Reviews from

in the past

While beautiful and technically impressive this game is unforgivably boring & uninteresting horde shooter/live service game.

Left 4 dead came out in 2008 and while dated in certain aspects still manages to shit over new games like Darktide that try to replicate what Left 4 Dead did so masterfully.

But that being said this game does have the potential to improve itself over time, similar with Vermintide 2. But it'll probably be a while before anything substantial comes along. So for the mean time go play Vermintide 2 or Left 4 Dead.

Although if there is one thing to check out about Darktide its the soundtrack. That is genuinely worth a listen.

what's more unbelievable: the fact that a thrice delayed darktide launches at full price in a near unplayable state where fps tanks, matches stutter, bottom halves of bodies disappear, and games continuously crash... or the fact that they have the nerve to jam a microtransaction store right into this mess?

trick question, neither is unbelievable because both seem to be the industry standard in what decays with every launch just like this one. but the worst bit is in how much fun darktide can be past all these issues. i went with an ogre named 'CHUSTY' and believe me, cutting through hordes of goons with clean shovel sweeps rarely fails to entertain. there's a great loop to swingan and shootan and stompan and killan to the point where you almost forget about the technical issues until youWE APOLOGIZE FOR THE INCONVENIENCE! OUR GOAL IS TO PREVENT CRASHES LIKE THIS FROM OCCURRING. PLEASE HELP US DIAGNOSE AND FIX THIS PROBLEM BY PROVIDING INFORMATION ABOUT WHAT WAS HAPPENING AT THE TIME OF THE CRASH.

the worst part about having the game crash on you is, should you bear a difficulty altering 'grimoire', that item is incredibly forfeit. for instance, just lastTHE GAME HAS CRASHED. A BUG REPORT HAS BEEN SENT TO THE DEVELOPER. IF THE PROBLEM PERSISTS SEND A BUG REPORT TO THE DEV TEAM.


1 star for each time it got delayed just for it to be unoptimised like shit. The art design, vibe and soundtrack carrying the game right now especially the soundtrack.

Been playing on and off for about 10 hours (mainly as Psyker but also Zealot) and besides the general roughness & shitty progression Darktide is a very fun left 4 dead game with incredibly gorgeous locales and music. Will definitely say wait for more content but at the same time I am satisfied with my purchase for full price and would definitely recommend to anyone thats a 40K fan.


the best version of the bolter in any 40K so far

The shell of a good experience is visible through the constant crashes.

I think this might be the weakest of Fatshark's warhammer games, but that still means it's a pretty good game. Might also be one of the best 40k games.

The game in its current state should be advertised and labeled as early access.

"Hope is a first step on a road to disappointment." - Actual in-game quote that represents it in an uncanny way.

From prioritizing cash shops with micro transactions over promised missing features on launch, to not really addressing optimization issues plaguing the beta and launch until people screamed loud enough to drown out an astropathic choir, Warhammer Darktide spits on the good name of not only the previous Warhammer videogames, but the concept of Warhammer as a whole. If you're looking for a good game of this genre, the very best you can find is probably something along the lines of Vermintide 1&2. Other than that, you're out of luck. Because the people who made this game just don't care about the playerbase.

And it's hilarious that Lead Developers keep looping around backtracking on the reneged promises and gaslighting the fans. "Crafting doesn't fit the 40K narrative"? I guess sitting around every hour for the armory to restock praying to RNG that you get a weapon you want, then praying to roll for good attributes that you spend materials and currency on that aren't shared across characters is the better alternative. I mean, it certainly fits the grim dark narrative of stagnation and standstill to progression.

Let's also not forget how weapon customization and attachments were talked about then ~data expunged~ from the records, oh and how talks of the premium cash shop currency, "Aquilas", could be earned by playing in-game were ~redacted~. On the subject of the premium currency, I liked how the community immediately realized how scummy it was to make the purchasable packs from premium currency just not enough for a cosmetic set, so you'd have to spend extra to get the right "2400" amount to be able to buy one, or you'd buy have to buy a bigger more costly pack. Either way, the outcome was always spending more to beat the FOMO timer! It reeks of the Tencent Midas shit touch, where whatever Tencent gets their grubby hands on starts to smell a little stinky. I mean, what a great first impression for first time players to be greeted with a fully flushed out cash shop way before any other promised features or bug fixes were implemented in the release. Bravo! How did we go from what Vermintide 2 is (granted it took 2 years for it to eventually "get there") to this? Did we not learn anything?

The in-game penances. (achievements for characters and other aspects of game play) This one sentence alone is enough to make some abase and flagellate themselves, and rightly so. It's what whoever designed them would probably want out of those who are trying to get them done. The Lead Developer(s) made it clear that some aspects of this game were implemented/removed to be less toxic than Vermintide 2, when in fact these penances did a full 180, crazy! They completely go against the nature of this co-op game. Class specific penances, let me be clear, are the bane of the player's existence. For some of these penances, you have to actively grief or just be a detriment to your team by screaming at them to not do their jobs or by not doing your job as (x) class. For the more ridiculous penances, you need to have a team of four people all collaborating together coming up with the most asinine and insane ways to get them done that no normal/casual player ever could get done by themselves. On very rare occasions, queuing with randoms will get you a screamer. Someone who screams at you through voicechat then quits because you messed up their "take no damage, complete the level in under 20 minutes, or blow themselves up to kill elites" bullshit ass penance, because 3/4ths of the team wouldn't go along with them. I mean that's just the cherry on top to be yelled at for wanting to just play the game. Before private games were introduced, trying to play normally on Heresy+ difficulty would almost be impossible since you'd always run into one or two people trying to get penances done instead of wanting to play the missions.

