Reviews from

in the past

I'm a big fan of genre mashups. For a while now, the best way to get my attention and stand out from within the neverending tide of new releases is to do "genre 1 + genre 2" to make combinations I haven't seen before. Sometimes these result in great new games that do something innovative, and sometimes they produce an incoherent mess, or just an underwhelming experience. And whilst I associate most of this school of design with modern indie games, I knew that they certainly weren't the inventors of this approach; and I thought I had to pay my respects to the OG weird genre mashup : Actraiser (and yeah I know there were weird genre mixes even further back depending on what you count but remember that video game genres are bullshit anyways so its fine)

The strength of a hybrid gameplay model is 2 fold. One is that its an in-built tool for pacing wherein one mode is a nice change of pace/a break from the other. Though more conventional, games like Persona (3 onwards), XCOM, Recettear etc keep the line going up and down with their respective gameplay models. When I'm tired of hanging out in P5 I can do a dungeon and when Im tired of that I can go back and eat a giant burger in Shibuya. The other is that the gameplay modes can feed into each other and make what might be two vastly different mechanical exercises integrate more closely through these connections like getting weapon fragments from killed aliens in missions in XCOM to build laser rifles back in the base to kill aliens more efficiently to get more fragments etc.

That last part is usually the make or break for the genre hybrid in my experience. At best, the two tie seamlessly together in a way that it makes you wonder how no one thought about this before, at worst both become a slog or one feels bolted to the other unnaturally, you resent one mode from keeping you away from the other. There is also a third approach, where you simply don't try all that hard to integrate the two modes or even at all, which can also work.

Actraiser kinda tries to integrate its city building with its castlevania-esque action platforming, but not super hard. And I think it works in that respect. You play as an avatar of "the NOT Christian God" helping various settlements to grow in population by directing them to build towards available land, clearing swamps and foliage, killing demons who respawn until the towns grow close enough to their lairs to close them etc. You do this so more people can worship you, which makes you more powerful and therefore more able to foil the plans of "NOT Satan". Its a cool (and you'll forgive me for using this word) ludonarrative, wherein a symbiotic relationship exists between god and those who worship him, God protects his flock from evil who in turn make him stronger. It also pre empts the usual narrative question of "how can there be an antagonist to an omnipotent being?" by making the battle between good and evil also a battle for the hearts and minds of people, the will of the creator being realized through their work.

This is brought up more explicitly during the Maranha Arc, an island with a pretty substantial presence of monsters, leaving you to constantly kill the demons in the overworld lest they get 5 seconds to burn the peoples' crops. The narrative of that particular episode involves the people being seduced by the dark forces and eventually even the temple priests who communicate with you go over to the demons' side. After you defeat the evil demons they explain that they were deceived by the demons due to the hardship they suffered, their faith wavering when faced with hunger and violence. This reminds a bit of the story of Job from the bible, who was tested at the behest of "the adversary" to prove to God that his faith was only due to his blessed circumstances. Ultimately Job endures great suffering without turning his back on God which leads him to be greatly rewarded.

There is also the matter of the "demons" being based on figures from other religions like the minotaur, pharaohs (who were the gods' representatives on earth in egyptian mythology) , various others from nordic and hindu mythology etc. The master is a jealous god, angered by these "false idols", its no surprise the game was subject to censorship when being localised in the west to avoid the more overt references to christianity and religion in general. As much as the game is a metaphor for monotheism I think there's also a hint of Buddhism, possibly due to Quintet(the studio which made Actraiser) being a japanese studio. There is mention in the epilogue of reincarnation and whilst in keeping with Christian lore, the idea of humans being straying from righteousness by the allure of demons who keep them in suffering on this earthly realm through violence smacks a bit of Mara, the demonic representative of death, rebirth and pleasure, who tried to stop Siddharta Gautama from achieving enlightenment.

