Reviews from

in the past

Rare footage of the limbless birds of Bird Island rebelling against their tyrannical dictatorship via suicide bombing (2009, colourised)

“Those are some Angry Birds”

A great classic mobile game.

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Зародила целую франшизу, но выше 7 поставить не смогу, ибо в нее играть никогда не было настолько же весело как в другие игры серии, а контента здесь было всегда поменьше. Зато есть какой то лор

They are angry, because the pigs took their eggs!

I think these were war crimes

Memories of begging my mom to take 10 minutes to load up her laptop so I could play this are fond memories of my childhood.

Pretty good. My mum's favorite game.

right before they took this off the app store it was actually unplayable due to all the money traps and powerups and shit lmao

my introduction to mobile gaming! x3

Was the original Angry Birds so it was fun, however it did get a bit repetitive. Also the company behind it is reselling it for money so that is kind of greedy of them.

among us for people who now pay taxes

lore complexa historia cativante e personagens inesqueciveis

Faut être un gosse de 8 ans qui me bave dessus pour aimer ce jeu imi

Beat the cowboy level, back then that was the end of the game. Me does not consider hyper inflation bird cannon

And we’re launching
And we’re crashin
Lets hit the pigs till they all go pop
We’re the best birds
But we angry
If you take our eggs
We never gonna stop

Probably the pinnacle of iOS gaming. Still great for wasting time at my office job. For $2 just buy classic, you won't regret it.