Also, mission/map selection still hasn't been implemented into the game as I write this review. I know some people who just gave up for certain penances, because a Heresy+ difficulty repair map they've been waiting for would never show up. I did all of the class specific penances and I'll be honest, if you can cheat/cheese some of them as I did, do it before they patch it. This game doesn't deserve the time you'd put into doing them legitimately since it doesn't even respect your time in the first place. I will always remember those who have helped me and those who I have helped getting these penances done because we are all troopers for not deciding to put the barrel of a shotgun in our mouths after each of them.

The major W's of this game. The sound design is absolutely amazing, the deep staccato barking of the bolter, that snap hiss of las guns, the enemy sounds that let you distinctly know which ones are coming to eat you alive, to the sounds of bodies being torn apart by chain swords. The music, Jesper Kyd is a Rembrandt! He will always be an absolute god, ever since Assassin's Creed 2. The voice acting and dialogue is brilliant, it really brings to life the characters you've created into this 40k setting. Speaking of which, I love me some decent character customization and this game has it. The combat, the meat of this game and what keeps me coming back, is definitely not perfect but it's so close and so very satisfying. Map design, the environments, world building, ambiance, lore, the scale of it all is very imposing in a good way, its screams at you in a good way that you are in this universe. All of the aforementioned is an easy 9/10. I was ecstatic when I heard that some of my favorite writers for the series were working on the story aspect and world building of this game. Dan Abnett, Aaron Dembski Bowden, and Matthew Ward just to name a few. Even though the story is lacking, the world building and dialogue between characters more than makes up for it. But also, a campaign would definitely make up for the current lack of story.

If this game didn't have the Warhammer IP backing it and its $40 price tag, it would've been dead/dying a lot sooner than it currently is. It's sad and ironic that WH40K die-hard fanboys refuse to accept valid criticism and see how this game is a shell of what it could have been. Valid criticism, comparative analysis and discourse is crucial to improving the quality of this game. These die-hards will lash out at you for even the slight hint of a sleight against their precious IP, never have I been more ashamed to be apart of this "community" after participating in and viewing many open/closed discussions with "like minded individuals". Ironic since they'll probably keep the player base statistics up and this game alive long enough for it to gradually improve. I know because I could see myself being one of these die-hard look at everything through rose-tinted glasses fanboys, but I will fight not to be.

I despise how the norm now is "stop hating on a game that just released" to just accept something I paid for to be unfinished, but that's here to stay. Every game nowadays sucks gorilla balls and we all sit in silence and accept that that's fine and that it'll be "good eventually" but I'm just so tired of that. If a game comes out half-completed, I should only pay half the price. It only seems fair. It's absolutely disgusting that games like these keep coming out in a state that wouldn't have been acceptable 15 years ago, let alone now.

I would like to end this on a more positive note. There is so much potential for this game, I can see the passion and effort poured into this game by the devs and artists who are passionate about this IP. The core game play is a lot of fun with friends and is what will bring me and others back. It's also great that updates with bug fixes and features are now and hopefully continually being implemented to address the issues. I understand that game releases/launches are not perfect now, and I understand that devs are not machines, they are humans too and have lives and families outside of their occupation (what some fail to realize). As for the cash shop, I do want the people who worked on this game to get paid, but a more clear road map would be nice to have. Instead of relying on people to spelunk and data mine the game to gleam hints at future content. If you enjoy this game in its current state then I guess more power to you, it's your money and your time not mine. I am not telling anyone that they can't have fun. Will this review age like milk? I surely hope the negative aspects of it do.

TL;DR Game is unfinished, still in early access with a lot of missing features/content we were lead to believe would be on launch. If you love RNG and loading screens, this game is gonna be your Goodfellas. It's fun with friends, but it doesn't justify the horrible state it was released in.

Yes, this is basically Vermintide in the Warhammer 40.000 setting with a bigger focus on shooting over melee. There is still a lot of melee in this game. There are four classes to choose from that come with different abilities and weapons. The encounter design is good with some randomness put into the mix to make replays more interesting. Graphics are good as well and so are the sound effects and music in this game. Both gunplay and melee feel satisfying and are fun - especially in co-op with friends. But the game also works rather well with randoms.

Unfortunately this game is very unfinished. I know it’s meant to be a live-service game that will be updated over the next few years. And if the Vermintide games are anything to go by, developer Fatshark is rather good at that. But there is also only one chance to give a good first impression. And this game fails miserably here. The first thing you will notice is the abysmal performance. The game doesn’t even look that much better than Vermintide 2, but it keeps struggling with low FPS and long load times. It also likes to randomly crash or disconnect which can be especially frustrating if it happens towards the end of a ~30 minutes long mission. Worst case, you will get nothing out of your run. Not to mention that there is no cross-play between the Game Pass and Steam version. Yes, you can’t play with your friends, even when you are both on PC when you bought the game in different stores. And there is also no way to transfer your save game between the two versions either.