Actraiser does a lot with very little, in this respect, and I kind of wish there was more to this, the game is rather brief and most of the "point" is relayed right at the end after the final boss rush, at which time I'm a bit too high off of the victory to meditate on human's tendencies to abandon religion when their living standards rise. Actraiser is definitely greater than the sum of its parts. The menuing and UX of the city building is a bit clunky, not being able to do anything whilst a town is being constructed is ok, but can you just let me use my powers without having to show me the slow text box explaining its use every single time I use them? The platforming is good, has that weighty movement reminiscent of a Castlevania 1 but the hitboxes can be a bit dodgy, sometimes in the enemy's favour, sometimes in the player's. Hitting enemies at floor height remains kind of a crap shoot all the way to the final boss. I am pretty shit at the game but thankfully Actraiser is a lot more generous with the wall chicken than CV1 is. And hell, worst case scenario you can go back and increase the population to upgrade your max health. Not a big fan of the final boss gauntlet, its always a gut punch reading a guide for a game who says "yeah this boss is bullshit, just use your fuck you spell to kill him quickly, the other bosses can be fought normally".

In the end though, I enjoyed Actraiser, I think its rightfully seen as a classic and will rank highly if I ever make a list of my favourite genre hybrid games. I have heard that the sequel abandons the god game aspect entirely, and that sounds like kind of a waste... I'll play it eventually but not anytime soon.


Simplesmente maravilhoso em todos os aspectos, ActRaiser merece um beijo e todo meu carinho que jogo INCRIVEL!

De começo eu fiquei muito perdido no que fazer mas nada que uma boa lida rápida em um detonado não me ajudasse. Depois disso foi só alegria, sua gameplay tanto do anjinho e nas fases em que você é uma estátua braba funciona muito bem, só achei o controle dele de pulo um pouco diferente dos outros jogos de plataforma o que me deixa um pouco irritado durante as fases, mas obviamente eu não poderia esperar algo tranquilo e que me acalmasse, a velha Capcom fazia jogos absurdos em dificuldades e qualidade e actraiser é um deles.

Claro, eu to exagerando. Ele também não é tão difícil assim quanto to dizendo, na real ele é ate tranquilo, só que tu tem que ter paciência em ambos os modos de jogo pois a pressa aqui vai ser sua inimiga em tudo.

E é impossível elogiar esse jogo e não dizer de sua história e suas reflexões passadas através dela que impactam muito bem, mesmo sendo um jogo do início dos anos 90, ele tem uma narrativa muito bem construída e agradável que desenrola de um jeito que você não espera, apesar de ficar repetitiva em alguns momentos.

Enfim, ta esperando o que? JOGA ACTRAISER tu precisa eu to te falando

Played on the Wii U Virtual Console

Yes, I technically had to abandon the game because I couldn't beat the end boss rush, but having completed every other aspect, I feel this review stands as a qualified opinion

These days you’re liable to seeing video game mash-ups from different genres, but back in the 90s, a then-new company called Quintet seemingly pioneered this tactic with their debut title ActRaiser(+). Shoving city building and godhood systems into an action platformer schematic, ActRaiser stood as a unique first-year release for the SNES, one that concurrently launched Quintet into mainstream discourse.

If you’ve been a part of any retro community, chances are you’ve read skyrocketing praise for ActRaiser over its various elements, and while they definitely do warrant respect, I feel the lack of a genuine sequel may have boosted the base game’s reputation into abnormal parameters. What do I mean by this? Well, as you guys have no doubt experienced by now, the best sequels are the ones that take the good from their predecessor and make it even more exemplary: they iron out the kinks, chisel new systems, and smelt the entire product into a revolutionary package: ACII, Half-Life 2, Arkham City, DKC2 -- we still look fondly upon the original, but recognize that significant improvements were done in the follow-up.

ActRaiser’s problem is that it didn’t get a true sequel(++), meaning any lauding it’s garnered from 4th gen enthusiasts smacks of the kind of superior advancements fans would’ve physically seen in a theoretical ActRaiser 2. This isn’t out of disingenuity or anything of the sort, but more-so nostalgia combined with the admittedly-novel concepts bolstered by the game.

