horrível e não foi consertado até hoje

goat game, port is way better than the inicial one
about the game: best storytelling (both I and II), incredible gameplay, cool DLC but nothing more than that.
This game just makes you feel that you are inside of it and the violence makes it better.
10/10 amigos

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Joel can decide what drug each pill contains after he find them on the ground.