Another baffling decision is the lack of a good story structure. Instead of giving you a chronological mission structure with cutscenes there is only a hub world that changes available missions and modifiers randomly at set dates. Want to play a certain mission out of the pool of 14 missions? Well, good luck that this mission is available at the moment. To be fair, there are still a few cutscenes here and there that are triggered by your character's progression level. But these are neither interesting nor well made.

And these are not all of the missteps of the game. The progression system is barebones, the loot system is very grindy and not motivating and the crafting system isn’t even fully implemented. They really had the audacity to put a “coming soon” sign in most parts of the crafting menu. This is a fully priced, finished game. It also does not help for longtime motivation that the maps all look and feel very similar. The only setting you will see are the Underhives of a Megacity. Same goes for the enemies. Get used to fighting endless hordes of cultists. The game lacks content and variety, which is a shame with a setting as rich as the Warhammer 40.000 universe.

Don’t get me wrong, there is still room to have fun with this game. But I am really fed up with games releasing in unfinished states. Developers have to finish their games before putting a price tag on them. I don’t care if this is meant to be an ongoing live service game. And if a developer is aware of the unfinished state of the game but wants or has to release it anyway, at least be upfront about it and put an Early Access-sign on the shop site.

Excellent multiplayer Co-op game with miserable cosmetics. Ogryn look awesome though!

One of the best Warhammer 40k games to date. Visually stunning, audio is amazing. Though in it's current state it's hard to give it more than 3 stars, due to the performance issues and technical issues that the game has. It's notoriously difficult to get it to run at a stable 60 even with newer hardware.

If you think you have the hardware to handle it or the patience to fight with some inconsistent framerates on occasion. I'd say definitely give it a shot.

Always cool when devs make a good game and put it in a bad game. Basically every design choice and system mechanic outside of the missions feel like they were made to aggressively hamper your enjoyment of the game. Can probably be modded into a 5/5 game.

+ Solid gameplay foundation for a L4D horde coop
+ Amazing soundtrack
+ Locations look great
- Low variety in the environments
- Low map count
- Randomized missions and gear gets annoying fast
- Banter is not as good as Vermentide

Do not even dare to play this game. There is no need to waste your time with this unfinished bullshit.

Holy shit does this game suck ass, it looks beautiful as many of this studios games does - gameplay wise its the most disappointing, unfulfilling sort of classes I had the displeasure of playing. Melee feels tankie no matter the class, and gunplay genuinely feels like a joke to the point theres no reason to them. If you’re interested in a style like this and just felt tired of L4D, just play Vermintide

While I love the gameplay itself. The Performance is unacceptable and I'm also not a fan of the store in this game.

Fühlt sich wie ein sehr verbuggtes Early Access Game an, nur dass es keines ist xD
Das Spiel ist Dreck und da gibt es nichts schönzureden.
Das Teil kostet nicht nur über 10€, als Vermintide 2 zum release, es ist auch in so vielen Punkten extrem schlechter.

Gelungene Atmosphäre
Gute Gegner Vielfalt
Wunderschön und grotesk anzusehen
Brachialer Soundtrack von Jesper Kyd​

Der Umgang mitn Waffen und die Bekämpfung der Gegner fühlt sich rund an und macht schon Spaß, aber ist auch nichts Besonderes.
Sehr nette Community, wo es selbst mit Randoms Spaß amcht

Langweilige Welt und blasse Charaktere, die kein Spaß machen
Dan Abnett soll die Story geschrieben haben, die ist aber Rotz
Die Songs von Jesper Kyd​ kommen nicht nur selten vor, sondern gefühlt gibts auch nur 3
Massive technische Fehler, die sehr häufig zu abstürzen führt
Kaum Waffen Vielfalt
Pseudo Rollenspiel Elemente, die keine bis kaum Bedeutung haben
Extremer Grind Faktor
Fear of missing out Elemente
Bewusst schlechtes P/L Verhältnis bei der InGame Währung
InGame Währung Packs bewusst so, dass immer was überbleibt
Fehlender Inhalt, der angeblich bald kommen soll
Zu viel hirnloses RNG
Kaum spielerische Unterschiede zu den Klassen
Outfits / Skins, die man ohne echt Geld bekommt, sehen auch dem entsprecht aus -.-
Dazu sind die Preise eines Outfits extrem, so zahlt man fast 20€
Fortschritte bei Aufgaben wird nicht richtig gezählt
Talente funktionieren zum Teil nicht
Zum Teil extrem dumme und sinnlose Dialoge (Dan Abnett?)
Keine Information zu rudimentären Dingen im Spiel, wie z.B. was gewisse Werte bedeuten
Kaum Anreize höhere Grade zu spielen (Punkte Verdienst x Zeitaufwand)
5 Maps, die sich +/- gleich anfühlen
Kaum Variationen und Abwechslung im Spiel
Sehr schnell abfallende Motivationskurve

Der Soundtrack kommt von Jesper Kyd, der einfach ein Meister ist, doch leider spüre ich die 48 Songs im Game nicht und höre gefühlt immer wieder die gleichen 3-4 Lieder, die gut sind, aber sich dennoch extrem abnutzen auf Dauer.