To illustrate what I’m alleging, let’s start with the city building: it’s entirely linear. Each area has you start off with a giant piece of land that you then have to direct your worshippers towards industrializing (an activity they consequently conduct square-by-square). There’s no strategy, no worrying about environmental or economic factors, no catalog of dwellings to select from, nothing. Once your people seal off the adjacent monster lairs, you don’t even have to concern yourself with their safety (not even from such phenomena as natural disasters or surprise incidents). Throughout your tenure, you’re occasionally hit with a scripted dilemma, but almost all of these have to be resolved instantly in order to progress further.

The god prayers are handled a bit better insofar as you’re actually given agency whether to grant them or not (i.e., not smiting the requested mountain), but these don’t result in any noticeable consequences outside of your character not gaining a power-up or extra magic scroll (more on those later). Regardless, the lion’s share of scenarios ultimately demand completion for the sake of unlocking the hidden boss cave in the region, meaning they’re just as mandatory as the obligatory city ones.

Don’t get me wrong, these aspects provide a lot of that simple dopamine gamers have come to love from modern-day releases -- seeing each village get constructed from the ground-up, in particular, reminded me of the renovation system from the Ezio games wherein you’d instantly behold the fruits of your labor. I liked the interactions that came about between the citizenry and your protagonist: how they’d treat you reverently, make earnest requests, and offer alms in your honor. Despite the limited dialogue, it’s a relatively-accurate representation of how faith operated in older civilizations, and while ActRaiser doesn’t really address any deeper themes on the topic (save a blurb at the end), I do think this part has contributed to the game’s continued fervor.

On that note, what exactly is the premise of ActRaiser? Well, in the original Japanese script, you were literally the Abrahamic G-D trying to save humanity from the influence of Satan and his 12 minions. Of course, that kind of on-the-nose storytelling wouldn’t have flown back in the day, and so western markets renamed him The Master, and his opponent Tanzra.

Regardless, the gist is your typical good vs. evil scheme. One of the things I appreciated about ActRaiser was how you never actually see your persona: during the action scenes, he inhabits a gold guardian, while the town simulations have him directly interact with an anonymous Cupid. The former decision, in particular, end-ups being an unintentionally (or perhaps intentionally?) wise integration as it subsequently explains how your deity is able to be “defeated” by lesser enemies.

You’ll be conducting these fights during the platforming sections, which is arguably where ActRaiser succeeds the most. Quintet would later garner fame for their trilogy of ARPGs, and it’s clear they cut their teeth working on ActRaiser as it is absolutely solid: you have a jump, slash, duck, and magic attack, all of which you’ll need to employ should you wish to beat the various enemies and bosses thrown your way. The jump, in particular, works really well, with Quintet having mastered the precision, weight, and height factors that go into 16-bit springing (that is to say, it’s easy to learn and do without feeling like you’re at a disadvantage).

Honestly, there are only two real problems here: first, side bounding and attacking is very inconsistent to pull off (and outright impossible for vertical jumps), and two, the game is way too bloody easy, that simplicity largely coming down to a single spell you acquire in the third world: Stardust. At the click of a button, your avatar can call down a hailstorm of galactic pellets, and man do these babies do a significant amount of damage: so much so, that bosses are rendered cakewalks. To try and counter this, the game puts a cap on the amount of times you can cast a spell/per a run (NOT per/a life; die and any previously-depleted slots remain empty), but the thing is, if you’re fully developing your cities, chances are you’re going to find the majority of magic scrolls (ammo) out there anyway, thus ensuring you’re well-armed prior to most battles (this isn’t even taking into account the number of temporary extra scrolls you can loot in-game).

I’m not sure who on the dev team thought this would be a good idea, but it ends-up undermining a lot of the programming that no doubt went into the craftsmanship of these bosses. Perhaps realizing this too late, the game forcibly reverses course during the final act wherein Tanzra is preceded by a punishing boss gauntlet that’s so frustrating, you’ll see below why it caused me to drop the title(+++).

