Reviews from

in the past

Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX was good! No, really, this was a solid remake of the original Miracle World, which I played earlier this year and HATED.

Alex still dies in one hit, but he feels so much better to control and you have the added option of being able to play with infinite lives, tweaked hitboxes (so Alex can have an easier time hitting targets) and even more control refinement if you wanted.

The level design is relatively unchanged (YMMV on how you feel on that) but considering Alex was largely improved with how he felt I didn't mind too much. The new levels were great and they naturally slid right inbetween the original levels. Visuals were great, music was very nice, overall, this was a very loving remake that was made by folks that really loved the original.

Miracle World DX is one of those remakes that sticks to being faithful to the original, but the additional QoL improvements make it a short, yet worthwhile playthrough. This was the best possible outcome for this ancient IP that I don't see SEGA doing much else with in the future.

Whatever charm this game has--and it does have some--is slowly chipped away at by very simplistic level design, poor platforming, and some frustrating difficulty spikes near the end. Although the DX version has some beautiful graphics, allowing too for hot swapping with something more akin to the original style, it feels as though a lot of time and care went into restoring a game that may not have deserved the effort.

Um remake 1-1 do jogo de 1986, mas com animações maravilhosas e alguns bugs, um jogo família e fácil pra curtir rapidinho, um remake mto bonito q mantém a identidade do jogo original, e infelizmente mantém alguns dos seus defeitos tbm, e acaba por ser um jogo mto simplório.

Nota: 6/10 (★★★) - Legal