Reviews from

in the past


Simplesmente maravilhoso em todos os aspectos, ActRaiser merece um beijo e todo meu carinho que jogo INCRIVEL!

De começo eu fiquei muito perdido no que fazer mas nada que uma boa lida rápida em um detonado não me ajudasse. Depois disso foi só alegria, sua gameplay tanto do anjinho e nas fases em que você é uma estátua braba funciona muito bem, só achei o controle dele de pulo um pouco diferente dos outros jogos de plataforma o que me deixa um pouco irritado durante as fases, mas obviamente eu não poderia esperar algo tranquilo e que me acalmasse, a velha Capcom fazia jogos absurdos em dificuldades e qualidade e actraiser é um deles.

Claro, eu to exagerando. Ele também não é tão difícil assim quanto to dizendo, na real ele é ate tranquilo, só que tu tem que ter paciência em ambos os modos de jogo pois a pressa aqui vai ser sua inimiga em tudo.

E é impossível elogiar esse jogo e não dizer de sua história e suas reflexões passadas através dela que impactam muito bem, mesmo sendo um jogo do início dos anos 90, ele tem uma narrativa muito bem construída e agradável que desenrola de um jeito que você não espera, apesar de ficar repetitiva em alguns momentos.

Enfim, ta esperando o que? JOGA ACTRAISER tu precisa eu to te falando

ActRaiser is a game I almost skipped, because the sim part really didn't interest me. Well, the city-building part was surprisingly engaging, it's not deep enough to require any actual strategy, but it's there to offer a different pace from the usual action games. The action levels were challenging but not overly so, which was a relief. Time to check out the remake.

This was a game that I started with disgust, I never finished it and I never had any interest before, especially because I think History of Gods sucks, but then I started this challenge of beating all the SNES games (except a few, but that's not the case ), and after the very good SMW, came ActRaiser, my worst enemy, but after playing a little more I ended up getting used to it.

The game is very simple (even too simple), I was going to talk about the gameplay, but this game, as incredible as it may seem, has two gameplays, one for the phase and the other for simulation... Wait, what is it like?

Yes, this game at first seems to be just a common platform game, but when you pass the level the game suddenly comes into view from above and becomes a simulation like Sim City or the more intimate The Sims, of course it is much more limited and the The only thing you do is send climate things to destroy rocks, bushes, melt ice and "dry out swampy areas???" and also send your subjects to areas where they will build houses or to seal portals where demons come out to destroy their houses, basically you are god in the game, but it was in this part that I was uninterested, because I wanted to go to the adventure part, There's even a rom that lets you play the phase parts, however, your energy bar doesn't increase, because to do that you need to level up, but to level up, you must increase the population of the place, so I went to the rom original because I found the game very difficult. Well, I'm going to divide my criticisms into the two gameplays as if they were two topics.

The adventure part is the "least interesting" part of the game, because it's like I said, a standard platformer where you attack, jump and crouch, but its gameplay is the biggest problem in the game, because your character controls like a Belmont of Castlevania, that when you jump you don't have much control over it and your character is a bit stuck, but there is one however, Castlevania games have already been made with this type of gameplay in mind, something that doesn't happen here, sometimes there are some lots of enemies eating your ass and you don't have much to do, and there's also the horrible knockback that was already annoying in Castlevania, here it's much worse thanks to the camera that many times you'll have to pray that a platform is below , not to mention that sometimes you can fall into a hole in some stages, the adventure part is not difficult, but there are some stages that seem like something from the second game, you also have spells that I honestly used more on bosses than enemies (only the last phase which was disgusting), the bosses seem difficult at the beginning, but then you see that some are quite pathetic (in general, I think what makes this game difficult is the beginning where you start with a low energy bar)

In the simulation part, I have my problems, such as being incredibly slow at the beginning and having to guess what you have to do, and doing some "side quests" to continue building that place, but then you get used to it too, except that when you ask the residents to go to a place, they will always build houses and such in the place that you are not even asking, for example, ask them to seal a portal, first they build things in an area and then maybe they will seal the portal, and then you need defending civilization against demons using an angel who uses a bow, but the angel misses more than he hits, because he will always hit on the right side and not in the front, something similar to that in A Link to the Past (which is another piece of shit), so this part becomes very boring and very repetitive, you can even make him strong... But for a limited time, which I think is a very stupid idea, another problem I have is with the offerings that in At some point, your subjects present you with an item as if it were an offering to a god when you help the population, but even if they present it to you, their god should be called "ActRaiser - The God of Stupidity" because this mule doesn't get the given item, you always need to go to the menu, go to offering, get the offering, get what you want, go to the menu and offering again, go to use offering, then you use it, I find it very unnecessary and dragging and the same goes for dialogues because everything you do always has a dialogue from the angel, like using the power you want and listening to him say about it and if you want to use it, "thanks to Act" you can make the speed of the message fast . But what I find interesting in this mode is the "plot" of some residents who are very surprising, they are not FF6 level, but I liked it, but unfortunately this mode gets very repetitive and tiring after a while.

Finally, there's the final battle, which isn't difficult, BUT YOU REALLY NEED TO PUT BOSS RUSH WITHOUT REPAIRING HEALTH!??

Anyway, unfortunately ActRaiser is a mediocre game, it has points that could make it solid, but that wasn't the case.

Conceptually, I think this game is really neat. But I really dont like playing these side scroller sections. And while I think its fun watching the little cities grow, its also just kind of boring

A curious blend of city building and action platforming while not really excelling at either. The city building component acts more like an interlude and motivator for the the action platform levels and it does an alright job at breaking up the gameplay. On the platformer side, the controls and combat work well enough, with a focus on pattern recognition that puts it a notch above its more mindless hack and slash contemporaries. On the whole, it's a decent game with a novel mix of gameplay, but it's general weirdness never clicked with me in some profound way.