Reviews from

in the past

i think the story/characters/sidemissions can be pretty hit or miss but god damn was everythign else really fun. combat was snappy as hell, music was great and all the bombastic presentation was a really fun ride. did not try to s+ all the cases bc i value my health.

I mean,
It's a platinum games game,
So it's alright, just forgettable

Great Hack'n Slash from Platinum, maybe the plot isn't the most memorable one, but still good to this day

cop shit aside this is my fav switch game

The game is a little too easy overall, and hard mode is too hard. That and the slightly boring story are the only complaints I have. The game looks and runs amazing.

- Un jeu platinum games avec du gameplay à la platinum.
C'est bien pensé, si on rentre dedans et qu'on s'implique, on peut vraiment apprendre à maîtriser le système & maximiser ces dégats car il y a pas mal de complexité.
- Il faut jouer ce jeu "en une fois" (sans longue pause), sinon on oublie tous ce qu'il y a à retenir et le jeu n'est pas simple à maitriser
- Les missions doivent se faire en une session et dure de 1 à 2 heures.
- Personnellement, les mécaniques platinum sont trop exigeante pour moi.
Il y a de nombreuses choses à apprendre et qu'on doit restituer rapidement durant le rythme infernal de l'action.
- Je n'accroche pas à l'univers Cyberpunk ultra brouillant
Plaisir de jouer : 6/10

Магнум опус от Platinum Games.
И не только потому что игра хорошая, а в том что она впитало в себя почти всё что студия делала за всё время своего существования. Плюс к этому свои уникальные идеи и уникальная боёвка.

More than anything else I really love the unconvential ways your player character accomplishes actions. Having to actually move the legion around an enemy to wrap them instead of just pressing a "wrap" button makes the game quite refreshing! I also really appreciate the implementation of this movement into puzzles and platforming.

I found the characters/story mostly boring and I did have enough of the combat by the end of the game, not that I think it ever overstayed its welcome either!

a super interesting action game that requires you to play in lots of weird ways. there's quite an emphasis on story, though it feels kind of half-baked with lots of weird choices that don't really work great. the gameplay is unique and fun, but nothing beats the tried and true mechanics of more iconic titles like bayo and dmc.

I know not a lot of people hyped up this game, but I absolutely loved it. The story isn’t revolutionary, but it’s fun, and keeps you moving through stunning locales as you become immersed in the world Platinum created. The combat is really innovative and creates a unique fighting experience you will be hard pressed to find elsewhere. The sections where you explore and investigate offer a nice change of pace from the action, but don’t stay around so long as to take away from the flow of it all. The music is well done as with pretty much all Platinum games and more than anything I just really appreciate the way the game looks. Super underrated game.

honestly kind of forgettable for me but was cool in some ways

GooeyScale: 65/100