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Meu primeiro contato com Yakuza 3 me deixou com a impressão de que eu não iria gostar tanto do jogo por ele ser bem diferente dos outros q joguei mas foi justamente o contrário.. A ambientação do jogo foi algo que me agradou bastante, a cidade de Okinawa e o orfanato sempre me passavam uma vibe tão boa. Era muito comum eu só ficar andando por Okinawa fazendo as substories e comendo nos restaurantes (acho q só tem 3 em Okinawa infelizmente). O mapa do orfanato sempre me passava uma certa nostalgia de quando eu ia pra casa de praia q meu pai tinha , ainda mais quando o mapa ficava de tarde ou de noite .. Kamurocho continua sendo a mesma de sempre mas por algum motivo eles demoliram Kamurocho hills :V . Particularmente não tive muita paciência para jogar grande parte dos minigames e eu nem cheguei a entrar num cabaré , portanto eu não tenho muito propriedade pra falar ..
Algo bastante criticado é o combate desse jogo, no início ele pode parecer bastante truncado e até massante já que vc da muito dano nos inimigos, porém com o passar do tempo vc vai conseguindo skills fodas e vc acaba pegando a mecânica do combate desse jogo já que os inimigos simplesmente defendem TUDO. Uma coisa bem boa é a presença de milhares de heat action oq faz com que seja muito foda tentar usar várias diferentes numa mesma luta, os parry e o tiver drop são fodas e deixam o jogo mais legal de se jogar. Uma coisa nova q eu gostei bastante é a presença de mod para as armas, apesar do crafting ser um pouco estranho e sem como vc saber para oq serve tal item, eu gostava de criar o máximo de armas possíveis já que tem algumas bem interessantes.. As substories são mais do mesmo, você tem algumas bem clichês tipo resgatar um gato perdido e tem outras muito fodas como a da tatuagem do Rikiya, eu acabei fazendo apenas 71/80 mas a maioria foram prazerosas de se fazer.
O enredo do jogo é bem interessante, você é apresentado a milhares de personagens totalmente novos e alguns antigos são deixados bastante de lado, a trama até que flui bem já que vc presencia grande parte dos momentos felizes da vida do KIRYU algo que me fez chorar em certas cenas, porém vc também presencia momento bastante tristes e emocionantes. A presença de milhares de personagens talvez seja algo que atrapalha um pouco já que nem todos recebem o mesmo brilho e alguns acabam sendo só uma pequena peça desse grande tabuleiro. no meio do jogo vc acaba tendo que lidar com uma lora dump absurda mas é algo que funciona até já que o próprio jogador também quer saber aquelas coisas q estão sendo ditas. No geral é uma trama bem construída e os antagonistas são até que na sua maioria bons, a única coisa q eu n consigo engolir é o irmão do Kazama mas acho que devo só lidar com isso.
No geral Yakuza 3 é um jogo recheado de conteúdo com um combate bem diferente mas ainda sim um jogo divertido

Pretty good. As much as I love seeing Kiryu happy the first part of the story definitely drags quite a bit. The latter half just jumps straight into the action though so the pacing is not too great either. Still recommend playing because this game is very important to Kiryu's character going forward.

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It would've been perfect if Mine didn't slap Haruka and insult the orphans.

-remove Joji from the story and the game will go pretty much the same.
-replace current Joji with a random person with the same name and it would be better at least. Just NOT Joji KAZAMA because he serves zero purpose being twin of Shintaro Kazama

-the blocking from enemies is not that bad

Playing this after yakuza kiwami 2 is quite the shock, the gameplay is a straight downgrade (but still mostly fun), the game is carried by the story which is very investing and emotional despite being quite slow in the first half of the game

The great filter this game has one of the best stories in the series and really fun gameplay if your willing to adapt to it asking a little more from you then most games in the franchise.