Die Story stammt von Dan Abnett, der als New York Times-Bestsellerautor das Warhammer Universum extrem geprägt hat und von fast allen gefeiert wird für seine Geschichten.
Man merkt im Spiel keine echte Story. Die Geschichte ist einfach ein Haufen blahblah Scheiße, mit einigen Warhammer Ausdrücken, aber nichts besonders oder gar interessantes. Habe nie was von Abnett gelesen, aber diesen Rotz an Story kann jeder Fanboy besser schreiben. Abgewichste blasse Charaktere, die einem am Arsch vorbeigehen, da die nichts an tiefe haben, so wie halt die ganze Story bis jetzt im Spiel.

Die Atmosphäre und die Details sind echt der Hammer und laden wahrlich zum Staunen und bewundern ein, doch leider laufen 90% der Missionen eh nur so ab, dass man möglichst schnell zur EVAC​ gelangt, um die Mission zu beenden. Das ganze Spiel ist extrem schnell, sehr repetitiv und monoton,​ sodass man nur noch nach 08/15 seine Läufe macht.​
Mal von einigen Bugs abgesehen sieht die Welt echt schön aus und es macht eigentlich auch Spaß sich in ihr aufzuhalten. Doch enttäuschenderweise hat sie bis auf Schönheit nichts groß zu bieten.​

Als z.B. Veteran spielt man anfangs noch das Game wie ein FPS, doch merkt zügig, dass dies nicht das wahre ist, da dies kein FPS ist, sondern ein Kampfspiel mit Schwertern. Man kommt ehrlich besser und viel schneller mit dem Schwert voran, als mit ner Schusswaffe, die man zugegeben gut gegen die dollen Special​s weiterhin eine Daseinsberechtigung hat. Ist ja alles kein Problem, aber zeigt auch mehr oder weniger das Problem am Spiel. So wie ich bis jetzt bemerkt habe, sind mal vom Psioniker ​alle Klassen aktive vorne an der Front im Haufen voller Gegner und massakriert, mit Nahkampfwaffen alles im Weg zur EVAC wech. Leichte Unterschiede macht neben das Aussehen halt die jeweiligen genutzten Waffen aus, aber ansonsten spielen die sich gefühlt gleich.​
Auch wenn man ab Level 5 alle 5 Level bis 30 sich zwischen 3 Talenten entscheiden darf, so lädt dies nicht ein groß Builds zu bauen, da die jeweiligen Talente kaum bis überhaupt nichts am Gameplay und Spiel ändern, dazu funktionieren die Talente auch nicht mal richtig, so sollte ich alle 60 Sekunden eine neue Granate regenerieren, was halt mal geht und ein andermal halt 2 Minuten + dauerte. Keine Ahnung, wie es bei den Talenten aussieht, die man nicht direkt bemerkt, aber die scheinen eh egal zu sein.
Natürlich kann nun der Fanboy jammern und sich beschweren, dass man voll gut Builds machen kann, denn er hat ein Grenadier und ein blahblah. Ja, ne is klar, aber nein, das ist alles nur Augenwischerei und ab Punkt X hört das Gespiele auf und es geht klar Meta auf die jeweiligen sinnigen Talente und Punkt.
Dennoch sein gesagt das Game- und Gunplay echt Spaß macht. Wenn mal wieder der Song von Jesper Kyd​ kickt und man mit dem Schwert die Flut an Körpern vor sich säubert, ist schon was dolles ehrlich.​

Es ist erstaunlich, denn das Spiel hat im Vergleich zu Genre-Kollegen​ doch eine gute Liste an Gegner im Game, aber dennoch ehh. Ich mein wir haben da die 08/15 Horde Zombies/Dämonen/Ketzer bzw. Volksverhetzer am Start in der Nahkämpfer und Nahkämpfer/Fernkampf Hybrid Form und dazu halt denn ganzen Haufen Special​, die man so oder so ähnlich aus ähnlichen Spielen kennt.
Der läufige Hund​, der einen bespringt
Der Dude der einen mit ner Falle catchst, also wie der Hund nur in Grün
Shotgunner, die einen fiese mit der Pumpe auf Close Combat​​ nerven
Die Gunner, die wiederum ihrerseits ​das gleiche Mid Range machen
Hans​, der mitnem Flammenwerfer einen mit AOE Schaden beglücken tut​
Mutanten Bane, der genauso schnell wie groß er ist und einen nicht nur in die Hölle tackelt​, sondern danach mit einem Hulk smashing Loki nachspielt.​​
Der schmutzige Burster​, der selbstmörderisch​ einen mit seinen Seuchen AOE erfreuen mag​
Johnny, der feige aus der Distanz einen mit Granaten bombardiert
Der Sniper​, der nicht nur extremen hohen Schaden aus der Walachei verursacht, sondern dazu auch einen weit zurückdrückt dank seiner Mannstoppwirkung​. Besonders nice, dass der Kerl auch mal gerne Out of Map​ abhängt​
Dann ist da noch der eine gepanzerte Kerl mit ner Axt
Und dann noch der noch mehr gepanzerte Kerl mit ner Axt, der aber mehr Schaden macht als der andere, da der mehre Schädel an sich trägt ist der krass deadly​​
Ogryn mit Schild und Knüppel der einem mehr belästigt als nach dem Leben trachtet​
Ogryn ​mit fetter Autogun der schon mehr nachem leben trachtet, als sein Kollege​
Ja kp ähm. Hinterwäldler, Kannibale mit zwei Äxten? Jedenfalls sind die ehrlich finster im Nahkampf zu bewältigen​

