Reviews from

in the past

Зародила целую франшизу, но выше 7 поставить не смогу, ибо в нее играть никогда не было настолько же весело как в другие игры серии, а контента здесь было всегда поменьше. Зато есть какой то лор

Fuck those piggies on level 27 World 1

definitely a classic of mobile gaming, probably the first smartphone game i ever played, but why are there so many versions of this damn game when i look up angry birds and yet the original one has just vanished from existence 😭

playing this at only 4-5 years old back in 2010 was my first ever gaming expecience

Crush the Castle was better.

Remember when mobile games used to be good? When they used to be actually fun? Angry Birds is the standard of that and we really should have more mobile games that share it's quality.

If you don’t want to play the awful version being sold right now, you have to get malware on your computer trying to pirate the original through four giant download now buttons. It’s the only way, sorry, I don’t make the rules, red creature bird does

An Insta-Classic and my favorite mobile game.

basic game
first are second world are kinda memorable BC they are showing mechanics off
a lot of world are forgottable BC of not to interesting level design in later worlds.
some good worlds are electric bomb world, gold egg and that trence and hall only world.
this game also have very good music and sound effetcs


a versão CLÁSSICA desse jogo é incrível e por mais que seja bem simples a temática e a mecânica, o jogo é tão divertido que você passa um bom tempo e nem vê

Amava esse jogo quando muleke, lembro de colecionar revistas da recreio(muito boa por sinal) para receber o Angry Bird de recompensa