Thankfully the levels themselves are quite stunning, taking place over a variety of locales ranging from indigenous-inspired forestry and frosty ice caves to even a Tatooine-influenced abode (no seriously, it’s got its own Sarlacc Pit). The bosses themselves exemplify this virtuosity to a tee, often being conventional monsters wrought out with gorgeous colorwork and gargantuan proportions. Enemy design, on the other hand, could be hit-or-miss: some levels throw uniquely-crafted creatures at you like forest ents, orc-like wasps, and lizardian knights, while other times you’ll find yourself scratching your head at the presence of floating eyeballs, conventional gargoyles, and even swole women!

ActRaiser, as stated before, came out early in the SNES’s life, and while the visuals for the abovementioned levels are top-notch, unfortunately the bird’s eye map for the city building isn’t quite at the same level, often looking one-step removed from Oregon Trail’s graphics. If that weren’t enough, you’re often forced to partake in this discount schmup schematic via your little Angel shooting arrows at an ever-breeding(++++) source of minions (till their grounds are sealed for good). The critters themselves are even more generic looking than their earthly compatriots and do little more than destroy structures and carry away the occasional batch of humans (as I keep saying, it’s an underdeveloped part of the game that ultimately gets repetitive in light of the lack of differentiation between continents, as well as the relative shortness of the platforming stages).

Part of me does wonder if more was originally intended with the city-building as you’re granted elemental powers (earthquakes, lightning, wind, etc…) that can theoretically affect the landscape, but which are only ever utilized during the, you guessed it, scripted events. As it stands, unless you wish to destroy your own creations Sim City-style, you’re not going to find much use for these abilities.

Ironically, the sound design operates oppositely to the visuals in that more effort was put into the aerial arrangements than their platforming equals: from the creature growls to each of your god powers, you’ll hear a distinct din compared to the ground wherein everyone is silent save their projectile attacks. Your sword literally swipes like someone breathed a hot air “ha” on the microphone, and the dialogue scroll is so awfully-screechy, I implore prospective buyers to choose the fast text speed for the sake of your ears.

The music was strung together by Yuzo Koshiro, a man who’s, of course, acquired a strong reputation amongst the RPG community. Unfortunately, he simply wasn’t given enough money here to do what he could, meaning there are a lot of repeated tracks chock-full of their own repetitive loops. Sometimes this works, as in the case of the soothing town-building tune, but other times it comes across as unintentionally lazy, such as every boss sharing the same beat. That said, I will give him credit for morphing his tracks depending on the individual theme of the stage (i.e., the pyramid has a more Egyptian horn accompaniment whereas the lava motif wouldn’t sound out-of-place in Bowser’s Castle!).

Regardless of my complaints, I still recommend playing ActRaiser by any legal means necessary. For starters, it doesn’t wear out its welcome, being completable in 1-2 sittings, and for all the downsides of its supplementary genres, the fans have a point -- there really is no other game like it.

+For the record, I don’t know if ActRaiser was the first video game to combine multiple types of games into one cartridge. Also, does anyone know what happened to Quintet? It’s a very sketchy story when you read about their disappearance from society.

++There technically was an ActRaiser 2, but it abandoned the town sim aspects entirely in favor of pure platforming. A spiritual remake called Renaissance was released semi-recently, but, as pointed out by SNESDrunk, it failed to do any kind of innovation on the formula minus adding a Tower Defense-schematic.

+++So basically you have to beat six of the previous 12 bosses before facing Tanzra who, in turn, comes in two stages. The problem is, you aren’t given any kind of health or mana replenishment throughout the ordeal, meaning you need to beat it one-go. Oh, and to top it all off, the game strongarms you into using-up several mana shots on the first thug, a sped-up version of the Minotaurus, due to said speed-up making it near-impossible to hit him with conventional attacks. It’s a shame because an easy work around to this difficulty spike (in addition to granting replenishments) would’ve been to just save the meteor spell for this moment, allowing players to beat the bosses as they were originally intended during the vanilla run.

++++Strictly-speaking, there is a limit to the number of spawns, but it’s so high you’re better off closing the portals as soon as possible.

An interesting mix between an RPG, a 2D side-scroller and a city sim is one way to describe ActRaiser. Due to that, it may not be to everyone's taste, but it piqued my interest enough to play through it.