Jo und dann haben wir da noch die Liste der Bosse, also der 3.​
Seuchen Ogryn, der einfach mal viel großer als jeder andere Ogryn ist und natürlich extrem was einstecken und austeilen kann, aber unterm Strich ist es halt nur ein großes dummes Vieh, da war der Tank bei L4D schon schlimmer.​
Das Nacktschnecken-Biest, was nicht nur ein Verputzen möchte, sondern auch mit widerliches AOE ​nervt, aber ist halt nur ne Schnecke und demnach einfach Salz rüber und ihr in Rücken ballern, wenn kein Salz zur Hand.​
Tja und der Captain​, der eigentlich ein Missionsziel nur ist, der Kerl hats schon in sich, AOE, Schild, Minions​ und starker Nahkampf als auch Fernkampf. Da merkt man was für Versager, die anderen beiden doch im Vergleich sind, aber der ist ja auch wie gesagt ein Hauptziel.​
Und zu guter Letzt die Besessenen, die ehrlich sehr nervig doch sind und für mich kaum einen Sinn machen. Ich mein, sollen die sowas wie eine extrem überpowerte Witch aus L4D sein? Man muss schon ehrlich grob fahrlässig sein um die auszulösen, da man die mehr als deutlich akustisch als auch optisch lange vorher gewarnt wird.​​
14 besondere und 3 bzw. 4 Bosslastige Gegner + zwei 08/15 Varianten, die wiederum alle nicht nur in unterschiedlichen Aussehen, sondern auch Unterschiede in der Panzerung auftreten.​
Eigentlich sollte das ja mehr als Dicke reichen, da andere Spiele dieser Art deutlich weniger haben, aber unterm Strich sinds halt gefühlt alles nur Zombies, die mal mehr oder mal weniger aushalten, wegen der Panzerung.​
Wer nicht kriminell alleine durch die Welt rennt, der sollte auch nie Probleme bekommen, da die Viecher doch recht schnell in der Gruppe der Garaus gemacht​ ist.​
Dennoch ein positiver Punkt, da es abwechslungsreich ist.​

Ein weiter eher negativer Punkt sind die Waffen bzw. die Möglichkeiten, die man im Kampf hat.​
Ich als Veteran habe ne Handvoll Waffen, die theoretisch verschiedene Spielarten begünstigen könnten, aber da die meisten Waffen einfach nur undurchdachter Schrott sind, um eine gewisse Masse zu suggerieren​.​
Es zeigt sich eine deutliche Meta ab und das ist sehr bedauerlich. Klar kann man darauf scheißen und das nutzen, was einem Spaß macht, aber dann kommt man auch recht schlecht voran, ist Ballast​ fürs Team und hat ehrlich auch nicht groß sein Spaß.​
Wie schon bei den Talenten mehr Show, als was Handfestes.​

Es gibt 5 Maps, die sich aber spielen und anfühlen wie 3 unterschiedliche, die wiederum sich auch sehr ähneln. Dazu gibt es 7 verschiedene Missionsarten​, die durch 5 verschiedene Schwierigkeitsgrade​ Abwechslung nicht versprechen. Dann gibt es ab und an noch (bis jetzt habe ich nur zwei gesehen) Mutationen, wo die Sich beschränkt ist oder wo es mehr bzw. weniger Gegner auf der Map gibt. Zu guter Letzt kann man von Zeit zu Zeit auch Glück haben und noch Nebenmissionen machen, indem man Bücher nebenbei sammelt, um sich selbst aktive in der Runde zu schaden, aber dafür am Ende bissel mehr auf die Hand zu bekommen.​
Bis spätestens Level 15 hat mal alles gesehen, gemacht und ist tief im stumpfen Grind drinnen.​
Ganz doll ist natürlich das alles RNG ist und man selbst nicht sagen kann ich möchte Map X mit Missionsart Y und Mutation blub spielen. Ne das ist alles RNG und wechselt zur Unterhaltung in einem festen Zeitrhythmus.​
Mehr als schnelles Spiel und Schwierigkeitsgrad ist nicht, da es keine private Lobby gibt, um die Maps mal in Ruhe zu erkunden und oder mit Freunden zu spielen usw.​​
Das führt halt dazu, dass Spieler A schnell durch will, da er eine Aufgabe machen möchte und oder einfach effizient leveln, aber Spieler B würde halt gerne "normal" spielen und sieht sich aktive um usw. So oder so versaut auf Dauer der eine Type dem anderen den Spaß und so wie ich es mitbekommen habe, gleichen sich die Leute Spieler A an oder landen im Gulag.​

