Reviews from

in the past

THPS 2 is a masterpiece and the ultimate sequel, setting out what it's predecessor did and perfecting it, as all sequels should. Returning and newer decks/avatars, arranging from pro skaters to Spider-Man, new settings that standout, even if some are tedious, but at least remain memorable, and the new Career Campaign is a great progression that is better than the last game. The new soundtrack is just as incredible as the last game, with even more tracks added, and the game takes a more over-the-top goofy approach than the last title's realistic nature, which is fresh, fun, and works, going into it's wacky sound design. The gameplay now works better for the accurately responsive controls, alongside the new mechanics of manuals, dynamic animations, and even better balanced difficulty, leaving Pro Skater 2 as an all-time great.

The Dark Souls of Tony Hawk games. Not because it's the hardest but because the second half is genuinely embarrassing compared to the first.

In a world where THPS3 didn't exist, this would probably be the best one

LIGHTS OUT! GUERRILLA RADIO! Trilha Sonora, tenho nem palavras. Mesmo sem algumas coisas que foram adicionadas nas continuações, esse jogo ainda é bem divertido e tem uma coisa ou outra melhor que o remake, bem pouco mas tem.

The first game I 100%. my ankle still remembers when I tried to push the skateboarding adventure IRL.

Acho engraçado que o Backloggd se refere ao nível Philadelphia como sendo uma obra prima do level design. Não tem um nível que eu ache mais desengonçado e deprimente do que esse em todos os Tony Hawks.

not only are the thps games fun and super over the top arcadey, but this game probably inspired a generation to go pick up their first shitty prebuilt board, myself included


Tinha esquecido completamente de mandar esse jogo aqui, é basicamente a mesma resenha do primeiro, mega divertido, musica boas e fases daora. Bom demais.

Thought game was alright but that was many eons ago

N lembro ao certo se era esse jogo,mas deve ter sido esse

Has a better create-a-mode than AEW Fight Forever.

i dont think they were quite good yet but they were getting there

Get the right playlist going, and this is a vibe

thps 2 es un antes y después en los juegos deportivos

Я поражён тем, как околоспортивную игру сделали люто комплексной и скиллозависимой. Глубина механик и потенциал для совершенствования запределен. Хоть франшиза и является нишевой, поиграть в Про Скейтер должен каждый. Это гениальные игры.

Played a demo of this on PC from in like 2002 or whatever. I kept eating shit

A serious upgrade to 1, feels much smoother with better level designs.

Played through a few characters lately. This is probably my most replayed in the series cause it's really easy just to turn on my psp and play this game for a bit.

There's a reason this game is the most iconic in the series. Sure, I think later games are better, but I do give this game so much credit for what it did to the series. It feels like the most balanced in the series, the most grounded. Sure I may prefer the games with the revert, but with the revert the series feels more... idk... gamey? Without it I feel like there's more skill involved, not to mention this game just feels amazing to play and holds up remarkably well, even when compared to the remake (which is also spectacular). The first game was great, but this is where the series truly became the powerhouse it was.


Evolução inacreditável do primeiro jogo em apenas um ano. Melhores músicas, mapas, objetivos, jogabilidade, customização, combos, estética, menus, etc. TUDO que THPS 1 acerta o 2 melhora.

Aqui eu já posso concordar que é um jogo que envelheceu bem, ele é bem mais refinado e responsivo em suas mecânicas o que torna a curva de aprendizado algo bem natural e recompensador (a inclusão dos manuals e listas de truques foram um chamado divino) , eu realmente sinto falta de jogos tão divertidos assim.

10/10, o Homem Aranha faz kickflip ao som de Rage Against the Machine pelo amor de Deus, não tem jeito.

A major upgrade from the first, but doesn't have the crazy combos the later games do which in some ways is a plus.

bought this for $5 bucks from a game store in arizona that had a custom cover since it didnt come with the manual and had the best time with it. 3 and 4 are better feeling to play, but this on the dualshock controller is such a good feeling. also has the best soundtrack of any tony hawk by far (no cigar is my personal favorite)

Pros: Skater 2... hehe. This game is wicked. After the first Tony Hawk Pro Skater, this sequel must have been the fully realized version that the devs wanted all along, as they went all out, bigger better. More customization options, more characters, more modes, a great level editor, more stages and cool gimmicks in them to grind on or do tricks off of, they're all designed so well! Like little playgrounds you can spend hours and hours in, trying to keep a combo chain going pulling off tricks, as if you're on one continuous ride. Tony Hawk Pro Skater gameplay is addicting, it's the best of the best. Just enough real world inspiration and basis, but then it knows, like NBA Jam before it, how to extrapolate for the world of video games, and get a little nuts, go a little crazy, get silly. And the craziest thing of all that I remember loving to bits in this game, was unlocking Spider-Man as a playable character, who had their own web based skater tricks they could perform. Man, that shit was cool. Hell, this game was even awesome on the Game Boy Advance! Still had 3D characters even, just a fixed isometric viewpoint, in a way, I kinda prefer that version just for how impressive it was for a launch GBA game! The music is also great, well, if you're playing on anything but the Nintendo versions, heh, but y'know, I'm a fan of instrumentals myself, so I like them either which way you cut it!

Cons: The FMV and music is lacking on N64, even with just instrumentals, the song list was shrunk down to only 6... dang. But they did make up for it with an extra stage. And gameplay is great, it's king.

What it means to me: I remember mostly playing this game on the Dreamcast of all places, creating courses, swingin' and skating as Spider-Man, it was the version to play. Well, next to the GBA version, which I probably most definitely played the most of, considering it was on the go.

sexiest mfing skating game eva. tony makes me one horny boy😁

This is the greatest game that have ever existed in the entire universe and reality