If you've played any of the games from the Quintet trilogy (Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia or Terranigma), you'll find some familiar things here. This makes the game a sort of spiritual prequel to those games.

Despite the game's mix of genres, the overall mechanics aren't very complex. The side scrolling stages are pretty much what you'd expect from any side-scroller released around that time, so you only have a jump, a normal attack and a magic attack. Go through a stage, fight some monsters, do some platforming and fight a boss at the end. Very minimalistic, but above all, it encourages learning enemy patterns and making the most of the little you have.

Although simple in nature as well, the city sim element is the spice of this game. You have to guide a location to prosperity by using your powers over nature to free up space and give people orders where to expand.
Of course, their expansion isn't something to ignore, as people in this game are the equivalent of XP, so it's better to have more than less. Also, you receive some nice items (as as they're called in-game - offerings) in return.
There will be monsters that will try to sabotage this progress, so you'll have to protect the people while they expand. The entire thing is like a pretty basic 2D shooter.
Once people expand enough in a certain direction, they can seal a monster spawning point (lair) so it doesn't bother you again. You can't command people to build specific things which is a shame.
Regardless, it's satisfying to watch a place grow and see the progress of slowly intertwining these separate locations with each other.

Overall, despite its simplicity, ActRaiser has a nice flow to it, which binds it together pretty well and makes it a solid game. It's also around 6 hours long, so it doesn't overstay its welcome.

The God of all god games. Be a cherub! Grow a village! Become a sword swinging Angel of Death and smite the non believers! Seriously, if you haven't played Actraiser you haven't enjoyed the snes. The hours you waste getting manna and protecting your miniscule but lovable subjects are perfectly balanced by the inclusion of a fantastic sideways scrolling swordfest. The difficulty curve is a bit strange, it's all fairly basic and easy for 90% of the game then boom! End boss battles from hell.

It's incredible how as soon as the Super Nintendo was hitting the shelves, so many good games would come out. Actraiser is the most original experience of them all, mixing city management and platforming, as a God nonetheless. It's got soul and love poured into it like very few games and you can see it from its spritework, its music, its tight design and gameplay.

My only sour note is that the controls can feel stiff and it can get exhausting in the end when you've got to fight all bosses one after the other. Yet, Actraiser is able to sow a plotline like no other through gameplay alone, somber and inspiring; it always feels good to start the game, hear the first notes of Fillmore and getting back to business.

Played this for Simulation for the Retro Achievements 2024 Challenge League. It was a blast. I remember as a kid that it was a lot harder but kinda blew threw it tonight. The action stages where fun! Got a little tough at the end but still manageable. There aren't any I-fames to be had in this game. The SIM parts of the game where refreshing but for a little overwhelming towards the end. The final boss rush was great as well. Glad I finally played it and finished it!

Conceptually, I think this game is really neat. But I really dont like playing these side scroller sections. And while I think its fun watching the little cities grow, its also just kind of boring

super short, action segments are a little wonky but damn it's so much fun and charming


Something of an unexpected experience the first time playing. You start off with an action-platformer, and then are suddenly put in charge of building a city! Though the gameplay is wildly different between these phases of the game, it works well, particularly as one informs the other. It's an innovative approach that I haven't seen done since. Sure, there are great city building games and great platformers, but no one seems to have successfully touched this specific formula.

A curious blend of city building and action platforming while not really excelling at either. The city building component acts more like an interlude and motivator for the the action platform levels and it does an alright job at breaking up the gameplay. On the platformer side, the controls and combat work well enough, with a focus on pattern recognition that puts it a notch above its more mindless hack and slash contemporaries. On the whole, it's a decent game with a novel mix of gameplay, but it's general weirdness never clicked with me in some profound way.

My whole family still talks about this game. The action of a side scroller (a half decent one) then a city builder where you fly around as a cherub kicking demon ass.

My brother in christ, don't be an asshole to your villagers...

A fun, if simple blend between a platformer with light RPG elements and a God game. A fun premise that deserves a modern take on it.