Also the villain is really good

Exceptionally fun, really good feel and nice to see Kiryu find happiness for 2 chapters

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Yakuza 3? More like YUCKuza 3!!! That's what i would've said if i disliked the game, but nah the most hated entry in the franchise that many people have told me to skip is actually goated as fuck? I did not expect that.

The costant blocking from the enemies is apparently only a problem in the remastered version, but i actually never encountered this problem during my whole playtrough, maybe it's because i played on normal difficulty?
The combat itself is really great, it might be a bit rough at the start but once you unlock more attacks and upgrades Kiryu becomes a very fun character to play as thanks to his awesome moveset, many weapons and his punches that feel satisfying. My only complaint about the combat is that you start losing heat WAY TOO FAST.

Besides the blocking another thing that Yakuza 3 gets hated for are the orphange sections, and i don't understand this complaint at all, in my opinion getting to know each kid was super awesome and they did an amazing job at making all of them memorable(Ayako is the best orphanage kid btw).

The main places of this game are kamurocho, Okinawa and morning glory. Okinawa doesn't have as many activites as kamurocho but it's a city with a very nice vibe to it, and i fricking love morning glory♥️.

The main story of the game is pretty damn exquisite. I really dig most of the characters introduced in this game.
I like characters that are your enemies at first but then become your friends a lot, so obviously i loved Rikiya and Mikio, ESPECIALLY MY GOAT RIKIYA!
I also liked Nakahara a lot and he actually becomes sworn brother with Kiryu in this game but for some reason rgg never brought him back:(
Kiryu is a great protagonist like always and i absolutely adored seeing him as a caring dad in this game, it was so heartwarming to watch a happy and peaceful side of him.

The villains in Yakuza 3 were alright i guess? Hamazaki was lame, Andre Richardson was lame and Kanda was... funny? However the main antagonist Yoshitaka Mine is actually an amazing character! It was really interesting how similar to Kiryu, he grew up as an orphan but Kiryu had people besides him growing up, but Mine had nobody and he never learned to trust people around him.

Hot take: the boss fights in this game are fricking great! This is probably the only Yakuza game where most of the bosses actually posed any sort of challenge. Joji Kazama, Goro Majima, Lau ka long, and Andre Richardson are all really awesome boss fights, but the best one is Yoshitaka Mine (this fight also introduced dynamic intros to the series and thats super cool).

My biggest complaint about this game are the stupid exposition dumps and the weak side content.

Last thing i wanna mention is that the music slaps. My favorite tracks are: fly, lyricism without tears, bruise, illtreatment, and crush and strike.

Overall i fricking LOVED this game! Great combat, awesome story, great boss fights, amazing cast of characters and great music.

A downgrade in some parts, an upgrade in others. A little too expository, though every entry seems to be.

Я ебал каждого причастного к этой игре.Я просто молил чтобы игра закончилась. Враги в вечном блоке,бои длятся тысячу лет,ибо в игре нет адекватного способа вскрывать мобов.Сюжетно просто стало похуй на первом часу,ибо игра превратилась в игровую адаптацию папиных дочек.
Бегаешь и решаешь проблемы детишек.
А мне похуй на них,я хочу бить ёбла.Ну и собака появляется в игре,это надо запомнить,в 8 части покажут классный ролик в караоке

Weakest Yakuza title. Wouldn't really recommend unless you're a fan of the other games.

Story is only really watchable cause of the main villain. And you get to see a new (and important) side of Kiryu

The gameplay also slows to a crawl even for basic street battles. it's just aged really poorly even compared to like, Yakuza 4.

Stupid and kinda boring. But i love sunshine.

few parts of the story are stupid in typical early-rgg fashion but this one gets really stupid. mind-numbingly boring infodump scene in the middle. combat could be better & is frustrating early on (but fun by the end).

antagonist is amazing. a lot of the characters are memorable. there’s some fun scenes and heartwarming developments to kiryu’s saga as a protagonist, as well. i wish i could like it more because it has so much potential.