Der größte Hohn mal vom technischen Zustand und schlechten Entscheidungen abgesehen, ist ja die Tatsache, dass das Spiel durchweg ein Early Access Game​ ist.​
Crafting was man freigeschaltet hat, wo man aber nichts Gescheites machen kann, aber kommt ja bald -.-​
Singleplayer / Private Lobbys, Crossplay uvm. Soll alles mal kommen, nur kann der Fette Hai nicht sagen wann, aber kein Wunder die wissen ja nicht mal das Spiel für die Xbox kommt.​
Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt gibt es eigentlich keinen Grund Materialien zu sammeln zum Craften, da man bis auf ein weitere RNG extra Perk nichts machen kann. Doch eines zeigt dies schon deutlich, wie dies Game extrem in die Grind Hölle hinab möchte.​
Jetziger Stand der Dinge ist, dass man extrem viele Missionen machen muss, um Material zu sammeln, um seine Ausrüstung (2 Waffen +3 Items) höher zu stufen, um so neue Perks freizuschalten.​
Die Sachen werden dadurch nicht besser oder gar stärker, sondern erhalten nur einen weiteren Effekt wie z.B. -5% Schaden von Sniper oder +2 Ausdauer und dies RNG, ohne dass der Spieler bewusst in eine Richtung gehen kann.
Destiny hat ähnliches und zum Teil noch schlimmeres, aber ist neben der Tatsache das es F2P ist, auch durchdachter.
Es macht weder Spaß noch braucht man das ganze Crafting, aber wer deppert genug ist, kann ja sein RNG Glück versuchen, um sein Gameplay nicht wahrnehmbar um XY% zu verbessern, indem er sich ne Godroll macht.

Das Spiel setzt nicht auf Spaß, sondern auf Grind und Zeitstreckung. Warum das? Da der gierige Basdart von Macher das Geld der Spieler möchte.
Zeiten ändern sich... Früher laut Dev sollte man Aquilas​ nicht nur kaufen, sodnern sich auch verdiehnen können und dies indem man wöchentliche Aufgaben für Sire Melk’s​ erledingte, aber das wurde schnell fallengelassen und man brachte noch ne weitere Währung ins Spiel, damit der Spieler sich freuen konnte udn der Fette Hai auch schön fett blieb dank seinem Intelegt.​
Das Spiel setzt nicht auf Spaß, sondern auf Grind und Zeitstreckung. Warum das? Da der gierige Bastard von Macher das Geld der Spieler möchte.
Zeiten ändern sich... Früher laut Dev sollte man Aquilas​ nicht nur kaufen, sondern sich auch verdienen können und dies, indem man wöchentliche Aufgaben für Sire Melk’s​ erledigte, aber das wurde schnell fallengelassen und man brachte noch ne weitere Währung ins Spiel, damit der Spieler sich freuen konnte und der Fette Hai auch schön fett blieb dank seines Versandes.​
Denn wer sich einen dollen Skin kaufen möchte, der braucht Aquilas​, doch leider gibts die nur in sehr dummen Größen zu kaufen, so bleiben Aquilas​, doch leider ist der Betrag zu klein, um damit was zu kaufen, also?​
Nu hofft man das es genug Leute gibt, die ihre Aquilas nicht einfach so liegen lassen wollen, da es ja echtes Geld +/- ist und machen was? Ja, die sind so deppert und kaufen noch mehr Aquilas und stehen am Ende wieder mit dem Betrag über da.​​​
​Doch die Entwickler sind noch schlauer und greifen tief in die Abzockkiste und kommen mit dem bekannten Mobil Games Scam FOMO (fear of missing out). Schlagen Sie zu, denn das Angebot geht nur noch einige Tage und dann ist der dolle Skin vielleicht für immer weg. Kaufen, kaufen, kaufen Sie ihn doch verdammt nochmal, es könnte der schönste im Spiel sein! Ö_o​​
Klar man wird nicht dazu gezwungen, so wurde auch keiner gezwungen bei 9Live anzurufen, aber dennoch gibt Personen, die Geistig nicht krass bewaffnet sind und auf sowas hineinfallen. Auf so etwas zu spekulieren und bewusst dümmliche Menschen das Geld aus der Tasche zu zeihen ist einfach das Letzte und zeigt was fürn Abschaum die Macher doch sind und wie verdammt gierig die Hunde auch noch sind.
Dann wird noch immer zum Teil Waffen aus Videos/Trailer zum Spiel fehlen, so sind halt auch einfach Inhalte noch nicht im Spiel (kommt bald xD), aber der kack scheiß Store für echtes Geld, der ist zum Start natürlich da.
Und dabei ist der echt scheiße, da die Vorschau nicht richtig geht und die unfähigen Hunde es nicht mal schaffen, dass ich meine Haare behalten kann, wenn ich ne Brille trage.
Gott ist das einfach nur schlecht gemacht.
Und nein man braucht nicht zu ankommen und sagen das man sich Skins auch mit InGame Geld kaufen bzw. verdienen kann, denn die sind durchweg scheiße!
Man sieht, dass es ein Grundmodell gibt und aus diesem gibt es z.B. 5 Abarten, die leicht anders gefärbt sind oder hier und da bissel verändert. Nichts der Rede wird und gefühlt das gleiche nur in Grün.

