Reviews from

in the past

My 2nd favorite Uncharted, its so good

Nah Uncharted 3 needs a higher rating

Another phenomenal action-adventure epic. These action sequences... 🤯

la scène de l'avion me marquera a vie

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Funny story. I was playing a section where you're in the sinking ship. You jump down and a cutscene is supposed to appear. Yeah well the cutscene didn't trigger and I was basically soft locked. So I didn't touch the game in 3 years until I decide to boot it up to try and beat it again. Not until I decide to give the level another shot and somehow, the cutscene now works all of a sudden. So I beat the game and it's very good.

This game has some of the best setpieces in the series. The game suffers from levels being made first and then having the story written around it, though. At launch there were was a really bad issue with how aiming worked that made shooting a lot more difficult than it should have been. If you spun the right stick in a circle you'd get Drake's aiming movements coming out in a square, if that makes sense.

Sadly the multiplayer in this game isn't nearly as good as 2's. The time-to-kill got changed and that altered the dynamics of so many other parts of combat in a way that I didn't like.

El mejor juego de la historia de los videojuegos no tengo pruebas pero tampoco dudas

creates good situations but i should replay

Oh shoot! Another game I forgot I played!

Uh...Yeah, I like the part where you grab on to something and then climb it. There was also some shooting in there.

I definitely ended up beating this game and did not NOT have a chance to beat it because my mom's boyfriend left with his PS3......

3 Uncharteds out of 1. Colombia mentioned.

Il meno accattivante della saga. Ma rimane un gioco piĂą che buono.

this game is quite literally the definition of mid

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If they didn't literally throw Charlie off a cliff to write him out of the story, I think you'd have a case closer to the quality of Uncharted 2. It's not a perfect game but it captures the magic and variety of the second game really well. Incredible set pieces and encounters.

This will be the only game's multiplayer mode where I actually prestiged, or whatever they call maxing out the level cap and starting over. The multiplayer was really special for me as a teen who couldn't buy M rated games.

El fin de la trilogĂ­a de PS3, es como jugar una pelĂ­cula de MisiĂłn Imposible, memorable

i was so excited for uncharted 3 after starting/shelving it nearly a year ago. when i finished among thieves, i was so into the series and the characters. but after this playthrough, i felt like i was just so caught up in the things that were frustrating that any redeeming qualities felt difficult to appreciate!

shooting feels clunky at times & lacks any sort of feedback, leaving me emptying entire magazines into regular enemies only for them to flinch. getting in/out of cover is inconsistent. i'd also oftentimes feel confused as to where i was supposed to go/what i was expected to do (not necessarily in a fun, puzzle-y type way), running around a small area trying to find where the game wanted me to hit triangle. any time i was exploring/traversing an area, it felt as though i was always bumping into something/not quite where i wanted to be.

i don't think that the series as a whole is lackluster, and im not saying that i dont think this game didn't have anything to offer. i did enjoy the shipyard chapters, music, and action set-pieces, but about halfway through i found myself just speeding through trying to get it over with! just my experience with this one.

This wasn't worse than U2 in any way for me.

One of the best games in the best series of all time.

All the first three Uncharted games are really fun… when you’re not in a god awful shooting section. And that’s a real shame because shooting is all you do for like 60% of it. If it weren’t for the lovable characters, great music, and incredible set pieces, I’d hate this game.

But what’s also a shame is how lame the story is. The plot was a jumbled mess and the villains were not great. They weren’t horrible like in Drake’s Fortune but they weren’t at all interesting. Also I didn’t like how we were retreading Among Thieves with the whole lost city plot. The ending also left a lot to be desired. But I can’t wait to play 4 given it’s reputation.

At this point I had explored the Uncharted Three times, and I still didn't feel like I was getting any of Drake's Deception, so far a pretty fun series.

It's like every other game in this franchise except for the fourth one, competent and fun, but unfortunately, it doesn't go beyond that.

à partir du milieu du jeu ça devient vrmt trop intense et fun à jouer juste dommage que le debut est ennuyant

Me quedé sin chistes de tiroteos.

As solid of a movie game as you can get. On a gameplay perspective, what more could you need? Grand set pieces to more fluid mechanics compared the first 2. On a story…IT STARTED SO STRONG, intriguing setup and motives were put into place. But…. once you eventually split off from Cutter and Chole it starts to take a small nose dive into mediocre territory. In parts though, through interactions with the main cast, there is really good writing and performances, but as a whole game it comes out like, well, quite one noted. The villains, secret society that has been around for centuries with ties to Sully and Nate, seemed like a interesting plot point and then, decided not to be. Super vague in intentions and morality, near nonexistent in presence throughout the game besides the 1000s of henchmen thrown at you and are killed off in a very, VERY, bland fashion , easily the worst part of the game. And if I have ever seen a rushed ending, made me smile though with good writing (Naughty Dog knows the best character moments are with Nate and Elena damnit). One thing that cant be argued is, as far as the ps3 trilogy is concerned, easily has the best cinematography and environments. The score has become one of my favorites from this era as well. (THE FRENCH HORNS IN DRAKES THEME 3.0???? GAS!) Oh and puzzles did actually take some thought and were fun to figure out without the game itself showing you the answers. Overall I enjoyed my time, great gameplay, lackluster story, yet I love these characters.

Took me 25 hours to beat 1-3, so its time to finish it off with 4 and Lost Legacy, cant wait!

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Esse sempre sombra de dúvidas é o segundo melhor da franquia, a história é muito boa com vários momentos marcantes e que dá um ótimo desenvolvimento do personagem do nathan onde ele decide parar com essa vida de ladrão, mas, em questão de gameplay ele peca em muitos aspectos, a primeira coisa que me desanimou muito foi o parkour nesse jogo, consideravelmente melhor que os dois primeiros, mas, muito inferior ao quarto, o parkour agora é um pouco travado e as vezes parece simplesmente que o nathan não quer ir aonde você tá apontando, outro fator que azedou minha experiência foi a dificuldade do jogo, eu sou uma pessoa que adora jogos difíceis como os jogos da fromsoftware ou jogos metroidvania como hollow knight, mas, esse jogo é muito difícil pelo menos pra mim, só que não foi um difícil divertido como em bloodborne, foi mais um difícil injusto, na maior parte do jogo eu tava lidando com inimigos que precisam de mais de um pente de AR pra morrer (mesmo eu atirando na cabeça) e que simplesmente tinham armas que me matavam com um tiro enquanto tinha 4 snipers e torretas miradas em mim enquanto eu só tinha um ponto pra me esconder, entende o que eu to falando? É injusto, mas, mesmo assim é um ótimo jogo da franquia, mas, tem poucos puzzles(?) Eu não sei porquê esse tem tão poucos em comparação com os outros, eu só lembro de uns 3 puzzles e não me surpreenderia se só tivesse isso, eu realmente gosto dos puzzles do 4 e alguns são bem marcantes, mas, nesse sinto que nem faria diferença se não tivesse.
Em resumo: é um ótimo jogo da franquia, mas, que envelheceu um pouco mal, adoraria um remake dele adicionando mais conteúdo já que algumas coisas acabaram ficando em aberto tipo o que aconteceu com a chloe e o cutter (ou só eu que não prestei atenção) e também uma redublagem seria uma ótima ideia, não sei porquê, mas, a dublagem do 1 ao 3 é meio estranho embora tenha vindo depois do 4 e a dublagem do 4 é maravilhosa.