Over the past month or so, I have been taking the time to venture a little further out of my comfort zone when it came to the games that I typically played for a few reasons. One, I needed some other things to play while waiting for Super Mario Bros. Wonder to come out, and two, I have been very curious about these franchises that I had heard so much about, but never got around to playing them before. So, I decided to change that, and I have managed to have a really fun time doing so at this point. If it wasn’t for this little exercise of mine, I never would’ve gone into Dragon Quest, Blaster Master, Metal Gear, or StarTropics as soon as I did, and I never would’ve made those reviews alongside them, so needless to say, I feel pretty proud of myself for taking the time to finally check some of these games out. Not only that, I have also managed to discover plenty of new favorites for myself in the process, such as the case of today’s topic, ActRaiser.

I had known about ActRaiser for quite a while now, first discovering it from the original episode on it from The Completionist, and even though this game wasn’t part of a HUGE franchise like the other ones that I had tried out, I still wanted to give it a shot, as it looked very promising. Not to mention, I am just a big fan of whenever games mix genres together, because it could potentially lead to some neat ideas and creating some new sub-genres. So, I decided to finally give the game a shot, and I am really glad that I did, because the game is actually really damn great. It may not be original when it comes to the gameplay segments, but combining these two genres together ended up making a surprisingly solid package that I enjoyed for almost all of the way through, and it has me looking forward to the other games in this short series.

The story is about God losing a battle against Satan, and having to retreat to the heavens to regain his power, and after hundreds of years, must return and regain his faith in the people while fighting back against Satan and his minions…………….. yes, that is actually the plot, and it fits surprisingly well for what this game is, the graphics aren’t really all that exciting or original compared to other SNES titles, but for being one of the earliest games on the system, they do look really nice, and they take advantage of the Mode 7 at every chance they get, the music is pretty good, providing plenty of great tracks to listen to along your journey, even if a good number of the tracks are repeated often enough, the control for both sections of the game work pretty well, although sometimes the control for the platforming sections can be pretty stiff, but it is still more then functionable, and the gameplay is pretty unique, taking two well-known genres and combining together in a way that is rarely ever seen done before and since.

There are two major types of gameplay to be found here, with the first being your typical 2D action platforming sections, where you take control of this armored warrior controlled by God, take on twelve or so different levels from across the land, defeat plenty of enemies either using your mighty blade or whatever magic spell you have at your disposal, gather plenty of scrolls, food items, and items that give you points to aid you on your heroic quest, and take on plenty of threatening, yet surprisingly doable bosses that will test your jumping and attacking skills. All of this is typical of the platforming genre, but it is all done really well here. The gameplay does feel very satisfying in these sections, where you have a pretty good speed to where you won’t feel like you are slogging along, and the stages themselves are long enough to not feel completely unnecessary, but aren’t short enough to where they are a waste of time. Not to mention, it does feel very satisfying to use your sword attacks and magic spells properly to take out a lot of these foes, so whenever you do get the chance to complete one of these levels, it is a lot of fun.

The second gameplay element is the one you will most likely be spending the most time in, the city building/god game portion, where you will take control of an angel under the command of god, help the people below by clearing up the land around them and leading them towards locations to build their towns and seal up monster lairs, defeat plenty of monsters that will be swarming the field as you try to complete these tasks, gather plenty of offerings from the people to use to not only aid yourself in taking care of the monsters, but to also help the people in their time of need, and level yourself up to get stronger, giving more health to not just the angel, but also to the warrior for the regular platforming stages.

Out of the two gameplay styles, I was actually somewhat dreading these sections, because I am someone who doesn’t typically play any city building or god games of any kind, so needless to say, I was going in completely inexperienced, and I thought I was going to HATE it. However, at the end of the day, I ended up loving these sections just as much as the regular platforming segments. These sections actually end up being pretty straightforward, where you can learn how to do things pretty quickly, and the game gives you enough hints to where you always know what to do next, while also not giving too much hints to the point of where it feels like hand-holding. It is just that right balance of difficult and player-friendly, which made these sections much more fun as a result. Heck, maybe even because of this, I may actually try out other city building or god games out there, but I better not get ahead of myself when I say that.