Das Traurige ist ja ehrlich, dass dieser Entwickler generell so krass gefeiert wird, dabei ist das Spiel im großen ganzen einfach nur Schmutz und zeigt mal wieder, warum diese Marke primär nur beiliege und Schmutz Games hervorbringt.
Die Macher von Aliens: Fireteam Elite haben noch kein Spiel zuvor gemacht, aber haben viel Leidenschaft ins Spiel gesteckt und im Vergleich zu diesem Game, da ist Cold Iron Studios​ Game um Welten besser und das war für mich nur eine 2 von 5 Punkten.​
Klar das ich Darktide weder empfehlen noch besser bewerten​ kann.​
Schöne Optik und gute Atmosphäre mit einigen geilen Songs sind halt nicht alles.

Enjoyable visceral combat that takes advantage of 40K weaponry in well crafted environments with great music. Just needs to fix technical problems and add what feels like or is some missing content.

Takes the four player FPS action of the Warhammer Vermintide titles to the 40K setting. Former prisoners attempting to prove their loyalty fight a Nurgle cult uprising in the hive city Tertium. Instead of having a set character with one type of lines and voice, as in Vermintide, you create a character with each of the four having three personality type options with each having a different voice actor, set of lines, and conversations when matched with other classes and personalities.

You can choose between four character types to play as with a Veteran that focuses more on ranged combat, a Psyker with a variety of staff weapons that grant more magic like attacks and an ability to explode the heads of enemies to build charges that make them more powerful, a large Ogryn with high stagger attacks and a high health pool, and a Zealot with a bonus to melee attack speed and critical melee hits. The class types not being set characters also means that each game can have multiple versions of the same class, no one is forced to play anything that they might not want to play as. Each has their own unique weapon options and feel to them, combat is fun and visceral with a lot of the more unique 40K weapons like the power sword and boltgun easily cutting enemies in half or blowing them into bits. There are different versions of many of the weapons and guns that can influence their attack patterns, damage and fire rates, or what the assigned areas that weapon can have different bonuses are. This is nice to have as if you like a type of axe but want a weapon more focused on single or multiple target damage you can find that with the different versions.

The music is a strong point and the environments look great and you find yourself in varied parts of the city. The level design itself feels like an improvement by offering many sections that have different paths to the same areas that you need to get to. The sound and level design and enemy types being less focused around instantly grabbing a character in no escape damaging hold when compared to games like Vermintide, Left 4 Dead, or Back 4 Blood means that you can more easily split up if you were searching for supplies, secondary objectives, or wanting to get a more ranged focused character to a better and safer vantage, although characters do get bonuses when they remain in closer proximity.

It both is unfinished in some areas and feels a bit unfinished in others compared to Vermintide. For what is missing, they have just added the private game options for teams of 2-4 players, solo games still have not been added, they just added more to the weapon customizing/crafting area but some of those features are still missing, the number of stages feels a bit limited and it does make it worse that in some stages you are passing through areas from other levels as you go in a different route. There is currently no cross play between PC and console players which also means that there is no way for PC game pass players to play with people that own the game on Steam.

For what feels like content missing is that there is basically no story in the game, the number of conversations seem very limited between character types, most of the options in character creation have no effect on anything. When it comes to characters there are only four character types and while you can pick different traits as you level up for some minor customization each class type is more focused on one thing with one set of passive and active abilities whereas even when Vermintide 2 launched each of the five characters had three different class types they can play with different abilities. The lack of a fifth character, allowance of creating five characters, and frequent mentions of ratlings does seem like adding a ratling type with their own long ranged scoped weaponry has a good chance of happening. Some of the weapons have good alt fire abilities, usually giving high stagger or many of the Ogryns guns allowing you to turn them into highly effective melee weapons, the shotgun is great with a fast shooting main shot, powerful rifle style shot when you aim, and an alt fire that loads a round that does more stagger damage but many of the other weapons bash or bayonet options are slow and weak and often refuse to allow you to cancel a reload animation and they might as well not be in the game at all. It's unfortunate when I'm thinking that I'd rather just have the flashlight that is on some guns instead of alternate attack options. Your created characters are unable to share inventory, money, or crafting materials which does make swapping between characters more of a hassle and the harder to obtain the special currency that requires completing weekly challenges, this is especially tedious if you are trying to go back and forth between playing multiple character.

There is no reason to have as much RNG as the game does. With the new feature adding to crafting you reroll one of the benefits given to a weapon and at one point can do it without any cost or resource use, at that point it might as well just allow you to pick. You are getting random gear as mission rewards, random gear in the challenge point vendor every 24 hours, random gear every hour at the armory. Worse, you aren't just trying to get a higher power rating weapon anymore or even ones with the right added enhancements but each weapon also has areas that further customize them by adding percentages to different areas like damage/cleave/reload speed/first hit/finesse/resistance/etc and you are trying to get those values assigned higher to areas you deem to be more beneficial.

