Reviews from

in the past

Неплохой, стильный кооп шутер в стиле Left 4 Dead + Helldivers в стиле Вахи. Я не являюсь фанатом этой вселенной и в игры ее я почти не играю. Побегав пару часиков, ничего плохого про нее сказать не могу, возможно и вы не фанат этой вселенной, но игра вполне может вас завлечь, но не меня.

this game is cool but i think the guys that make it want me to kill myself. i dont know why u would make such a cool game and start fucking it up. but i dont make the shit so maybe they know something i dont

Very promising demo for a fantastic game they will never make

good co-op gameplay but has its problems.

Otro más a la lista de juegos cooperativos que jugué solo y me aburrió rápido.

wish this game had better content, monetization, and optimization. great game if you love doing the same 4 missions over and over for minor increases in power and looks. all the cool armor costs real money. maybe in a few years this game will be great but as of early 2024, not enough has changed since release

Buy, Play, Get board, Forget

Has picked up great in terms of performance and gameplay, its just pure fun to play and if you like 40k even a little bit you'll love it as much as I do

le ok game, le bad online service.

Loot based shooter with an ass loot system. No thanks.

Pretty good, with some performance issues. Nails the Warhammer 40k aesthetic and has more depth than Vermintide.

Will likely jump back in sometime.

My friends didn't end up playing it with me - therefore I had way less fun with this one than I did with Vermintide

Bueno juego con amigos, pero que tuvo un inicio algo flojo, con decisiones de diseño cuestionables, sobre todo en la progresión. Una vez actualizado está mejor, pero ahora estoy ya a otras cosas. No descarto volver a jugarlo. Visualmente es muy bruto.

I think at this point I have played every level at least a few times. This was an excellent Left 4 Dead-esque title. I’ve had lots of fun playing with friends. The combat is visceral and meaty. The higher difficulties are a great challenge as well.

This will likely be a game I come back to every now and then.

Excellent horde shooter that captures the vibe of Warhammer 40K perfectly. It had a rocky launch, but it really made a comback.

The kind of game that will be much better in a couple years.

Ever since I've heard about Left 4 Dead as a kid, my mind has been filled with thoughts about how awesome this game sounds on paper. Years later, when I got a proper PC to play games on and finally figured out how digital stores work (since most of the games were obtained locally from renting services or certain shops), I decided to play it. I got bored after around 10 hours, and there were attempts to try it again, but it wasn't even close to fulfilling my expectations. During the next few years, I've tried many co-op shooters that were L4D inspired, but they also weren't my cup of tea. Even Vermintide, which is the developer's previous game, didn't fulfill my needs.

Darktide is finally a game that scratches that itch I had as a kid. For me, the core gameplay of this game feels just perfect. Every aspect of the combat contributes to how the game is always engaging to play, from its hybrid arsenal to varied playstyles, given by classes and a huge amount of weapons. The rich range of specialists in this game provides the unpredictability that you would want in a game like this. Levels, despite feeling samey have a lot of replay value (provided in typical for genre enemy director and level modifiers) are still very fun after a number of replays. I just wish game had something more to go for than better equipment (Like a scoring system for example).

Sometimes you would get a match where you and your team don't have well-rounded builds, and you happen to play on the Damnation difficulty. During these matches, Darktide can have this great "going against the impossible" feeling, where you are brute-forcing with minimal health left against those huge hordes and waves of specialists just to get to the elevator that creates a safe place to rest for 10 seconds, before placing you back into the action and facing an even bigger horde.

Despite all the positive things I have to say about Darktide, the game is objectively... shit. The list of flaws you can find is very very long, and they also bother me. For me, the biggest one is probably the awful progression of newly made characters (with different classes). Once you are familiar with the game, you don't want to go back to easier difficulties ever again. They function more like a tutorial, and it would be fine if you had to do it once, but you have to do it like 25 times before you can get your character properly set up.