Despite how much I ended up loving this game though, I wouldn’t say it is perfect by any means. For one thing, the game does get pretty repetitive as you keep going, as you start out in a platforming stage, then you go to the god game, then back to the platforming, then to the god game, and so on and so forth. It is like this throughout the whole game, and while there aren’t too many of either sections, it is enough to where it does feel, again, kinda repetitive. That being said though, they always introduce some new elements within the god game segments to where it doesn’t feel like that much of a waste of time. As for the platforming sections though… they do get a little more tiring. Yes, the level themes are different for the most part, but nothing too major happens to change up the stages, and it does get pretty annoying when it comes to the last couple of stages. As for any other complaints I have with the game, I do have one: the boss rush at the end. Now, I can KINDA excuse this, as there is a sense of progression throughout the game with your levels, so this boss rush doesn’t feel like a complete waste of time, but nothing changes with the bosses other then them being faster and more difficult, so it still does come off as padding for the sake of it.

Overall though, despite the repetitiveness at times and the boss rush, I still found myself really enjoying ActRaiser all the way through, and I would say it is a wonderful game from the SNES era that I feel deserves a lot more attention then it gets, both back then and nowadays. I mean, it did get a sequel and a remake, but aside from that, no more love was given to this series, which sucks, because I feel like a lot more could be done with it from here. I definitely do recommend it for those looking for something new from the SNES to play, as well as for those who a fan of Quintet’s later games, because for being their very first game they ever made, it is a really solid first attempt. Let’s just hope they don’t screw anything up with the sequel. Let me just take a look at that real qu- AAAAAAAAAND they got rid of the god game sections. Dammit, Quintet, you had something great going there, so why did you take it away?!

Game #382

Mixing Demon's Crest and Populous, this game is a technical and artistic landmark, absolutely recommended, a bit rough on learning the ropes, but after that the game flows like water on a riverbed.

Who knew smashing together sidescrolling action and town building could work so well?

ActRaiser is SUPER fun. I always had this game in the back of my mind thanks to the theme of Fillmore, one of my favorite Yuzo Koshiro compositions. After playing through every Castlevania game, I was still hungry for more sidescrollers, and that's when it resurfaced in my sea of interests.
(Speaking of Castlevania: God's damage sfx sounds oddly similar to Simon's lmao)

You play as God, alternating between cutting through demons in sidescrolling stages, then listening to the pleas from the people you've just saved in a simulation mode. Helping them with their problems and defending them from overworld demons increases your health and MP for an easier time with the sidescrolling portion of the game, not to mention new spells.

Full transparency, I was initially skeptical about this setup. "Won't the whole simulation thing take a big shit in the game's pacing? You'll be all fired up from killing demons, then you have to stop to help some farmers grow wheat?"
But the simulation mode isn't very complicated at all. You don't need to carefully manage a ton of different resources, the requests from your followers are easy to accomplish, and while you wait for them to build houses/farms and move around, you get to defend them from overworld enemies that want to kidnap them/destroy their buildings/destroy YOU(seriously, fuck that giant skull), so you don't just sit there staring at the screen.

It looks good for an early SNES title, showcasing some of that hot scaling and rotation, and the music needs no comment from me; it's Yuzo Koshiro goddammit, of course it's perfect. It's only a shame that Fillmore, the theme that drew my attention to ActRaiser in the first place, only plays ONCE in the entire game. Shaving off half a star from the rating for that crime alone.

The other half is from the controls. It's not a difficult game, but sometimes you'll be missing jumps or running into enemies because you can't control yourself in mid air all that well. Flying enemies were a constant source of frustration.

All in all, I really enjoyed my time here. Sadly, I hear that the sequel removed the simulation mode and is 100% sidescrolling action, which I do love, but I became enamored with taking care of these little 4 pixel long scrimblos. Maybe I'll check ActRaiser 2 out some other time, but for now, I'm jumping over to Renaissance.