I get why people don't like this game. However, those people are wrong. It slaps.

(Series X/1080p/60fps)

A fun, engaging story but does not have the quality of life updates of the 1 and 2 remakes. The world was slightly hollow and (sorry) really doesn't need THAT much time spent with mundane kid tasks to build up a sense of rapport with them. Also for the love of god let me sprint.

Yakuza 3 is an odd game to talk about in the zeitgeist of the other games in the series. I think it is a wonderful experience that is guaranteed to make you cry at least once as you watch not only Kiryu's personal growth towards his goals, but also his growth as a father and his unwavering heroic nature. This has been the best the cast has ever been in the games so far, you really get to see the effect Kiryu (and by proxy the player) has on the people in his life. The plot is less downright stupid compared to Y2/YK2 and more straightforward like Y1/YK1. If you do get lost there is a little profiles flow chart of all of the characters and their allegiances in the pause menu. I loved Okinawa as a new setting for the series, because it represents the calmer part of Kiryu's life in the first few chapters and it gives the player ample reason to keep fighting on.

I can't sugarcoat it though, this game's combat really isn't the best, well at least this port version isn't. I think it is a MIRACLE we are getting PS3 games on other systems now, but QLOC time and time again does the bare minimum of porting. Normal enemy AI is fine and just like the other games, but special enemies and bosses are where this game falls apart. This game isn't called Blockuza 3 in the community for nothing, Bosses will just sit there and block moves and firearm wielding enemies (save for bosses) will rarely fire their guns. Even with the stuff QLOC broke, the base experience isn't much to write about either. Combat is really limited and basic and bosses have the biggest and most tedious health bars to whiddle down. Couple that with how SLOW exp is earned in this game and it's a recipie for disaster. I think the game is still pretty good, the combat isn't abysmally unplayable, it's just the weakest in the series (on pc).

Overall I loved my time with Yakuza 3 a ton, It's a pretty game, It'll make you laugh, it'll make you sob, you'll have fun tearing through fodder enemies and solving random people's problems, but it will also make you fall asleep when fighting bosses so be warned.

the combat isnt even that bad its just challenging thats it the story made me cry 4 times and mine hot as fuck dammnnnnn

combat felt way better than I expected, it's really snappy I don't understand the complaints about it, story wise I think it was good, better than Kiwami 2 at least

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i have no idea why people hate this game. i love the look of okinawa (especially the extremely blue water). the plot was very easy the understand. kiryu parenting segments were really cute and heartwarming. my only complaints about this game is that sayama was only in the beginning of the game and Mine was not introduced as the villain until the very end of the game.

Legitimately wish this had just been entirely a game about Kiryu running an orphanage.

you just know that when a game has so many defenders, it means the game is actually dogshit. Liked Mine though, I too love destroying orphanages

It's great... I'm biased and I get how the gameplay / side content isn't as fun as the newer / kiwami games, but I think the story is truly amazing. It's not perfect and my love for Kiryu makes me able to overlook a lot of the writing flaws, but it has a lot of development for Kiryu's character. It's so nice to see him happy and being in an environment that he truly loves, and that's what makes his story so sad to me. I love rikiya and mine too..... this game seriously has some of my favorite characters in the whole series. I think that a lot of hate that this game gets is a little over the top and I feel like most of it stems from it being an older remaster.

why everyone in this game look like they just learned how to walk

kiryu struggles with being a father figure, and figuring out how to grapple with the enemies habit of blocking

i was glazing this game a lil too crazy but i still love it idk

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mine shouldve lived

Acho que as pessoas não sabem o que é jogo ruim de verdade, sim o combate desse jogo não é um dos melhores da saga mas tá longe de ser o pior ( o pior sendo claramente o do kiwami 2) e a história facilmente é uma das melhores até agora junto do antagonista que virou um dos meus favoritos junto do Ryuji e do antagonista de Lost judgment