Reviews from

in the past

Though I don't really like usual racing games, the AG racing just hits different for me. And WipEout games are the best of it. It reqiures much more precision, than F-Zero, yet feels so much faster. And WipEout Pure is really solid experience. Out of all WipEout games it has the most content. Tracks are good, some of them are really memorable, like Sol 2. Team logos are really well designed, my favorite is FEISAR. The amount of racing teams is excessive, but I like it. Even so I just prefer racing for one of classic teams like Auricom or Qirex. I know how broken Triakis ship is in this game, but for me fair play is just more enjoyable. What drags this game down a little, is the performance. The game doesn't feel smooth with all FPS drops. Emulation and FPS unlock cheats fix this problem, but I like to play on the go. If you want more smooth experience, you can play WipEout Pulse, even though there is much less content. Also, the music really helps stay concentrated when racing, so I don't recommend to turn the sound off.

The reason i got a PSP in 2005. This game in portable form was an absolute mindblow for the time, you have to be there

I’ve never really played a Wipeout game, but it was very fun. I can’t say it does a ton to differentiate itself from something like F-Zero, but it’s certainly fun. Looks and plays very smooth for the system it’s on too. It also has that Neo-future aesthetic that I just love so it gets points for that too.

An all-round good - occasionally great - summation of the Wipeout experience that sometimes just absolutely collapses at the knees due to being on the PSP. When weapons are going off everywhere and the racers are all bunched up the slowdown is intense. The first few tournaments in any Wipeout are always jarringly slow when the last thing you played in a previous entry is the higher speed rankings but here it's accentuated even further.

Aside from that though you're back on solid ground after the nightmare that was Fusion. The handling is much improved (i.e. returned to the PS1 days) and the midair barrel roll for a speed boost when you hit the ground at the expense of some ship health is a neat addition, if a bit inconsistent. A strong set of track layouts with some nice visual flourishes, the customary brilliant music and a return to what Wipeout should be visually: sleek, enigmatic and block colours the whole way. It isn't topping 3 in terms of memorable tracks or purity of execution but it didn't need to at the time. Just having this series in all its glory on a portable system, even considering the slowdown, was plenty enough. Playing it now on emulation without the attached 'it's Wipeout in the palm of your hands!' novelty isn't quite as exciting after what came before, but it's still Wipeout and it still rules.

I love Wipeout. It's Y2K futuristic visuals, graphic design by TDR (tho not in Pure), big beat music and fast-paced racing. And Wipeout Pure was my first game in the series and it's still my favorite. Pinnacle of Wipeout

nostalgia hits so hard, one of my fav PSP racing games, I wanna be kid again just to play it for the first time once more 😭❤

Not as pretty as Pulse, but just as excellent.
Takes a little getting used to, but after split/second the Wipeout games are my favorite racers. really solid.

Nostalgic and vehicle designs are cool. Also revisited it a few days ago and felt kinda clunky or maybe i have a skill issue

can you imagine using the psp thumbstick

Gameplay bastante profundo con unos efectos, música y vibes súper guapos. Si entras, te pica muchísimo. La intro es increíble

Another great installment of the Wipeout series and another worthy piece of the impressive PSP catalog.

It was ok i guess
Glued to my memory tho

glad Studio Liverpool did a complete 180 after Wipeout Fusion this game is fucking amazing

highly recommend the Special Edition rom hack of this game as not only does it include all the DLC including the europe exclusive Omega DLC but it also has everything in the base game unlocked already meaning you can fuck around on any track with any ship and you don't have to deal with the absolutely horrid low speed classes you're forced into at the start normally

this game was meant to be played on Rapier Speed and nothing lower do not even try it

Have no recollection of buying this... doubtful I'd ever return to it.

fusion's wet soap physics are far less outrageous than moto trial tbh

game that introduced me to photek, for which i am Forever in its debt