This game kind of reminds me of myself... Just a master manipulator in its craft... Controlling those around me into doing my bidding... Getting what i want through brainwashing and false prophetization.... Heheheheheh.....😈

“People are so silly, they always think their way is right. They cause the fire, and then beg you to help them extinguish it. But that’s the one trait I so much adore. What do you think?”

Me as I send an earthquake to destroy all the weaker houses so that the villagers can build nicer ones to increase the population and thereby my hit points: haha yeah dude fr fr

"Music has mysterious power.
By listening people can calm their hearts and purify their minds."

It's such a sweet little tale of the transition between the first and second stage of humanity.
First, the genesis - God created everything and God is everything, we must depend on Him, and all is how it is because He said so. Certainly a step up from living merely to sate one's carnal desires as a beast that knows nothing but pleasure felt in the moment. It gives humans the ability to think on a higher level, utilizing the materials found within reality to further the quality of life, thereby prospering. And yet - this cognitive thinking, it still feels lacking. As if humans have still not reached their full potential.
Second, the modernity - God is Dead. He is left behind as quickly as He arrives, as human progress is ever the speed of lightning. People stand on their own two feet instead of depending on a transcendental being.
And that's for the better.
Humanity is so much more beautiful without needing help from God.
It's a message that reverberates even through Quintet's very first work:
"Life for yourself. Always pursue progress. Chase after your dreams. Don't let God dictate your life."

This game brought me such joy in the early '90s -- from that kickin' soundtrack to the never boring RTS elements, to the final big side-scrolling boss. It was a game that seemed to scratch many itches at once, and one that never failed to delight me. Still largely holds up for me, although I now find the RTS sections the most enjoyable.

what a game!!! i love controlling a funny little angel and burning down houses for no reason because im god.

Belíssimo jogo. Tanto a parte de ação quanto a de gerenciamento funcionam muito bem e são extremamente simples de entender e de jogar. Os gráficos são ótimos, principalmente considerando que é praticamente um jogo de lançamento do Super Famicom, visto que saiu cerca de 1 mês após o console no Japão. A trilha sonora composta pelo mestre Yuzo Koshiro é a cereja do bolo.

This game was extremely cool and badass for me as a kid. I did however have horrible experiences and memories of it because I just sucked at it. But it honestly holds up.

A defining game from my childhood. I've yet to play another game that combines God game/city management with a 2d action platformer. There need to be more of them.

Apparently I'm on a Quintet roll instead of on a Soul Blazer trilogy roll... I had this on the SNES in college, but couldn't make it very far, because the action sequences are unforgivably clumsy.

There is a desire to excuse how bad they are by saying, "Well, it was 1990", but in 1990 we had good platformers. There's no excuse for how messy they are, because they aren't doing anything new. It's disheartening, because the rest of the game is daring.

The sim segments are fun and creative, attempting to do a light Populous thing, telling its story through the work you do for people, but without giving you the option of being a huge jerk. The only stories actually being told here are told by your worshippers, and they do feel like proto-Quintet narratives. Lost faith, the stress of being a person in a civilization, and the growth from one dying age of humanity to the next thriving age of humanity (a nice touch: Every area has a Stonehenge looking thing you enter to fight, and when you beat the monsters it becomes a Grecian/Roman looking structure).

I liberally used the rewind button on this one, and the last boss rush was a real piece of shit move, but hey. This game was a big deal in 1990, and while I didn't understand it then, at least it impacted enough people to get Quintet on the path they ended up on. I can't be mad about that.

Extremely forward-thinking synthesis of two seemingly disparate genres. The gears only truly grind against one another when you need to farm population size for more HP. Combined with an early but considered Quintet protonarrative about stewardship of humanity and the planet, ActRaiser has a wealth of ideas but never over-iterates them. Criticisms of its simplicity seem off base; what more does this game truly need? I do wish the action segments were less clunky but they made this shit in 1990, we can't get too crazy here.

I'm so in love with the presentation of this game. I haven't played long enough to where the action stages get more interesting but the overworld sections got really involved in a fun way.