I feel like I'm this game's target audience, so that's why it gets such a high score from me.

their attempt of doing Vermintide on the 40k universe

Super cool, but very unfinished upon release. Updates supposedly helped somewhat, but I can't bring myself to pick it up again.

Definitely one of the better co-op shoot em ups out there. Started really rough but over time has become quite solid. Upgrades feel good, getting to max level feels good, and there's a lot of endgame content that's based on skill and teamplay rather than gear. All classes feel distinct and fun to play. There just needs to be more mission types and incentives to grind and they can have a perfect game on their hands.

Probably one of the best coop games I have played.

I just really like this universe and will play anything that will let me be in it. Gameplay is fun but not much variation after a few hours. Still enjoying building a character in each of the 4 classes. I don't know that there will be much to keep me invested after that though.

A fun game with mediocre performance at best.

Cool visuals, don't see why I would play this over other horde shooters tho, this game performs like ass even on high end systems

Its launch was pretty bad, and despite content being a little too slow and low-impact it has most definitely made a recovery.
Right now the game is definitely worth picking up and will net you a solid amount of playtime.
It's as 40k as it gets and probably one of the best video game translations of it world/aesthetics wise.
Combat is extremely fun and polished too, which is good cus you'll be doing a lot of it.

Thought this looked amazing but was I totally wrong just a destiny clone with the same rinse and repeat missions that get boring after about 20 minutes

It's fun, but there's nothing really to write home about. I definitely wouldn't think it was worth the money had I actually paid for it, but since it's on Game Pass, I had a good enough time. It really doesn't feel like there's anything to work towards beside a bigger, stronger character, and that's just not something that interests me.

I am so deeply conflicted about this game. I want to love this game. It has the potential to be much better than vermintide 2 which has become one of my favorite games of all time but it just has some very shoddy design choices that bring it down.

The core gameplay goes hard and feels like mostly an improvement over vermintide 2. weapons feel better to use, they have more of an impact, ranged weapons are more fun and weapons have more varied movesets. Combine that with the music and that makes the game feel perfect in some moments.
I like the map layouts. They've def gotten better at that with time.
They also captured the atmosphere of 40k perfectly through the environments, dialogue and music.The class system is good tho rn I haven't messed around too much with it.

The mission board is not good design. Instead of a clear cohesive campaign or even just being able to select any mission after unlocking them you just depend on RNG. My early game experience was repeating one or two missions because that is all people in quickplay were doing.

Grims and Scriptures being randomized is a very bizarre move. Was this some misguided attempt to dissuade grinding or something? because it just dissuades people from going for grims and tomes in general.

Toughness is likely the second worst thing about Darktide for me. Its the opposite of THP in vermintide 2 and ends up rewarding playing safe instead of aggressive and the punishment for losing teammates is much harsher than in vermintide 2.

The worst thing tho is the progression system. Getting weapons is somehow more randomized than vermintide 2.

In v2 you get one chest every mission with the item rarities depending on factors you have a direct control over and each chest had three random items. You would likely not get exactly what you want but you could just scrap it and craft the weapon you wanted easily.

Here there's like two currencies for a randomized shop with very stupid requirements for upgrading them based on more resources that you get in missions. One of the currencies you use to get weapons is the same currency for the non-premium cosmetics. The last one feels extremely stupid.

I'll come back to this game after an year or so. Maybe it won't be a game held back by stupid progression paths then

Really wanted to like this game, but for some reason wailing on randies just doesn't hit all that great. Very little long term draw as well.

If you're a fan of the 4-man horde shooter "L4D2" formula, you'll have a blast. The levels and atmosphere are gorgeous, and the 4 classes are all distinct yet equally useful and fun to play. However, I can't rate this any higher than ★★★★ because of the late game's PUNISHING craft system that relies heavily on RNG with few options against it. Play the game through to level 30, but just don't try min-maxing or you'll waste tens of hours that aren't worth it.