I have experienced frequent crashes since the game has launched. They haven't been a big deal, most of the time, as they almost always happen as soon as a match starts and there is an option to reconnect which would make getting back into a private game easier. This has happened less since the previous patch but is still frequent. I've had the game drop to about 10FPS for long periods of time but that only has happened in three out of over 100 missions played.


In about a year this will easily be a 4 star game. Unfortunately, it just isn't complete enough for me to give it higher than 3 right now. Because while the core of the game is excellent, there is just not enough content, and it has some bafflingly dumb design decisions.

On the positive side, the combat is crunchy and satisfying, the environments are gorgeous, Jesper Kyd's score is incredible, and the higher levels offer an insanely intense horde experience.

But on the negative side, the game is literally just missing content at launch, and the whole crafting system has yet to be fully implemented. The game also has too much of an early grind to get to level 30, but once you get there you'll find that there's currently no real endgame content, just more of the same missions you've already been doing only now they have more enemies. It also doesn't help that the game is not structured in a linear campaign like Vermintide 2 was, and instead the missions are cycled out randomly on an online mission-select screen. But since its always changing what's available, you may end up never playing a certain mission for 20 hours simply because it was never offered when you were online. I understand that this decision was made to make it easier to match make, but uhhhhh I do not give a fuck about playing online with idiot randoms. I have enough friends playing to fill a group and if I don't, the bots are better than most of these idiots online anyway. So I would have much preferred the linear campaign structure that they had in vermintide 2, that way the game has a better sense of progression, and I don't have to repeat the same missions over and over. And don't even get me started on how braindead the current RNG weapon shop is.

In the end, the fundamentals are there, they just need another year to rework their stupid ass decisions (Please just yeet the current weapon shop and make a new one) and add more content into the game.

lo que probe de la beta estuvo bien, pero es como que no tiene mucha chicha, como left 4 dead pero soso, a no ser que te guste warhammer, entonces a lo mejor para ti es la polla, pero como a mi ni me viene ni me va, pues me parece soso

A co-op game but in a rough state.

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide is a game that should be in Early Access. There are missing features like the crafting system, content that just doesn’t mesh together yet, a weapon system that feels uninspired, and there’s a lot of issues running the game. It’s a half-baked product and this will improve but this isn’t a preview, it’s supposed to be the final game.

And yet, there’s something I like here. I played the big brute and felt slow, and after trying a different class, it’s clear that it is because I’m twice the size of other characters, which feels awesome. Running around levels and taking on hordes of enemies is fun when it works, sadly everything is online. This feels similar to Deep Rock Galactic but has more of a progression to the story of each level, so there’s always a focused goal.

Pick this up if you have some friends for the co-op action. You have to play online, but. … I’d say give this three to six months to get the content and patches fixed. I hate saying that, but it’s the best I can do. If I was to review it as I played, I wouldn’t recommend it but there’s already been at least one patch, and hopefully there’s some improvement.

I covered this game as part of the Game Pass for December 2022, if you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games on Game Pass, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

I've played this on and off over about a month of one-dollar game pass and even though I've got a few days left I doubt I'll play it anymore soon. Maybe in like two years when a good chunk of the DLC/updates are out and it's been patched up a lot. The gameplay is still good and the focus on ranged combat is an improvement from Vermintide, the soundtrack and visuals are particularly nice, but ultimately I didn't enjoy my time with Darktide as much as its predecessor and not nearly as much as Left for Dead 2.

It's like if Left 4 Dead had microtransactions and guns that hardly function over their melee counterparts. Amazing visuals, sound and atmosphere though.

Vermintide im 40 Universum. Der Gameplay Loop macht dabei dank Fokus auf Schusswaffen mehr Spaß als der Vorgänger, allerdings bietet Darktide wirklich nicht viel Abwechslung für dieses solide Gameplay-Gerüst.

The emperor will stand up from the Golden Throne by the time this game loads me in but when it does, oh boy is it a god damned joy to play. Microtransactions are gay though (and not in the cool way).

06/06/2023 UPDATE
The game is still getting updated regularly, with the most recent adding some incredibly fun and challenging levels along with--as always--some of the best music I've ever heard to shoot stuff with some of the most satisfying guns ever put into a video game. (Non-cash shop) cosmetics also got a nice overhaul, so it feels more rewarding and fair to save up for for a backpack or a new chest piece. It's really great stuff.

There still isn't a whooooole lot in store: you'll be running some pretty random missions which unlock non-sequitur cut scenes which leads to more variety of gear. What you see is what you get.

But goddamn what you get is amazing. Will still be keeping a close ear to the ground as it updates, but as is, it's now worth the $40 admission IMO, or at least a modest sale. Easily got my money's worth, but I'm still hoping for that Must Play update that sucks me in for weeks straight.

Not worth the price of admission yet. Gameplay is S tier, but it feels like playing an Early Access Alpha over a 1.0 released game.

Will keep an eye on this one as it updates and adds more