Reviews from

in the past

Geiles Spiel.
Roguelite, Tower Defence, rundenbasiertes Taktik RPG mit etwas Basenbau.
klingt verrückt, funktioniert aber total.
Und es fühlt sich so an wie ich mir "they are Billions an" vorgestellt hatte.

Das Spiel ist anspruchvoll.
Ich bin zwar wirklich selten gestorben, aber das Spiel zwingt einen über ALLES nachzudenken.
Man kann Goldminen in die Stadt bauen, um mehr Gold zu erhalten, was man dann wiederum in Läden stecken kann, die jede Runde Waffen und Rüstungen produzieren.
Die Läden kann man aufwerten, damit sie noch bessere Sachen produzieren.
Man kann Ballisten, Katapulte, Mauern und Waffen bauen um die endlose Zombiehorde in Schach zu halten.
Level up, gib Punkte aus, verteile Vorteilspunkte.

Eine neue Waffe mit hoher Rüstung, aber zusätzlichem Magieschaden.. wer bekommt sie? Der Tank oder der Magier? Entscheidungen über Entscheidungen.

Und alle sind wichtig, denn die Zombies sind zwar schwach (ein Zombie wird einen niemals töten) aber umzingelt werden, kann besonders am Anfang schon der Tot sein.

Rüstung regeniert sich nach jedem Zug, Blocken reduziert jeden Schlag. Was ist nun besser?

Und wem all das noch nicht langt.. Ist eine Welle geschafft, erhält man Seelen, die man wiederum in dauerhafte Upgrades stecken kann, damit zukünftige Runs leichter werden.
Es gibt ebenfalls dauerhafte Upgrades, die man durch bestimmte "Erfolge" freischaltet.
Schaffe Level XY, nutze eine bestimmte Waffe 200x.

Das Spiel hat es viele Spielereien, die alle Sinn machen.

Den halben Stern muss ich aber abziehen, weil gerade die letzte Endbosswelle ein bisschen glücksabhänig sein kann und ein Level mehrere Stunden dauert.
Ich wüsste aber auch nicht, wie man das Spiel schneller machen soll.. jede Entscheidung die getroffen wird, kann nicht abgenommen werden.

Von daher eine klare Empfehlung für Stats- und Perk-RPG Taktiker!

The SteamDeck controls make it not fun

The RPG mechanics and progression systems on display here are tightly designed and enticing, it's difficult to put down once you've gotten into the groove of a given run. Between Omens, Tainted Essence upgrades, and milestones, you have a lot of numbers to drive up in the pursuit of a more powerful party. The gear based approach to skills and abilities also incentivizes flexibility and creativity in character builds, since characters are bundles of stats and perks that can be used in multiple ways, rather than being locked to a specific class and playstyle. The randomized nature of which stats you get also forces you to adapt your strategy in terms of party composition, which keeps runs fresh.

On the other hand, the "tactics" on display here are quite limited. It becomes apparent very quickly that the most important thing to optimize for is crowd control, and while there is some enemy variety here that should encourage you to make tactical decisions in terms of target priority and deployment, an optimized party tends to nuke it with the rest of the horde. As a result, a lot of battles outside of the ones near the end of a given cycle feel like formalities, with the goal being to optimize your score so you can get the rewards you need to develop your party enough for them to beat the boss and nothing more.

The other thing I don't much care for is the world they've built. There just isn't much here, and the constant Marvelesque quips from your squad as the fight against hordes of undead monstrosities undercut whatever atmosphere this nominally "dark" fantasy world could have had. I think Hades has clearly demonstrated the value in storytelling and worldbuilding in the context of Roguelites, mechanics heavy though they be.

Despite these failings on the tactical and aesthetic elements, the strategic portion of the game; building your party and haven to squeeze as many resources you can in preparation to confront the boss on the final night is enjoyable enough to make it worthwhile.

I'll give this 5 stars when I finally beat the second level. Incredible art and one of those games that makes 4 hours feel like 20 mins

UI is shit, It makes the game difficult to play. Other than that, it does everything very well. Sometimes I started a run and didn't take a break for 6 hours.

Roguelike no estilo tactics, muito muito bom

Fun tactics game. It has some really nice balance and many different builds that can be strong. I found the upgrading between nights to be a bit tedious, and each day to take a bit too long. Made it through 4 out of 5 maps and then got bored.

Jogo muito bom, pegada roguelike

I'm done trying to have fun with The Last Spell.

I like a lot about it, but it's so crunchy.

The UI is atrocious, and the controls on every platform are a disaster because of it. There's like 4 shops and an inscrutable upgrade menu, and there's a base builder section that is so slow-to-start that I haven't even really understood enough to know what I would need to do there.

The tactics gameplay is really great. They just added so much on top of it that I don't love

its a pretty neat tactics game that is really hampered by the roguelite mechanics, was really hoping something like battle brothers but instead i feel constantly bottlenecked in my progress not because of my skill but because i havent gotten enough metaprogression

Scratches the Fire Emblem itch

The runs are too long for me right now

I got obsessed with this too fast, and I'm trying to slow down and not play it too much because it's ruining my sleep...

Well shoot--there went a couple hours up in smoke. This was pretty cute, but the fact that I felt like eventually they were just gonna kill my people again like in the first town just made me eventually just kinda stop and go, "oh wait why am I investing in these heroes" and that made my desire to play evaporate into thin air

Fun time while I was playing though!!

Couldn't run on Switch, so I switched (haha) to PC. I may bump my review up to 4 stars when I finish, but I don't plan on finishing it soon, so the fact that it didn't grip me knocks it down a half notch for now.

Good game, didn't blow me away but it was a fun tactics game that had some major difficulty spikes that kinda turned me off of it. Cool atmosphere and soundtrack though

This is the game that I didn't know that I needed in my life.

This is simultaneously an incredible tactics game and a great base defense game, while also being a fun roguelike. I love that characters aren't class locked, allowing me to customize my characters and try new strategies every run. I also appreciate that I feel like I have a sense of meta-progression even in the middle of runs and pretty regularly. It makes even failed runs feel worthwhile, and oh boy there will be failed runs. I'm 23 hours in and still haven't won one, but it doesn't feel as frustrating as failed runs in some other roguelikes since every run yields real progression and helps me formulate a better strategy for the next one. Playing out your "Last stands" intense, and surviving one is such a great feeling.

That said, it's not perfect. I've seen some people call it "grindy", and I do get where they're coming from. While the meta progression is enough to satiate me from run to run, it is true that you're defending the same map from the same hordes every time. There is enemy variation, but most often you won't see much of it nor will it matter much for the first few nights. Considering how often you will lose, I can understand some people finding it repetitive, even if I personally didn't.
Runs are also brutally long, which is alleviated by the meta-progression mid runs IMO, but sometimes you know a run is going to fall apart and since you don't get much in rewards for failed nights, there's not much motivation to stay in a failing run unless you enjoy playing out the last stands (Which I do).
The music is also really good, but I do wish there were more songs for the various nights as the main one does get repetitive when you hear it in every battle, which is a very large portion of the game.

All in all, if you like tactics games and/or challenging roguelikes, you owe it to yourself to check out this gem. While there are flaws, the core game play loop is so good that I find myself not noticing them until after I've put the game down, read them online and go "Huh, yeah I guess that's a fair point".

Really cool concept and pixel art

A tactics rogulelite with a neat art style and setting. Will go back to this, but ended up distracted shortly after playing.